
The shinobi world and the White man!

In a dark room that was barely lit sat a boy with his legs crossed and a deep scowl on his face. Sitting in front of him was an old man with long white hair and a malnourished body.

"I am right to assume you know nothing of this world. Apart from your knowledge of basic Taijutsu and your genius intellect you know next to nothing of the history of a shinobi nor the geography and the bloodlines of this whole land" the wrinkled old man spoke.

"That is right I was never given the time to read or know about any of these things since we were always moving from town to town. If not for me unlocking my chakra at a young age I doubt it would have been taught taijutsu and various chakra controlled exercises with a few E ranked ninjutsu." the little lad spoke in a serious tone

There was a brief silence which was beginning to stretch for long until the white-haired man spoke again "I expected as much boy it seems the Grandaughter of Hashirama truly hated her own kids. What would Hashirama say about her"

In an instant, the whole room was filled with killing intent and Obito standing in a corner stiffened getting ready to attack but the intent died down as quickly as it came. Ragged breathing could be heard from the boy. "Don't remind me of her never remind me if her. At least for now just thinking about her makes my blood boil"

Clap clap clap! The wrinkled old man started clapping as if impressed " Impressive truly impressive for an 8-year-old to be able to control himself and not rip the certain person apart. Your will and resolve are quite strong boy"

"I am no boy old man I am a devil spawn. I am a monster and I would like to keep it that way" Kai spoke in a cold voice

"Very well boy be as that may you will still need to know knowledge of this land, yourself and then will we start to train you," he said taping on his chair with his skinny fingers

"Let us start with how the shinobi came to be. Before the world of shinobi people had no idea what chakra was nor did they know any ninjutsu no humans were fragile creatures and war had plagued them for centuries. Then they came beings who travelled dimensions in search for the God tree to eat its chakra fruit. The Ōtsutsuki clan and its leader the mother of Chakra Kaguya Ōtsutsuki."

Then the Madara started explaining to me how chakra came to be from the Ōtsutsuki and how Kaguya became the Jinchūriki followed by her two sons defeating her and sealing the body of ten-tails on the moon and Hagoromo Ōtsutsuki spreading chakra to humans and the originator of ninshū now known as ninjutsu.

For someone like Kai, every word he said would have spelt impossible in his dictionary since he was from a world where everything he said was simply impossible. Things like chakra were already hard to swallow and all these God tree different dimensions were a complete headache to him.

This got him thinking tho if there are different dimension would there be a dimension where his old world was. If so then he could certainly kill his first mother and would do so happily over and over. "Fuck me why is my personality so cold and where do I get these urge to rip apart everything. Something changed me after her death" Kai muttered clenching his fist hard

"Something wrong boy" Madara sensing the boy clenching his fists and lost in a thought asked slowly. "No, continue everything was just too much for me to take in"

"I'm surprised you could take that all in for an 8-year-old boy. Makes me wonder if you really are 8 or someone's reincarnation or perhaps you are just too smart for your own good. Either way, it's a good thing with what you'll end up doing in the future."

Continuing on the Man started to explain the beginning of Senju and Uchiha clan following the centuries-old feud that sparked his battle with Hashirama the first Hokage and the Three great ninja wars that followed. Finally then curse of Uchiha.

"Do you know why I mentioned the curse of Uchiha, lad?" asking to which Kai raised a single eyebrow in question. "Isn't it part of your story just to let me know about the ninjas so I would no everything"

"Be that as it may but no not entirely. Boy have you seen your eyes yet" bringing out a mirror he showed Kai his face. Shocking would be an understatement no this was simply beyond shock. This was the first time he had seen his face ever since she died.

The face of his had changed considerably there was a had a bone type material on his left cheek that looked identical to his cheek and jaw as it covered them as if forming a layer of protection. The bone type mask was more defined but even with it having sharp teeth similar to his left side teeth it didn't look menacing. He also had a tattoo of a menacing mask with horns on his forehead right in the middle. Similar to his mother.

His eyes had changed a lot his eyes were red violet and had rings inside them. His irides contained a white, floral pattern. While the front six petals of its tip contained 6 tomoe each on one. Wait tomoe something finally clicked in and he looked up and stared right into the old man's single eye.

"You've finally noticed it. Yes, you have tomoe like me and Obito that means you are somewhat connected to Uchihas as your eyes have the same chakra as yourself. They don't seem to have been planted by someone. Which brings me to the Uchiha curse of hatred. Your eyes are much more than Uchihas eyes and I don't know if your hate is stronger than Uchihas since they would never have manifested otherwise. Your eyes are new to me and this world"

"That's not all tho you see your eyes have rings inside them and those eyes are the evolution of a Sharingan its final form which the sage if six paths himself had. But yours is still different in the colour I've never seen and that floral pattern in your irides I have never seen but heard only rumors about. The final form of a Bakugan was known as Tenseigan but the collar you have is again different. Frankly, I have no idea what powers you'll possess with those eyes. Perhaps you have the abilities of all three dojustsu or perhaps you'll manifest new abilities. All of that has yet to be seen. But only you can answer that when you awaken your eyes only the user knows what abilities he has"

Byukugan, Rinnegan and tenseigan it was all too much to take in for Kai but he still processed it. Abilities bloodlines what did that all mean. He was sure eyes were not from his mother completely. If it was she would've had some kind of similar eyes. Then perhaps his father? But who was his father his mother had never told him nor did her ever bother. Raping women while drunk was not someone he looked highly forward to every meeting. Unless it was killing him or breaking his damn bones.

"Look into yourself boy and you'll know what your eyes can do. It will come naturally to you. Close your eyes and look inside" and Kai did as instructed slowly Madaras' voice faded in the background and as he opened them again. The darkness that was all he could describe it as. It was as if he was standing on nothing but dark black clouds.

"Took your time didn't you king?" a distorted voice spoke behind Kai as he turned around. There he stood or more precisely there be himself stood a white version of him. His whole body was completely white as if someone had bleached him but it was him his face his body his hair and that massive hole in his chest. The only thing that was different was his eyes.

While Kai himself had some weird eye that he began calling it Rinne-Tenseigan the white version of him had the same design but instead of red violet colour his Sclera was pitch black while his pupil like his white colour was instead yellow.

"Surprised king that it's yourself standing in front of you or maybe you already expected meeting me when you heard my voice that day. I'll take the lack of emotions as the second option" he spoke in a distorted voice

"Who are you no what are you and how did you get inside whatever this place is" Kai spoke calmly his tone still cold as ever which he was getting used to by now.

"Ah, king king king you wound me with those words. I'm you but perhaps that's a bit vague. I'm your manifestation of all the darkness all the evil all the hatred. Simply put I'm you when you embrace the dark side. I came to life when your heart was destroyed. From that day I was able to reach your ears and you finally accepted your role as the God of death. I believe shinigami is what they call it" he said nonchalantly

"My darkness my hate manifested to form you. Simply ludicrous I would say but seeing is believing I guess and I've already heard a bunch of things I never thought were possible."

"You must be talking about the other world huh king. Even I would find it hard to accept these things"

The silence that was all that described the atmosphere. Kai simply couldn't believe how he would know about that world how could he know anything since he was sure something like him had never existed on that world.

As if figuring out what his king was thinking he replied "No need to be surprised king. I have always been with you it may be true that I was but a baby back then but all your hate and darkness have memories of their own. you forget I am you and you are me. Everything I know you know and everything you known know."

"Very well I am too tired to even bother going in depth about it today but I was supposed to find out what my eyes could do and this certainly isn't the right place I guess."

"No king this ain't the right place but or you to know about your eyes and me it's simply by being acknowledged by me king the way to do that is simple. Fight me!" saying that suddenly he had a sword appeared out of thin air the same identical sword that I had reached out to when I first heard his voice.

The blade takes the form of a Khyber knife variation; the smaller black blade comprises the inner part of the sword and has the handle fixed to it, while the base of the sword is slanted and the blade continues with a section jutting out from the underside as a guard, with a chain attached to it that loops over the top and attaches right before the point of the blade the difference was the sword he held was complete white compared to the sword Kai held which was black from the outer region and white from the middle region

Almost instantly hundreds of swords of different shape and sizes appeared standing vertically on the floor which was still pitch black.

"King the only way to know about your eyes and the sword that you'll wield should you prove yourself worthy of it is to defeat me with the swords around you. One of these is your true sword while the others would simply break upon touching my sword. Let the games begin king and don't disappoint me" distorted laughter as what followed as he rushed with the impeccable speed at Kai

Motherfucker this bastard wants to kill me while playing games! Kai cursed in his head and barely blocked the attack that the white him came at using a sword that he picked up next to him

*Clang* was heard for a brief moment before a silent crack was heard followed by the sword Kai held breaking with a clean sweep in half making him sidestep to dodge the incoming sword while backflipping twice towards the next sword

"Must we do this white me? You can simply tell me and I'll be on the way I need power and I need it fast I have to reason to play childish games that you so happen to dance." kai sneered

"Impatient one aren't ya king. So hungry for power so thirsty for it. You'd even kill for it if need be and hundreds would probably succumb to it. I can see it in your eyes. But the only way to do it is to defeat me, king. The faster you do it the faster you can get this over with tho let me warn ya every minute you wait more of your chakra will be drained until you cannot lift a single finger."

Fuck this guy. Playing these games very well if you so desire let me accompany you and wreck you. Picking up another sword and unleashing his charka and the first gate giving him a four times boost in his strength he went forward again with a smirk on his face which for some reason the white him returned

Suddenly a similar black and white aura that Kai excluded when he opened his first gate could now be seen on his white self with a hint of red in it.

"Surprised aren't ya king. You keep on forgetting I'm you. Any abilities you have I have them as well. You are fighting yourself but I'm the better version of course" he smirked even more rushing head on towards Kai

Again the same situation happened and his sword got broken. The third time the fourth time and so on. There was no end go it. Kai had tried everything and every type of the sword but all of them just broke at this rate he only had energy and charka for a single attack. No one knew how long they had gone at it and the world around being completely black was really not helpful at all.

I've tried everything and I've still got some many swords left which one is it which one is the real Sword. Damn it at this rate I'm fucking done. What have I not tried what have I not?...and then something clicked in Kais mind his face changing from distraught back to his emotionless face picking up a long sword which was quite heavy he got ready for the next attack

His white self noticing his expression said "Finally giving up are ya, king? Shame this would be your last attack and I'll swallow you taking over the body while you can relax in this place observing everything" with that he brought his sword vertical straight towards his Kais chest and surprisingly Kai didn't even bother blocking as the sword went right through coming out from his backside. There was no change in emotion and his original self only smirked.

"Surprised aren't you? Seeming as if you are not shocked to the core is because you might have expected this." Kai said calmly

"How'd you know king? That this was what you had to do. I never told you anything and I also mislead you so how did you know" white Kai spoke a little frustrated but you could sense some sort of relief he showed through his eyed

"It was true you mislead me but perhaps that was part of your plan to take over my body or perhaps that was what the trial was supposed to be. At first, when I heard you tell me that by only fighting me would tell me my powers which frustrated me to no end and then giving me a time limit further caused a panic in me. You knew how smart I truly am so you took advantage of it. It made me overlook an obvious thing."

"The sword you held is the exact same sword I held when you gave me the power. You told me one of these swords would truly be mind but you never specified. So that included your sword as well. Just cause the colour has changed does not mean I don't recognise my own sword that I held that day."

Finally saying his piece in an instant their bodies were swapped. Kai was no holding the handle of the sword that had pierced through his white self and the sword changed colour to what it first looked like

"Well done king well fucking Done. It seems even if we think alike you seem to be the smarter one. Guess your darkness clouds your judgement. It seems you also learned that attaining power has no shortcuts take it one step at a time king one step at a time. You vowed to take revenge against her and the village so why rush in there instead be their friend be close to them know them and finally, strike them" white Kai said.

Kai nodded to this. Of course, he understood what he said. There were no shortcuts to power even if he had this mutated eyes he had to take one step at a time there were always stronger people than him like Obito who was terrifying and Madara even if he looked as if he'd die anytime he was strong very strong.

"So what now you gonna explain to me about my eyes and my sword. What ability even is that"

"Patients king I only know what you know king. Your eyes are special king very very special never forget that as for abilities like that old man said to you. Evolved form of Bakugan and sharingan is what runs in your blood. But yours is different from the rest. You have most of the abilities of either eye but again you can't use most of them right now. Unlike others who's can use abilities when their eyes manifest you can only use most of the abilities as you grow."

"Your body changed when you died so your eyes can only be as strong as your body. There is no way to completely unlock your potential only with time and growth will all of it be unlocked. For now, you may not have noticed but you can see 360 if you provide charka to your eyes. You can see things far away up to 70 meters and they'll grow to stretch far as your body grows. You can see chakra and everything else a normal Bakugan can do. As for the Sharingan, it will grant you absolute of perception enabling to see even fast-paced things with absolute clarity. You can also copy any jutsu you see but the prerequisite is you have to see the hand signs with your own eyes otherwise its impossible."

"The sharingan is a weapon of genjutsu where it excels the best. The stronger you are the more powerful genjutsu you can perform. Remember your body determines your strength. The more you train your sharingan the stronger it will become well the basic abilities will until you unlock the next abilities when your body grows. Think of it as levels from your previous world. A level 1 can't use abilities that require you to be at least level 25 and after unlocking the said ability you'll have to train it to mastery to make it stronger."

"Finally it brings me to rinnegan and tenseigan. You have the ability to control attractive and repulsive forces but as you are now it will be really weak perhaps only small stones nothing really big. All the other abilities for tenseigan are not what your body can handle right now. Don't even think about using them you'll know when the time is right to use them. Once you grow. Your rinnegan has six paths. Seven to be exact but you can't use the outer path in a child's body right now. For now only Devas path and petra path for chakra absorption. Which I doubt you'll need since we have immense chakra."

"Fuck me there is too much to remember and what about the sword. Tf that's happening to you now" Kai said as he saw his shite self slowly becoming one with the sword he was holding

"It seems, for now, my time is up since you accomplished your objective. King the power you wield is too great for a single person remember to tread with caution. The tattoo on your head is where my power and your sword comes from king. That is a seal unleash it and you'll be able to use tenseigan chakra mode enhancing your abilities by miles for 5 mins barely with your 8-year-old self. The time will increase as you grow older. The cost of it tho after it wears off you'll have no chakra to spend and your body won't be able to move for at least a good few hours. Remember the swords name well my king. It's called Darkheart."

With that, he faded away and everything changed back bringing Kai back to reality. Looking around he saw Madara still there looking at him and Obito standing in the same corner confusing him as he was sure he spent hours fighting inside if not days. It seemed the world outside has a different time flow from the world inside.

"It seems you've found your answers boy and what is that massive sword that in your lap" Madara pointed as Kai looked down.

His massive sword had appeared on his lap from thin air. Touching it gently on its thick base he said "This is Darkheart my blade. No need to ask more its one of my abilities" shutting down further questions.

"Very well so what have you learned boy. Tell me so I can see what you need to be trained in" to which kai recounted what his eyes could do of course not bringing up his own White self which he wouldn't tell them since he really didn't trust them. He knew they'll have plans for him perhaps even steal his eyes but for now if they wanted to use me and I'll simply use them to get stronger killing them later on.

"Interesting boy to think such eyes existed this is simply unheard off even if the limitations are taxing only by growing will your eyes grow with you is certainly good for you" Kai didn't miss the slight evil glint in his eyes which he suppressed quickly.

"Unfortunately I am too old and my time is up otherwise I'd train you myself." Saying that he detached himself from the tree that was connected to him. Kai could see him becoming weak and used chakra in his eyes using his Byakugan to see that the tree was what sustained Madara with him being detached from it meant he would die soon

"Obito my time has come and you should know the plan. Take this boy with you and train him so him what a true ninja life is like. I leave the rest to you" saying his peace of mind he died on that chair.

"So he died just like that eh?" kai questioned "Yea just like that but its all part of the plan you'll know when you have sufficient strength, for now, let us go" donning on his signature mask he waited for me to come next to him

"Where to?" I asked simply curious where the person would train me. "To Kiri, the village of bloody mist" was all he said as we both distorted and vanished into thin air.

Damn another long chapter had so much to explain without making it look like it was excessive. Hope it's good enough to read. Next chapter We’ll see Drogo in Kiri and after that, it's hopefully the Boruto timeline assuming the Kiri adventure doesn't take a massive amount of detail and all.

Like always reviews would be helpful and your criticism would be appreciated.

Like I had said Drogo won't be too OP he has his own limitations

Darkjokescreators' thoughts
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