
The first Meeting!

As the Sun started to rise a new day had begun. Drogo who seemed to have awoken checked the time to be 5 am.

"Sakura said the academy starts at 7 so I have two hours. Better start getting fresh and Train in my inner world." Getting up he slowly walked towards the toilet to freshen up making sure not to wake others.

After getting ready and wearing his clothes, picking up his sword he started heading towards the backyard of the house.

The backyard was pretty massive. You could see targets to practice your shuriken and a few wooden dummies to train your taijutsu

"Well, they could come in handy. It's been a while since I've practised Taijustu and my throws. Doubt they'll be bad since I took care of those bandits" Sitting down cross-legged and the large sword on his lap he entered his inner world

"Yo king it's been a while" white said nonchalantly leaning against my original version of the sword his being completely white.

"Let's get started white. I need to stretch my legs even if I can't to my real ones. The training in here still counts if I improve on my kenjutsu" picking up his sword and rushing towards white as their blades connected *Clank*

"Well someone's in a rush but I guess you really are itching for a fight after years of isolation" that said we both engaged into a long training session as hours passed by while only a single hour passed in the real world.

Around 6 Drogo heard a small sound of the backyard door opening. He had to pull himself out of his meditation as be opened his eyes.

Standing in front of him was the Owner of the house. Staring curiously at what he was doing.

"Is there something I can help you with Sakura-san?" he asked respectfully knowing full well not to mess with this woman for now

The women looked as if she was contemplating something before opening her mouth. "Yesterday I saw you block Sarada's chakra induced punch like it was nothing. The punch is able to leave small craters when she used it, so the only way to stop a punch like that is to equally use chakra induced body parts. They have to be abnormally strong as well. I guess what I'm trying to ask you who taught you this?"

'Ah, so she wary of me. As far as she knows this technique is only taught by Tsunade and you'll need to have you an abnormal strength and perfect control of your chakra to pull off what I did.' he thought to himself

"You could say I was taught by a friend on the road and the fifth hokage is not the only one who can teach something like this" leaving no room for discussion and further puzzling her about the mystery man who could teach that.

"Boy, I'm only asking you out of concern. A technique like this needs a perfect control and a small mistake can mess your body up badly" she told him

"You do not need to worry about me. I don't see the reason why you care what happened to my body? I've survived like this for years and I intend to do the same for the future. I've picked up medical jutsus along my journey as well so I shall be fine" picking up his sword and getting ready to practice Taijustu on the dummies he was halted by her next word

"Would you like to practice your taijutsu with me. You can use all your strength. It will help improve you since you won't hold back" she asked which to him sounded more like a demand. She probably wanted to gauge my strength and her request wasn't all that bad.

To fight against one of the members of team 7 who had saved this pathetic world. He needed that. She was also the student of Tsunade. He had already located Tsunade's chakra and found Jiraya near her as well. He would face them sooner or later, for now, he needed to know every shinobies strengths and weaknesses.

"Very well but this place is too small for us to fight," he told her to which she simply gestured to follow him

Having both shunshined to a massive open area which had number 10 on it she turned back to look at Drogo.

"This is training ground 10. Normally you'd come here with your sensei when you become a genin but we can use this since I'm a jonin" getting into her fighting stance she told me to come at her.

"Don't go crying if I hit you too hard" making her twitch in anger

All of a sudden the boy had vanished from the spot. Appearing right in front of her giving a punch to her face which she blocked using her hand holding it firmly so he couldn't pull back.

Seeing as his arm had been caught the boy used his other arm to punch the side of her face which was caught again by her other hand.

Quick on his reflexes and not giving her a single chance to fight back he brought his left leg towards her chin making her let go of his hands as he backflipped in air using his leg as a boost to complete the action.

Sakura was surprised, to say the least, the boy was fast very fast if she was being honest. Unlike the Raikage who used lighting release to cover his body for speed, the boy here simply used his raw strength to propel himself forward. This showed his perfect control over his chakra able to infuse any part of his body with the right amount of it to perform variously moves.

If that was all she might have been fine with it but his reflexes were top notch as well. Being able to think in a mere second when he was in a pinch showed he's been in his fair share of life and death battles. Only those refined through that battle could think of ways to react faster than the opponent so they won't be in any disadvantage.

"Not bad kid your speed surprised me but your not the only one who can pull this off" saying that she lunged herself with the same speed if not faster taking a note from his book as she appeared behind him swinging her leg at his torso.

It connected or so she thought as it went right through him. Surprised she noticed the figure started to faze and get blurry.

"Who said I can only go that fast. I'm fast enough to leave behind an afterimage" a voice from behind said as he lunged his own leg at her stomach like a spartan kick

Thinking quick Sakura quickly sidestepped before grabbing his leg from his ankle and hurling him across the field. The boy went flying as his eyes widened

"Damn just a simple throw from her sends me flying. She's not even using her full strength if so I would have probably gone halfway across the village. Is this how strong a Jonin is at its peak? Fuck me I really need to get myself stronger to face the whole ninja nation" Drogo muttered to himself digging his fingers in the ground to slow himself down before halting.

Without even getting the time to breathe the woman was behind him as her first aimed at the right rib.

"CHA!" she shouted her favourite word that her daughter used as well last night.

Fuck! the boy said using his right arm to cover where the fist aimed. The damage was already done as he was again sent flying into a tree hearing a crack on his right arm where the fist connected and the back that smashed into the tree was sure to be red and painful

'Holy fuck! This woman is too strong. Her strength would probably be stronger than Tsunade if not more.' he said

The dust covered the area and the women could be seen walking through it.

Now's my chance! He ran straight towards her using the dust as cover appeared right behind her which she noticed swinging her fist at him only to phase through him as the real one appeared in front of her. The dust had made it hard to know when he made the afterimage and where he would attack from.

"I've got you now! Chaos Fist!" his left punch connected which by some sheer luck she blocked crossing her arms as it sent her flying through the air towards the near forested area breaking multiple trees in the process

Breathing heavily as I had concentrated all my chakra on that punch well enough chakra that I could infuse with my fist as I slumped down on the Ground.

"Damn that took all outta me. Been a while since I was this excited to fight. That punch surely must've broken her bones"

"That was a really good punch, Drogo. Almost reminded me off Tsunade-sensei." a figure said coming out of the forest

Normally hearing that name would cause Drogo to go frenzy but years of being trapped in an isolated place had taught him showing emotions like those were a weakness that he didn't need. He could rage all he wanted when he would enact his plan. The second reason was that he stared at the figure that had come off unharmed. Using his Byakugan he saw tiny cracks at where the punch connected but nothing serious.

'To think my full power punch only hurt her by that much. How much chakra can she gather to defend herself from a punch like mine? This means she can gather way more chakra to protect herself compared to me. Damn it, how strong would the other two monsters be hailed as the strongest shinobi if this is how strong she is.' grinding my teeth I got up

"Your strength is strong. Even a chunin will have a hard to fighting you and perhaps you would be able to go toe to toe with a newly promoted jonin" coming to a halt right in front of him

"Tch I could take you on if I used ninjutsu" hating the notion of losing he couldn't help but saying that out

"I'm sure you would" she did something unexpected. Ruffling my hair as she smiled

*Slap* I slapped away her hand from my head. "Don't touch me casually. I hate it when people touch me" growling at her as he started walking back to her house since it was time for the Academy

What Drogo had said was true he didn't like being touched especially if it was an older woman. He had developed a phobia of such a thing. The last two women who touched him had both killed him.

One chocked him to death while the other ripped a massive hole in his chest. It truly wasn't his fault if he hated being touched. He had only allowed two older women to touch him and that was Mei and Konan. They had both cared for him and he never felt and hatred for them.

As for Sakura he knew she wasn't going to hurt him nor did he fell any malice from her. She did pity him but the fact that the hidden village had caused him nothing but trouble made him be on his guard. He didn't need pity from anyone of this village. Tsunade and Obito had done enough damage.

Sakura sighed and being a medic new that the boy flinched when he was touched. Extreme reactions like these were only caused when something in their life scared the person enough to bring that old memory to life whenever specific actions were done.

"Let's go back to my house. I'll cook breakfast than you and Sarada can go to the academy" she said catching up with him.

Back at her house as they entered they saw Sarada wearing her sandals getting ready to leave.

"Sarada where are you going? I've yet to make you breakfast." Her mother asked

"Mom I promised to meet Chocho and eat breakfast with her today so I gotta go. Bye Drogo" she said with a slight blush still remembering what her mother had said last night. She wasn't sure she liked him per-say but he was pretty good looking

"Tch! Whatever" Drogo replied back ignoring her as he moved on to collect his things from his room. Leaving a slightly downcast Sarada.

"Don't feel sad Sarada. I was ignored by your dad for years before he looked at me. As long as you don't give up and really like the boy he'll be yours one day" Sakura tried to cheer her up.

She remembered how much pain she had to go through for her and Sasuke to finally be married. The memories were filled with pain and happiness.

Nodding her head Sarada left and Sakura went to make breakfast for her and Drogo.

After eating the food silently the boy took his plates to the kitchen and to her surprise thanked her for the food.

Drogo had never eaten homemade cooked food. When he said never he meant it. The last life he had to survive on scraps of food her mother got from restaurants and in this life, it was the same. No one really bothered to cook him food.

"Do you know where the Academy is?" Sakura asked

"Yea it's where the hokage building is. I can sense that Blondies chakra *OUCH* I can sense the Hokage's chakra," mumbled they boy rubbing his now swollen head.

Damn women wait till I become stronger than you. I'll best you black and blue. Drogo said to himself as he left the building heading towards the Academy.

On his way, he passed through something interesting that he had to stop to look at.

Four boys stood there and by their appearance and height, they looked like academy students.

They seemed to be having a fight as the fat boy wearing white clothes was throwing fire from his mouth which the blond kid dodged as a massive earth wall appeared where he was propelling him upwards courtesy of another kid who looked to be taller than most of the kids. He also wore a red hat and seemed to be carrying a wooden staff also called Jo. The blond boy jumped down punching the fat kid who was spewing fire. The third in the team was a boy with a ponytail and judging by how he was bored with everything Drogo assumed be might be from Nara clan famous for having an aura that excluded tiredness for physical tasks.

The fat boy then spewed fire on the ground raising smoke and dust taking his chance and running away. While the other three chased after him.

One thing that Drogo noticed was the dark aura around the white kid. His eyes could always see malice very clearly. He knew the kid was probably plagued by this aura either it was his own or someone else. But that wasn't his problem so he didn't really care enough.

No, what interested him were the kids. Especially the blond kid who's hair resembled that of a leaf. His chakra felt familiar and different. It was connected to the Hokage and different as there was some other power inside him. An interesting and strong power.

"This boy he seems interesting. I'm sure I can't control him with my blood arts. His bloodline is very strong and this power inside him. He surely has some ability or perhaps a Dojutsu. The Hokage's son, I'll see if you can really live up to the hokage legacy. Wonder if killing you would be fun or not"

Shaking out of his thoughts Drogo decided to follow them through the rooftops and see how they deal with the fat boy. He had never seen the Academy kids of this generation fight but the peace must've made them weak. It was written all over the place. How happy they were.

So he went and got ahead of them see where the white kid was heading and found himself a pleasant surprise.

Crouching down on the edge of the roof with one leg dangling down he looked at the scene that played.

The fat kid ran into an alley running into another kid. Angered that someone had halted his movements the boy tried to see fire only for the kid that was there go vanish and appear behind him. Wrapping his legs around his which almost looked like snakes as it easily wrapped around the boy's legs and using both arms chocked the boy unconscious.

Fast he's super fast. How interesting, didn't think there was someone like him in the younger generation. One look at him the aura he gives off is completely different from other kids. He's a killer him, to think I still had someone in my age group that might give me the run of the mill. Drogo kept assessing the boy as the trio from before appeared just in time to see the fat kid unconscious.

All of them shocked at the scene and kept staring at the new kid who appeared out of nowhere.

The boy in question had tousled white-blue hair, thin eyebrows, with golden eyes, and a pale complexion. His attire consisted of a loose-fitting two-toned light and dark blue kimono shirt with billowing, overlong sleeves, tied by a thick khaki-grey Ono-stylised belt, and a pair of navy pants. In addition to his outfit, he wore black long fingerless gloves and black calf-length shinobi sandals.

"Who are you?" the blond kid with a leaf hairstyle asked and judging from the other two's faces they wanted to ask that as well.

Just then another shinobi came in the alley. Judging from his appearance he seemed to be a teacher for the academy since the trio called him as such.

"Shino-sensei, what are you doing here and who is that person" they pointed at the kid standing over at the unconscious boy.

"Naruto, Isabe and Shikadai this is one of the kids that'll be joining our academy soon you guys head back I need to find the other new kid." the person named Shino said.

"Perhaps is the other person you're looking for him" the boy with pale complexion pointed at me. Which surprised Drogo he was sure he had hidden his chakra so being able to sense him meant he was an exception sensor.

On the other hand, the sensei was shocked for a completely opposite reason. There was someone up there all this time and I couldn't even sense him. The boy must really be good at hiding his presence.

The man and the trio all looked up to see a kid similar to their age. Grinning at the pale skinned boy with his one leg cross-legged as he rested his arm straight up supporting his chin. While the other leg dangled down. He didn't even bother to look at the man and the trio. His eyes were completely focused on a pale skinned guy and similar to him the pale-skinned was staring at him.

*Cough* the man coughed and ordered the trio to run along towards the Academy where he would meet them and so they left.

"You're pretty interesting." Drogo finally decided to speak up to the other kid.

"You likewise. I didn't even notice you were there until I really focused on my surrounding," he said with a smile on.

"I had never imagined that someone my age would be able to sniff me out. Looks like this academy won't be a complete waste of time" jumping down from the ledge he approached him.

"Names Drogo" as I extended my left arm which I took out from my pocket. While he extended his own hand. "Mitsuki from the sound village"

"Ah, so you're from a village and sound at that. Never heard of it" for a moment Mitsuki looked surprised thinking the Boy would have some kind of hate towards sound but then he mentioned never hearing about it leaving him wanting to sweatdrop. Even if you didn't hate sound you would have heard about it since it was very famous a few years ago.

"Ah, you face says how can I not know of the Sound village. I've lived most of my life in the mountains and I'm an orphan. So not really up to date with my villages you see" to which Mitsuki nodded

"I see you two have met so let's get going. I've sent a message to the authorities and they'll deal with this unconscious kid," ordering us to follow which we did. Placing my hands in my pocket I leisurely kept up with the sensei's speed which he was shocked to find again. Even Mitsuki seemed to be able to easily keep up with him.

Finally arriving at the academy which for some reason under construction so the teacher took us to a small grassy place outside the main building where a whiteboard and multiple kids were already sitting.

Shino told us to stand next to him and what I assumed would be an introduction followed.

What a troublesome thing to do. Introductions are for making friends. Most of these losers won't even become ninjas while the other half would be weak. Saying that to himself as Shino started introducing us to the rest of the class.

"Let me introduce you to the new kids joining us from now on. Why don't you introduce yourself" he said pointing at us

"Aren't they from earlier?" Boruto questioned

"What a show-off" muttered the tall kid called Isabe while the others kept staring at the duo

Intrigued by their new mates.

"My name is Mitsuki and I'm from the hidden sound village." He came forward and bowed

Causing everyone to be surprised since they never heard of the hidden sound village before.

Shino looking at their confused faces decided to explain" It's natural that you don't know about the hidden sound village. It was established by a shinobi who shinobi who sought to destroy the hidden leaf village" gaining Gasps from the kids.

"However that was in the past. It's now gone to establish as a new village. Mitsuki here has come to our village to represent the harmonious new relationship that we have" going further to let the kids know that there was no danger.

"Boruto do you know him?" asked a kid wearing glasses behind Boruto to which he replied "Yea, we met sort of in an alley"

Isabe went on to explain it to a kid wearing all green and a bowl type cut. "A boy was causing damage and he stopped him easily."

"That must mean he must be really skilled? Wonder what kind of jutsu he uses?" the bowl cut boy asked the Nara kid

"I dunno we never got to see but I'm more interested in the boy next to him" the Nara kid looked over at Drogo drawing everyone's attention on him as well.

"He was there from the start and probably saw everything Mitsuki did but the fact that Boruto, me and Isabe couldn't sense him and even Shino-sensei didn't know he was right there. He gives me the creeps. A person able to hid his chakra really well should be well trained. Wonder what village is he from?"

Shikadai gave his conclusion on Drogo

"Psst! Hey, Sarada ain't he the one you were talking about? He's so cute. I'm gonna make him my man!" a chubby girl next to Sarada said elbowing her. She was dark skinned and had brown eyes.

"Wonder what his body is like under his clothes. He gives off the bad boy aura. Look at his eyes they seem different. His jawline seems perfect coupled with that blond hair and that jawbone mask. Is that thing even tea?. Sarada I can't believe you live with him. It's not fair he should live with me" muttered a blond hair girl who had black eyes and a slightly perverted expression on her face which she only showed for things she extremely liked.

"Blondie stop making such a perverted expression. I swear you had to get that off your dad. He won't like it if he sees you like this" The dark skin chided her

"Both of you calm down not like he'll be interested in any of you. I don't think he likes people that much" Sarada muttered

It was time for Drogo to introduce himself judging by how Shino was eyeing him.

Coming forward while taking one hand out from his pocket and rubbing the back of his head. "Names Drogo and I'm an orphan. I'm not here to make friends with you weaklings as half of you won't even become a ninja and I'm not interested in interacting with people. Oh, yea I'm an Uchiha. Was told to clarify that out wherever I go" he spoke in a very distant tone as his pupils glowed brightly

'Ah, there it is the anger that's being developed in everyone.' Drogo mused seeing people become angry at his words. 'It's cute how you can rile them up like that.'

Sweeping his eyes over the new gang he'll be spending his time with as Shino told everyone to calm down.

'Most of them seem weak. There are only a few worthy of fighting in the future. The Nara, that tall Isabe guy, that bowl cut, The leaf head Boruto. That pale skin and blond hair look interesting. I can tell these boys have been trained I can see a few more as well but these will be the top of their generation in the future. As for the girls, Sarada as an Uchiha is definitely strong and when she awakens her sharingan I'll be looking forward to it. That dark skin chubby girl seems like a good fighter, the purple haired girls special. Something dark is inside her I can tell. Looking at how she's portraying a meek self she's obviously hiding something. Her eyes tell it all the pain filled eyes the ones I am most used too. The last on gives a strong chakra lets see who she is....'

He froze he literally froze. His breathing was too shallow and he kept on staring at her. How could this be? This was impossible! Drogo kept thinking in his head

"Mia he's staring at you. Think you were right he has Hots for big boobs" the chubby girl said

Mia! How could you do this Tsunade? How dare you name her Mia! What right do you have to name her Mia? You have no right. You never did. To think you would dare to Name her after my Sister. No, she's not my sister. My sister is dead. You might have the gal to name her the same Tsunade but I'll never call this girl Mia. NEVER! She might have the same name but her eyes are different. They are black and the perverted expression she has on right now makes me want to puke. Jiraya's blood runs through her veins. You really shouldn't have named her this Tsunade! Clenching his fists hard as he kept staring at her.

What he didn't realise was the amount of killing intent he was giving off. It increased with every word he said as the kids started sweating while some were about go faint by the sheer amount. They had never witnessed something like this. Killing intent was so rare in the peaceful times and the fact that they were kids didn't help their cause.

Realising that he had been releasing massive amounts of killing intent most of it focused where Mia sat he quickly calmed himself down.

"I think I spoke too soon. He doesn't like you seems like he hates you with how angry he looked just a minute ago" the dark-skinned women spoke.

"B-but why? I've never done anything to him and maybe he was looking at someone else" Mia had finally replied gasping for breath and scared shit inside but never showed it on her face as this was how his mother had taught her. After a minute angry expression took over her face.

"If he wants to fight I'll give it to him. Then I'll make him my man. Mom said if you ever want anything you have to best that person up and make him yours" Everyone sweat dropped at the ridiculous words. Clearly, the Sanin must be said that when she was drunk.

"Drogo are you alright?" Shino asked seeing the amount of killing intent he never expected a boy to give out.

"I'm good Bug-sensei. Just remembered an old memory" looking away from Mia he said.

This brought Shino to Twitch. No one had really ever called him that. "I would appreciate if you called me Shino-Sensei like everyone else, Drogo and now please take a seat"

To which Mitsuki had already taken a seat and was talking to Boruto while Drogo was still sorting his memory. "Sure Bug-sensei" making others laugh and Shino slumped in defeat.

Drogo meanwhile slowly walked as he saw many girls waving at him to sit beside them but he walked and walked straight towards a certain Blondie shocking everyone as he sat next to her

"Hi my names Mia Senju and I'm the Sannin's daughter." she brought her hand close to him smiling brightly and simply ecstatic that he chose to sit with her. She was right he really didn't hate her.

"Names Drogo but you already heard that. A pleasure to meet you" he smiled and smiled brightly that would make girls heart explode and even boys would blush. Although judging by the male counterparts look they were extremely jealous.

Still shaking her hand he looked in her eyes.

'Tsunade you never should've named her this. Now I'll become her best friend. I can see she likes me. Perhaps she'll fall in love with me in the future. I wonder how your daughter would look at me a few years down when I look at her with this same smile as I'm ripping her heart out and tell her I'm actually her half-brother. I really wonder what she'd feel like and what you'd feel like. Now all that remains to be seen is whether she will die first in front of you or will Jiraya be the first victim. 22 years I've waited for a moment where I can use something you love the most and destroy it in front of you. The times coming the fateful day will arrive sooner or later! For now, live your days as if they are the last ones. Because I promise when I'm done with you. You'll wish you had died earlier.

The same smile continued his first genuine smile since the day she died and this would be the same smile the women on his right would see a few years down the road. His final smile.

Finally, we have arrived at the Academy and introduced the new Generation. I'd like to let people know this will be AU. The anime, in my opinion, is very shit well parts of it. The character ageing and how some looked super old while others remained the same. None of the shit.

Most of my things will be AU and you must've noticed I did not show. Wasabi and Namida girls. The answers pretty simple they ain't in this. There character development and personality were asf.

As always enjoy!

Darkjokescreators' thoughts
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