
Taking the first step!

Far away in the north stood a small figure who could be seen walking up the cliff. The place seemed to have trees around but the path to the top remained barren. Often times patches of grass could be seen on the path.

Drogo who could be seen walling up finally approached the open area at the top. The place was quite different from the bottom part he had walked from. It was filled with thick grass and at the edge stood a Tree that had grown up to be very big since the last time he saw it.

Normally getting to this place would've taken the boy a few days but something surprising had occurred when he left the hut yesterday. He got the first taste of first ability as for Mangekyo Sharingan. True to his absurd power his first ability was copycat. He would be able to use any specific Mangekyo abilities he had seen before whether it be for a brief moment or for a while. This allowed him to have Tsukuyomi that Itachi used and Obito's Kamui which allowed him to travel faster to this location. Unlike Obito's Kamui his was much faster in transferring to a different dimension and he could use it on objects far away as well.

Amaterasu and Susanoo was something he had yet to try and with all these abilities he really found himself getting annoyed. It was getting harder to even know his own body at this rate and it kept on surprising him. For now, tho all of that was thrown in the back of his mind.

What he was eyeing tho was the lone Grave that stood next to the tree. Walking over towards it the young boy crouched in front of it.

"It's been a while, sister." he softly said out using his left hand to touch the tombstone he had erected and wrote on it using his own blood

Here lies the most beautiful girl in the whole world. Who's smile brought people out of their Darkness. Her light shines ever so bright and her will lives on - Mia

Taking out the locket from around his neck Drogo opened it to reveal a picture of him and his sister as she's on his back with their cheeks connected and both had a massive smile. The other side of the locket had his sister him and their mother. The only reason he kept this picture was to remind him of the day he'll destroy her. This picture gave him motivation

"You must really be mad at me for not visiting for so many years. I'm sure if you were here you'd pull my ears and pout saying something along the lines with 'Even if you grow up to be an old man you'd still have to visit me and I take more priority than your wife and kids'. Yup, that's exactly what you would say." Drogo smiled laying his back against the giant tree.

"So many things have happened to me, sister. I met a man called Obito and he took me, Kiri, a beautiful place I must say. You'd like it a lot over there. I helped out the rebels and met this woman called Mei. You know she was actually nice to me she actually cared about people like us. Funny right, Bastards like us are loved as well. She told me she would wait for me if I ever come back to her. Actually, I wanted to go find her after I had done things at my end but well things happened and now it's 22 years late to go there. I don't even know if she is alive anymore"

"Who am I kidding I can no longer find happiness in this world not without you, Sister. When you had died I was in a dark place and then came the Akatsuki. I felt like we were family, No! I believed we were family but then they betrayed me and for what? Just because I had so much potential" he clenched his fists hard

Taking a deep breath again he looked up at the sky "I hate the Akatsuki so much and imagine my surprise when they were all dead by the time I came out. Who am to take my revenge on? The anger that I feel the immense hatred that they left me with is growing by the minute." *Sigh*

"You know I don't really hate all of them. No, I want to hate them but my heart won't let me. Even in a place like the Akatsuki, I found two people who would've looked after you and me if the situation was different. Itachi was a man I formed brotherly ties with. He was a troubled person much like me but the sins and burdened he carried after slaughtering his clan. I felt it the man was tired and I never once saw scorn in his eyes for me."

"The other well you would've loved that women sister. Imagine my adult form and turn it into a female and you'd have Konan the blue-haired women with a neutral expression. I considered her my sister and perhaps the only person I truly cared for in the Akatsuki. Her betrayal was possibly the most shocking and I hate her so much yet my heart does not allow it. Perhaps it was the tears she cried for me when I was being sealed. Maybe that's why I don't really want to hate her. I don't know what I would do if she was in front of me now but I do know I don't want to cause her the pain I want to cause our mother"

As the sun had started to set the boy got up dusting his clothes and looking down from the cliff to see the new Konoha. It was massive, to say the least. 22 years ago this place was big but not this big. Now it had seemed to have doubled its previous size and various tall buildings could be seen from miles away.

"22 years sure changes a lot of things. To think it felt like yesterday when I and you took made our promise to stay together forever," he muttered

"Its time I go sister. I need to go grab some supplies from the town under the cliff and head to the village. Much needs to be done but don't worry now your brother will visit you every week. I won't leave you this time. I promise" said his peace he distorted and vanished from the place.

The figure of the boy then appeared on top of the roof of a clothing shop. Drogo needed clothes and he needed them badly. He'd been stuck in the same clothes for at least three to four years inside the dimension. He really didn't know if his age was 12 or 13 now.

"Oh man, it's so weird that my clothes don't even stink after years. How the fuck did I even shit or piss. Don't even wanna think about that" allowing the night to take over as the lights of the shop went off before the owner locked it closing the door.

"Time to get to work" using Kamui I made my body intangible and passed through the roof of the building coming to a stop at the floor

He had always preferred clothes that were white. Like his sister who usually preferred Red. It had become the thing that they stuck with.

"I need clothes that cover my hole. So a massive jacket would do. Can't walk in the village with a hole in my chest. I'm sure even if years have gone by people would remember my appearance from the Bingo books. Absolom the bringer of chaos, good old days" remembering the old days he went through the boy's section for something cool looking

Fiddling through all the clothes he finally found something that caught his eyes. "Wow was this basically made for me. This is simply perfect," he picked the clothes and quickly changed into them. Throwing his Akatsuki clothes inside his kumai dimension.

Walling up to a mirror he looked at the new pair of clothes he seemed to be wearing. He wore a black shirt which was zipped all the way stopping just below his collar bone forming a V shape. The zip was perfect for hiding his hole. Over his shirt, he wore a ragged white jacket with an upturned collar. The inner lining of his jacket was black as the sleeves were rolled up all the way to his elbows. Down below he wore simple black pants with two white belts around his waist which allowed him to carry two kunai bags behind underneath the jacket. Lastly, he wore simple black shinobi boots.

"Not saying I'm gay but with a face like mine even I couldn't resist my self not to mention these beautiful clothes" he smirked touching his hollow jawbone mask on is left.

"I hope this mask doesn't scare anyone. Not that I care I would like to be isolated. Can't really help it. It's good my Akatsuki clothes covered the lower half of my face so no one's seen it yet

"King the mask is ready" white spoke in his mind. To think I forgot about that, Drogo thought

A year ago when white spoke to him he said his hollow powers. Which was the name he had given to my powers that manifested when I died. It made sense since well I had no heart and I was hollow inside now. He said hollows always manifest masks and mine was being made slowly since the day I had gotten these powers. He told me the longer the mask takes to be made the stronger the hollow is. If the big sword that I had was not an indication of my powers well then this was.

Speaking of the sword I was finally able to separate my sword into two part. Both identical to each other with the exception of sizes. The larger one was about 4"7 while the smaller one was 3"7. Both looked like khyber Knives. This was a massive relief to me as my original sword was too well known.

Absolom the bringer of chaos always wielded a massive 5"10 sword which was all black. Now separated the bigger sword was hollow from the middle and had the same shape as the small sword. Which meant that if I wanted my Original sword I had to fit the small one in that hole to change its shape. Such a neat trIck.

Breaking the sword into two also caused my hollow powers to grow considerably weak. Before a single slash would cause massive damage if I put my chakra in now tho it was only enough slice trees.

"How do I summon the mask, white? I asked him

"Its part of you think about summoning it and it will"

True to his words as I thought about it a mask formed on my face which joined perfectly with my left jawbone mask. Looking in the mirror I saw a menacing mask. With massive sharp teeth, a pointy chin-bone and eyes..... I couldn't see my eyes it was basically pitch black inside the eye area. I could see everything clearly but the person outside couldn't see my eyes.

"Wow I look really sca-" shocked to find even my voice had changed to a distorted almost shrill type. It was the same voice white had.

"Well I am your hollow powers, king so yea you'll have the same voice as me in this form" white explained

"Makes sense. This mask and my distorted voice are perfect. I can use this form to continue doing things my way without being found out" even the hollow mask was somewhat grinning

Putting the mask away as it dissolved into nothing he made his way outside to find a place to stay as tomorrow would be the big day.

The next morning a figure approached the massive open doors of the village known as Konoha. The boy slowly walked towards the gate before halting his movements as a loud shout was heard.

"Halt! Who goes there?" the loud voice said as a person wearing traditional leaf village attire approached.

"What is your business in the leaf village boy and do you have a permit to enter?" the man towered over the boy looking down

"Take me to your Hokage." the boy simply said

"Now listen here boy you just can't demand to meet the Hokage-" stopping midway as he saw glowing red pupils. He knew exactly what glowing red meant and certainly when it had some kind of design in it

"Now! Please" Drogo raised his voice

"Well damn! Follow me kid and stay close" telling the boy that as he made him follow picking up the pace towards the hokage tower.

Drogo watched in fascination as so many stores of a different kind had been set up. People were laughing and chatting. Overhead bridges and different signboards with arrows to show the specific street and make life easier. He even saw a train far away above the Hokage rock going about.

Motherfucker! Isn't this a bit too quick? There were no trains 22 years ago and those massive towering building, so many of them at that. I heard Pain had destroyed the village but this doesn't look destroyed at all.

As we approached the Hokage tower which was surprisingly next to the academy. Judging from the many chakra signatures that Drogo could sense the academy had its lectures going on for now

"Let's go, kid, the hokage is expecting us" the shinobi as he finished talking with the women on the reception.

Seems like a pretty decent building. Wonder if the Hokage lives here he said to himself as the door opened

*Woosh* massive amounts of chakra hit his face and he started to sweat a bit

Looking up he saw a blond-haired man who kept his hair short. The man was wearing an orange sweatshirt with black stripes, black pants and sandals. He had a very Carefree look on his face but the aura around him was as serious as it could get.

So this is the Seventh Hokage, Naruto Uzumaki. To think this man has chakra reserves as large as me or perhaps even more than me. Isn't this a bit too strong? How can someone like him exist? Just the aura he excludes suffocates me.

"Lord Seventh this kid wanted to meet you. He's from out of the village and well his eyes...." the shinobi trialled off moving his eyes towards me as if asking the Hokage to confirm what he had seen was right.

Naruto Uzumaki had just been finishing his paperwork when he was informed that a shinobi had brought a little kiddo to meet him. At first, he felt like telling them to wait a bit but then heard the boy may have sharingan to which a shocked expression appeared on his face and he informed them to get them here quickly

Seeing them enter his eyes went on the boy and he instinctively released his Chakra causing him to be surprised again. Normally when he released his Chakra kids his age would either faint, turn white, sweat heavily or simply run away. But this boy had faintly sweated before collecting himself. It was rare to see kids like this these days. This was a sign of a kid who'd been through his fair share of killings.

"I can see that, Konbechi-san. You may take your leave I'll take it from here" nodding the man excused himself

Drogo saw the hokage standing up as he made a clone of himself which left through the window then shifted his attention back to him.

"Who are you boy and why did you want to meet me" Naruto questioned in a serious tone

Drogo had already prepared the necessary things for all of this. His hands still in his pocket he spoke up.

"Names Drogo Starblaze. My dad was an Uchiha who died when I was 6 and my mother was a whore" I stated in a bored tone

For Naruto, this was an absolute shell shocker. An Uchiha. Where did that come from and he didn't even know if there were any more Uchiha Alive. Sasuke would really be interested in him.

"Is that a way to talk about your mother? No matter what she is she was your mother." Naruto angrily told him not liking one bit what the boy had said

"You don't need to teach me how to talk about her. She was an abusive fuck who made her own child watch her getting fucked as his dad was on his death bed" Well it wasn't all a lie that I had made up. This was from my first life. My mother really did like to make me watch as she got other men inside her. It was the only way I could make a very convincing expression

"W-what how could a mother be like that? Where is she let me talk to her." Hokage replied

"Don't bother a year after dad passed she left with another man leaving me behind. Never seen her since then and I've been drifting from place to place until I got here"

"Why come here?" Damn these questions kept coming

"My dad was born in this village. He was thrown out because he fell in love with a whore like my mother and ran off in the mountains. It didn't help that he awakened his sharingan when he was in his 30s. Dad said I belonged in the village." explaining his situation

"Look I don't want to be here just like you don't want a foul mouth brat to be here. Just get me in the Academy and let me graduate. All I know in life is to fight and kill." Drogo told him acting all sentimental

Suddenly a hand was placed on his head and the man ruffled his hair. Eyes widened by this sudden situation he got himself into he slapped his hand away.

"What the heck do you think you're doing?" looking at him in anger but all I saw on his eyes were pity and remorse

"You must have suffered a lot. To be made a killer at such a young and no one to look after" the older blond showed a sad smiled

MOTHERFUCKER! I don't need your pity I need you to get me inside the academy. The faster I learn things the faster I can kill you all. Drogo said to himself

At this moment the door swung open and Pink haired women entered she was tall. She was wearing a red sleeveless qipao top that exposed her navel. She also wore light-coloured pants and high heels and a red headband. What was the most eye-catching that Drogo stared at her for was the mark on her forehead.

That is her mark. I would remember that mark anywhere. The diamond-shaped mark on the forehead that stores in chakra. S-She is her student. Drogo clenched his fists hard and tried to keep his composure

"Naruto I got your message you said there was a boy with Sharingan?" she spoke in a gentle voice as she looked over towards Drogo

"Is he the boy" pointing towards me which the Hokage gave the nod to.

She approached me and crouched down to my eye level.

Not a bad looking boy at all. He's gonna be popular with girls like Sasuke-Kun was. Showing a sad smile. She was just outside the door and had heard the boy talk about his family. It was truly a shame to think what he had gone through to hate his family so much. His mouth was so foul which was probably because of his mother and the boy surely had killed. With no one to teach him right from wrong.

"Boy what's your name?" she asked me softly

"Drogo Starblaze"

"Why did you not take on your father's name"

"Never liked that old man either. Abused the fuck outta me whenever he fought the whore. Ouch! What the fuck! Ouch, stop hitting me" I said rubbing my head. Damn women with damn strong chakra infused fists.

"Even if your father and mother were bad people there is no excuse to using foul language." she chided him

"What? want me to call them father and mother. I'd rather die than call them that. I was considered nothing more than a Bastard in their eyes. I'm sure the old man didn't even think of me as his true son. If not for me awakening my Dojutsu he would probably say I'm a product of my mother whoring around" I told them with anger in my voice.

You could see sad faces on their faces. What is this a pity-party? Damn just this over with.

"So what are we doing a test to see if in saying the truth or not?" I finally asked them. Casting them all to be surprised

"What did you think I wouldn't know about testing heritage using blood? I ain't some imposter so let's get this over with

The pink haired women nodded and brought out her equipment and asked for my blood.

This is what I had prepared myself for. I knew I had the blood of many different clans running through veins. The Senju, Uzumaki, Uchiha since I got the sharingan and my father's bloodline was completely unknown to me. He probably had a very strong bloodline considering he could rape my mother.

I could separate my blood to only show part of my heritage. As I gave her the droplet of blood that only contained DNA of the Uchiha. Revealing anything else was too risky especially Senju since the only Senju alive was Tsunade and me being here would certainly allow her to know who I really am.

"So what are the results, Sakura-chan," the hokage asked seeing the women in deep contemplation

Finally getting up she looked back and said "What he said is right. He has Uchiha blood in him but it seems mutated perhaps that's why his eyes are very different. I've never seen anything like this before. For now, I can say he truly is an Uchiha" to which I smiled as my plan succeeded

Naruto looked me in some contemplation before asking the question I wished he'd just leave it. "You said you had a unique Dojutsu. What do you call it and what is that jawbone mask you have on your left side?"

Damn didn't want him to ask me that but I already prepared for all the scenarios.

"My eyes are very unique and apart from sharingan, I have many other abilities I have yet to know. Since they are different from the traditional sharingan as you can see my pupils have a spiral design this is my Mengekyo sharingan" Now I was smashed with utter silence. More sad smiles and pity in their eyes

"Y-you awakened your Mangekyo Sharingan? What did you go through to get that awakened" the women asked me softly

"Don't wanna talk about it but anyway this is my eyes now. It always stays in Mangekyo sharingan and my sclera is dark as well. I call my eyes Kēosugan (Chaos eyes). As for my Jawbone mask, I've always had that since I was born probably due to the variation as the Miss here said" I had come up with that name for my eyes since they always changed and left a mess of abilities. Chaos was what explained it the best.

"So now can you get me into the Academy? I don't have money but I'll go out and do some mercenary work or pick up some missions to pay for the academy" they both looked at me in surprise

"Boy do you have a place to stay?" Naruto said in a gentle voice

"Nah man, I stay in streets of on peoples rooftops. I'm a drifter so it's all fine. Don't really need a place to stay and I can't afford any for now." this was part of my plan. Making my location unknown so people won't bother me was for the best. I had too many secrets for anyone to know.

"He can stay at my house, Naruto." now it was my time to be surprised

"What! No, I appreciate you saying that lady but I've always been alone I don't like to interact with people plus I've got a foul mouth so you wouldn't want me. Streets are good for me" trying hard to shut her request down but the Hokage kept looking at me with his deep blue eyes.

"Drogo it's either her house or the Orphanage until you become able to graduate and become a ninja and get a lot of money. Which I can tell won't be for a few years since the places have become very expensive over the years. Your choice but pick one. If you won't then you can't join the academy" he told me

Well there goes my fucking Freedom I muttered

Orphanage sounded cool but frankly, I ass sick and tired of kids always looking happy and chummy plus there were way too many people in the orphanage. I need peace and quiet away from people who's smiles made me sick.

"Alright, I'll stay with her. The orphanage has way too many people and it makes sick how kids are all happy and chummy. I don't like interacting with people so you won't be expecting me out if my room a lot Miss" telling them my answer to which the lady smiled. A sad smile at that.

"You can call me Sakura-san" smiling brightly as she held out my arm and led me out while Naruto told me he would take care of his money problem and fill in his application form for the academy and he can attend it tomorrow.

This women just look how happy she is. I ain't even her child. All that fake smiles and laughs. I know you, mothers. They are all the same and it makes me sick.

Drogo would never admit but two lifetimes of bad parenting had made him hate women especially mothers. Even if they truly cared about him he would still see them in a bad light. The boy had been messed up badly and for that, he blamed his Mothers for it

As the approached her house which was quite decent and large enough for at least 7 people to stay. Despite being large she had told him that only her, her daughter and husband lived her with, her husband mostly out of the village it was mostly her and Sarada which was her daughter's name.

I really didn't want to interact with these women especially since she was the student of the women I've desired to kill for a long time. But then again it was my chance to get close to her and Tsunade as well.

Tsunade you have your pride in ninjutsu don't you? I'll excel in all the things and when you think of me as a prodigy and perhaps as your or Sakura's successor I'll kill one of your loved ones. I'd like to see your face when the person you took so pride in ends up killing your own family. No, I'd love to see that expression. I grinned thinking about it literally grinned

Entering the building I was told to take my shoes off to which I complied leaving them at the entrance. She told me to wash up pointing at the bathroom which I complied with.

Even if I didn't stink or looked bad I had yet to have a nice bath since the day I was trapped. It was actually amazing I looked fresh with the passing of years. Leaving my clothes hanging inside and a towel that I got from her I entered the warm bath.

"Ahh, damn this feels nice. How long has it been since I could enjoy something like this? Far too long. It's a shame you ain't here to see this place, Sis. You've always wanted to come to hidden leaf but the person who lives here brought you nothing but Pain. Soon I'll be entering the Academy and learn all sorts of ninjutsu. When I become a Jonin I can get my hands on those S-Ranked and some forbidden Jutsu. Naruto, Sasuke and even this women Sakura have such a strong chakra. Even with all my techniques, I'd lose against them as I am now" sinking my body further inside the hot water.

"I need to fight them. I heard from the lady that she, Sasuke and Naruto were a team. I am to get my revenge and end the shinobi era people like them would absolutely crush me. I need to fight them gauge their strengths. I need some kind of opportunity in the future. I've waited 22 years for my revenge now that I'm so close to it. I can wait for a few more to crush them all. Soon Sister very soon I'll send our mother and her loved ones down to hell. Don't you worry don't you ever worry." Saying that to myself I closed my eyes letting them rest for a while.

After a hot bath, I used the towel to dry my self up and wore my clothes as the towel was resting on my neck. Coming out of the bathroom I bumped into another figure.

"Ouch," a feminine voice said. Looking down I saw a little girl a few centimetres shorter than me with black hair and black eyes staring back at me.

She was wearing sleeveless, buttoned dull red dress bound by a yellow tie and a white belt with white bandages underneath. She also wore a black fingerless glove on her right hand, a black arm warmer on her left arm and a pair of black ankle-length, open-toed high-heeled sandals. Judging by her outfit she must've come back from the Academy.

Her figure was well you could see small boobs bulging outwards. That was it tho she was still in her growing stage but Drogo was not interested in women for now. He'd never think like normal teens. All he wanted was revenge.

"Tch watch where you going brat!" muttered Drogo

She blushed she literally blushed at me. Oh, yea I just took a bath so I probably look absolute fly. Can't really help it even I'd have thoughts for myself. Musing over his thoughts.

As the blush faded away she finally reacted to what you'd expect someone to react to when they find out someone they don't know is in their house.

"Y-you who are you and how dare you get inside" she stuttered while throwing a punch at my chest

Well, there goes the nice greetings. Kids always quick to anger. He mused forgetting he was a kid as well.

"Cha!" she shouted punching me to the chest which blew a wind as her punch was fast enough but then she became shocked. Her punch that was strong enough to leave small craters in the ground was stopped by his hand near his chest. Her hand wouldn't budge no matter how hard she tried.

"Calm down brat!" I demanded her To which she did exactly that and froze when my red pupils glowed. Her next words, however, made beat the shit out of her

"Papa!" I fell down literally fell down.

"The fuck brat do I look like an old man to you? Papa, papa your ass. I'm only 12." hitting her head with my fist.

She blushed again thinking how stupid she sounded like when she said that.

*Bam* "Ouch what was that for old lady. Ouch! Okay okay stop pulling my ears" Sakura had appeared behind me and was now reprimanding me

"First of it's not nice to swear in the house and secondly I'm very young so No calling me Old lady. Is that clear?" I could've sworn she smiled a smile that guaranteed pain.

Fuck me women are scary creatures. It's just like Konan when I called her old. Note to self never call her old. Saying that to myself

*Gulp* "Yes, Ma'am crystal clear," I said taking a step back.

How am I scared of women like her? I'm Absolom the bringer of chaos. I can't be scared of petty women. But I guess it's all good the more I let my self be emotional and carefree the easier it would be for my Absolom character to be different from my current self.

"Mom who is he" finally collecting her self Sarada asked her mother curious of the new stranger in the house.

"Sarada this is Drogo and he's an Uchiha like you and your father," she told her

"Aren't all other Uchihas dead mom?" she questioned to which she replied with some might still be out there with Uchiha blood but might never have awakened their sharingan.

"The dinners ready so let's go" we followed her to the table to eat.

I could still see the brat taking small glances at me which was getting annoying.

"Oi! If you wanna ask something that ask away. It's uncomfortable seeing someone stare at you like that." again with the blush is that all you know.

Making a straight face completely different from her last expression she asked me "Will you be joining the ninja academy since I see a massive sword you have" which got a nod from me.

"Since your not from here there will be rules to follow in the Academy and you'll have to act good since we are living in the same house" wow I truly hate it when someone tells me to do something.

"I'll do what I like brat, Don't worry if not for having no choice I'd rather be staying in the streets." finishing my food I got up.

"Thanks for the food Ma'am I'll be heading to my room" which she gave me a smile and I left.

Seeing that I had left Sakura let out a small sigh. "Sarada don't be hard on the boy and he's already suffered a lot out there. He has no friends to be friends with him. I know you like the boy with the number of blushes you've had this last hour. Boys like him don't like people who order them around when they've been living by themselves for years"

"Mom, I-I don't like him who said that n-no way I really don't" she spoke trying to find words

"Believe me Sarada I know you do. The boys good looking just like your dad. If you won't hold onto him someone in the Academy might snatch him. Your dad had a lot of competition as well." she smiled picking up the plates going back to the kitchen.

Inside Drogo's new room he flopped on the bed and gave out a sigh."Tomorrow is where my true journey begins. A test of patience and my ability to blend in." saying that he closed his eyes.

So yeah we finally see him enter Konoha village. Meeting naruto and finding out how strong he truly is. Yup, he's living with Sakura and Sarada.

The Academy is up next. People might think Drogo is super strong with all the Dojutsu he has but he's actually pretty weak. Well not weak but like he can fight with weak Jonin. The new generation is miles stronger than the last one. Zabuza doesn't hold a candle to Narutos generation now.

Plus he doesn't really have much A to S class ninjutsu.

Darkjokescreators' thoughts
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