
My life in Kiri

Arriving in a large room that looked empty enough Kai stared out towards the window. It was exactly as he had expected the buildings from high up here were barely visible due to the dense amount of mist surrounding the village. "Hearing about a village filled with Mist is different from actually seeing it."

"Kai listen here now that Madara is dead you'll call me Madara. No one has to know otherwise and get used to here you'll be staying in this village for a while" Obito said

"Tch fine but don't call me Kai that name died a while ago. Call me Drogo starblaze but since I'm staying here for a short while Absalom as a codename is fine" Kai replied back

"Very well Drogo as Madara already explained much of the stuff to you right now I control the fourth mizukage. He has several cases of tyranny including hunting bloodlines from Kiri."

"What you want me to work with a killer then help him with wiping out bloodlines," Drogo said in a monotone voice

"Quite the contrary I want you to help the rebel forces in fighting yagura's forces."

This caused the boy to raise his eyebrows " You want me to help the enemy now why is that."

"No need to overthink it Yagura has outlived his usefulness. Now that he is of no use and is the host of a tailed beast getting the rebel forces to kill him would do us more good" he said moving towards a chair to sit down.

"I never asked but why choose Kiri as your target why not Kohana"

For a moment Drogo thought he felt Obito stiffen but jerked it off soon enough. "Lad you remember how your sister was killed by your mother" *BOOM* a flood of killing intent released from Drogo seeping back in soon enough

"You need to control your emotions brat. You can't go releasing your killing intent everywhere. Now, where was I ah yes just like your sister got killed by your mother, the person I loved got killed by my best friend. He delivered the killing blow but before that, she was abducted by Kiri and made into a Jinchūriki and chased all the way back to Konoha. So Kiri is as much to blame for her death as he was and I'll make sure each one of them suffers" Drogo saw Obito clenching his fists tightly before letting them go

I guess everyone has their own story their own pain but compared to what I've suffered from both my lives your pain is nothing Obito this whole worlds pain is nothing. I've been betrayed by my own family twice and seen the only person I even tried to live for die in m arms. Your idea of infinite Tsukuyomi might be the happy ending but you are too soft only by killing these ninjas burning them to the ground and from its ashes will I start a new era of laws and education. Those who defy it will simply be killed. That will by my ninja way as they call it. Drogo kept thinking to himself before speaking up

"Sorry to hear that Madara" tch calling him Madara will have some getting used to before. Reminds me of an evil old man and not this masked freak.

"Yea it was a long time ago now go and sleep in the room on the left tomorrow id gonna be a long day I'll be teaching you some ninjutsu and some other stuff for a week before dropping you off to the rebel forces. You won't be a true ninja unless you face life and death constantly on the battlefield"

*Yawn* damn I completely forgot I had yet to sleep after that day. So many things happened but now I'll be starting my official training Mia. Be patient your brother will get revenge for you one day. That I promise. Saying my piece I started heading towards the room closing the door behind me.

Seeing as the boy had finally left Obito brought his ring closer to him and all of a sudden a man holographic picture of a man with the same ringed eyes as Drogo appeared. "How long will the stuff I told you to be ready pain"

The figure now known as Pain spoke up " What you ask will take a lot of time Madara. This is a very complex sealing technique it would take about close to a year to set it up. Are you sure you want to do this"

"We have no choice it has to be done or else we'll be facing a big disaster in our plans in the future"

"Very well I will start making preparation. It seems we've found Han the five tailed jinchuriki. We will soon start making preparation to capture him. Before I go will you introduce the boy to Akatsuki?" pain asked

I should probably introduce him to Akatsuki, after all, I still have a year until that is prepared. I can't leave him in Kiri as well he thought to himself "I will introduce him to Akatsuki he can't stay here and since he has rinnegan as well you can teach him a few things"

Nodding his head the picture vanished and the door to the building opened. "You've finally arrived Yagura it seems making me wait has become one of your habits" Obito who now had a thick voice like Madara Spoke

"Forgive me, Madara-sama but the rebel forces have been pushing hard these days even if they are not openly fighting the battle in shadows is still taking a toll on my army" Fourth Mizukage said

"I'm afraid I can't help you anymore now yagura. I gave you everything now if you can't even finish a rebel army then you have no reason to be a mizukage"

Gritting his teeth yagura recalled " I know Madara-sama I won't disappoint you" and with that Madara vanished into the next room.

The next day Obito took me to an open field to train me. "Alright boy I have a week to teach you the basic stuff nothing overly complicated and after that, I'm dumping you to the rebel forces where you'll name a for yourself for a few months and then coming with me to Akatsuki"

"Finally gonna introduce me to this Akatsuki you've always been talking about. Can't say I'm not looking forward to it. You said their leader has a rinnegan which I'm guessing you'll have me train with." which got me a simple nod

"Now let's get started since your eyes have awakened and you basically have the sharingan you can copy all the ninjutsu you want but that's not what I'll be teaching you. copying ninjutsu is good but a shinobi can only become the strongest when they learn what they can chew and train that to its peak. if you can perform a jutsu without any hand signs or use only one a single hand sign is when you'll know you have complete mastery over that ninjutsu."

"Well fuck me here I thought you'd teach me the strongest ninjutsu and genjutsu you knew but yeah I realise there are no shortcuts lets go" Drogo grunted

"For an 8-year-old you sure curse a lot. It's good that you've realized it so now let's go over what you know. Show me your clone jutsu, substitution jutsu and your transformation jutsu" to which I complied and used that three jutsu perfectly well.

"Not bad kid it seems you trained them enough to use them without hand signs. Great now I've seen your Taijutsu and I know you can open the first gate of the eight gates which is surprising, to say the least. You've even inherited your mother's abnormal strength and enhancing your body with chakra would make you stronger than her in the future. Now that you have awakened your eyes and the flood of chakra you should be able to open the second and the third gate"

"You need to understand that even if you have a lot of chakra stronger techniques will burn through it really quickly. For now, I'll be teaching you D rank jutsu and our Uchihas signature great fireball jutsu"

And so we started our official training with Obito teaching me most of the D rank jutsus he knew which his sharingan helped a lot since he had copied quite a lot of jutsus of nature. He taught me body flicker jutsu, shadow shuriken jutsu, paralysis jutsu all there of them being supplementary. In terms of water techniques since we were in hidden mist, he taught me hiding in the most jutsu which was basically me surrounding the area with fog. Lame I know but better than nothing

He didn't stop there however teaching me two rank C jutsu water clone and water gunshot which is exactly how it sounded like shooting balls of water as fast as a bullet. It was pretty fun to practice it.

The training went on for a week and I had barely gotten to know more about Kiri not even interacting with people as I sent straight from training back to my room to train more. Obito was a really good teacher he taught me quite a lot of D rank jutsus with a few important C rank jutsus even going so far as helping me in my kenjutsu and taijutsu

"Seems like you've learnt the basics boy. The rebels have hired Akatsuki to help them at taking down the south-west strongholds where a few of the rebels have been captured. That place is guarded by an Anbu named Zabuza he is strong very strong and you'll have to fight him when the rebels draw the other forces outside to fight. Prove yourself worthy in this fight and then we'll talk about taking you to the Akatsuki" Obito told me while throwing a black long robe the size of me with red clouds on

"Put this on to show your from Akatsuki" saying that we both vanished and the next place we came to was outside a building which looked abandoned at the outskirts of Kiri

"Go in boy and introduce yourself to the leader I'll come and get you in three months and don't disappoint me"

"Tch you don't have to tell me that not like I'm gonna die. My resolve for revenge is not something you can understand Madara" Drogo sneered

"Oh, I'm scared of an 8-year-old boy. Now get inside" his sarcastic remark really pisses me off

Breathing out slowly while walking toward the building I enter inside to find it filled with ninjas doing about their own business who all stop and start at me

Fuck me never had so many people stare at me like this matter of fact I've never met so many people all at once like this in both my life. I kept thinking to myself under everyone's gazes and walking towards where I presumed the leader would be which was not hard to find since that table was the only one to give large amounts of chakra.

Sitting on a chair was a young woman perhaps in her early twenties with Auburn hair and a pretty nice figure. Btw I'm like 8 so yea no pervert thoughts people

"Who might you be a little handsome boy," the lady asked me intrigued how a kid could get in here

"Hi, I'm Absalom a member of Akatsuki here to help as requested" damn I'm awkward seriously Hi is that what Akatsuki say it really doesn't help when the only person you've mostly interacted with is your sister.

"Pfffttttt hahahahahaha so cute. A little chibi wants to play Akatsuki. Boy where are your parents let me bring you to them" this cause me to be really irritated and you could see a tick mark on my head

"I assure you I am one of the Akatsuki members now if you would please point me to the direction" finally using my cold voice which sent shivers down everyone spine making their mouth shut in silence as I raised my chakra levels

"Oh my, a kid who's barely old enough to join the academy has so much chakra. Even with this, you'll have to prove yourself that we ain't buying some weaklings" Mei said eyes me over. Honestly, it frustrated me that they wouldn't just believe me but I couldn't blame them I was only 8 and not like they knew this was my second life.

"Tch fine whatever you can get one of yours to fight me and then we can talk business. I don't like waiting around"

"Aren't you cute being all serious. Come let this big sister hug you" Mei all of a sudden picked me up and started rubbing my cheeks with here's

"Put me down this instant woman. Put me down now! Crazy hag" which got me a punch on the head

"Such a foul mouth for a little boy but you get a pass for being cute. Now Chojuro come here and fight this boy" Mei beckoned towards a boy

Drogo moves his eyes from Mei towards the new boy who looked really shy. He had blue hair and dark eyes he also had pointy shark-like teeth which from Obito telling me was what most seven swordsmen of Kiri had. So he's one of the swordsmen I guess. Interesting I've been meaning to use Darkheart to practice.

The boy carried with him a large thick sword covered in bandages and a double jolt on top.

"Hel....H-hello I'm chojuro I-it's nice to meet you" he practically stuttered when speaking. To think even shinobies stutter. He looked about 2-3 years older than me

"Aren't you shy and hi I'm Absolom if it's not much trouble I'm ready to start you can use your sword btw" which surprised Mei and everyone else

"Boy fighting with that sword is dangerous without a weapon. Don't try to act hard. That is one of the legendary swords" Mei spoke in a stern voice for the very first time

"Who said I'm gonna fight without a weapon" pressing my hand where my chest where my hole was a bright light ushered followed by a massive sword coming out. Looking around and seeing everyone's mouth wide open made me smirk. Still a boy at heart haha

"So what's your sword called blue-man." Causing chojuro to get annoyed. Not my fault his hairs way too blue

"This is Hiramekarei and it has the ability to store chakra for me to unleash as I please so be careful"

"Nice, not bad mines called Dearheart. As for abilities even I don't know all of its abilities yet" we both charged at each other and our swords clashing

*clank* *clank* *clank* the shockwaves it produced were too strong. With a burst of speed,, I bent my sword down infusing it with wind chakra unleashing it upwards creating a strong wind "Wind style: sword gale" a strong wind pushed chojuro back also creating dust all over the place.

Spotting chojuro in the dust using my eyes I arrived behind him and slashed his body apart. Only for it to disperse as water. "Tch water clone jutsu. The boys good"

Arriving behind me chojuro quickly formed seals "Water style: Gunshot" shooting balls of water as fast as a bullet from his mouth.

"Not enough to take me down Blue-man" bringing my massive sword upwards with a single hand and slicing each ball apart in a quick precision.

Suddenly my eyes froze as chojura arrived right behind me with his sword on my neck.

"Its over Mr," he said calmly without stuttering

"Think again Blue-man. I already won" saying that then with chojuros blade across my neck dispersed into water and behind him stood the real me with my sword on his neck now

"You ain't the only one who knows a good few water jutsus" I smirked

*clap* *clap* *clap* " Not bad little kid seems you are not that bad. Very well if you're not tired we shall move according to our plan. We'll draw out the main forces while you have to stall Zabuza for a while until we take out our captives" Mei said

"Fine, I'm ready, hey put me down, you damn women. Stop pinching my cheeks. What is wrong with you ?" I started shouting as Mei pinched my face saying if I was older she'd totally marry me.

Looking around for help but of course, none would come as they all start looking somewhere else while whistling. Almost ignoring me. Damn you all

Finally, what seemed like a good few hours everything was set up and Meis forces started to draw yaguras forces outside leaving me to easily sneak in the compound.

This seemed almost too easy is never a good thing to say. Jinxed by my own luck as I was opening a door a figure behind me swung a large sword straight towards my head to which I barely ducked in time but getting kicked instead in the stomach send me flying through the door.

I guess that day made my resolve to destroy the age of ninjas stronger than ever. Getting up the first thing I saw were captives who looked lifeless. Epically the women you could easily tell they were raped a couple of dozen times and probably bore a few bastards which they will either throw away, kill or come to hate them. One of them who met my eyes seemed to be begging to die. She had brown hair and brown eyes. Didn't even seem that old barely in her twenties and this is what they did to her. So broken.

Fuck these ninjas. There are no laws for this. Simply barbaric. The kids that would be born like this don't deserve to be thrown away. They never asked for this so why should they suffer from what these adult bastards did. Simply unforgivable and what gives them the right to rape. How dare they do it and laugh it off later. Clenching my sword in my hand I focused on the now approaching figure from the door

The figure approaching was a tall and noticeably muscular man with light grayish skin, short spiky black hair, dark brown eyes, and small eyebrows. He was wearing bandages like a mask over the bottom half of his face. Under his mask, he had a relatively narrow jawline and jagged-teeth, a trait he shared with his fellow Swordsmen. He wore his forehead protector sideways on his head finally donning on an Anbu flak jacket

"You must be Zabuza the person who killed his whole graduation class"

"Oh, so you've heard of me. I've never seen you in the village and from the clothes you wear it seems you must be a member of the Akatsuki. Surprising tho I've heard they only take missing S-class ninja but you are barely 10. So they were all for show nothing else" he spoke in his thick voice

"That's none of your business in here to kill you that all you need to know but before that why are you doing this? Aren't these people your own? Why rape so many women why torture them so badly?" I snarled at him

"Boy, this is none of your business if you must know they went against the mizukage and they must be punished. None of us would bat a single eye to them. If we are told to rape we'll simply rape. When you are captured you see either tortured or used as breeding material"

"This this is so stupid do you even hear yourself self. What the fuck is wrong with you! They are human they don't deserve this what about the kids they'll carry no ones gonna care for them no ones gonna fell sympathy for them" shouting my lungs outbid lunged at him with Dearheart and our swords met

*clank* "So what boy, *clank* no one gives a fuck about bastards. *clank* seeing as you are so riled up I'm guessing you *clank* are a bastard as well *clank*" Our swords met again and again. Trying every position to gain the advantage but he seemed to read my moves.

This bastard really is good at kenjutsu. I need to find an opening and kill him thinking to my self as I used hand seals "Water style: Hidden Mist jutsu" encasing the whole battlefield in Mist

"Are you a fool boy I'm a water nin what you just did gave me an advantage" anger certainly wasn't helping my cause making me want to kill him as soon as I can

Using my Byakugan to spot him throwing my kunais at him before slicing my sword at him. Only to find it being a water clone and I froze. Fuck me that was a mistake as Zabuza's sword came down my back moving from bottom left all the way to top right. A slash appeared at my back as I jumped to avoid the second attack aimed at my head

"Nice one kid to think you'd stay up on your feet with a slash like that but your blood really helped my sword. Now shall we end this. Water style: Dragon bullets" with a single hand seal he summoned water dragons which slammed right into me causing a muffled sound before slamming me on the wall

Blood that was all I could see as it dripped down my head and clouded my eyes. Fuck this was bad I let anger take the best of me again and now I'm absolutely battered

Getting up as my legs shook using my sword as support.

"You look to be barely alive boy so let me put you out of your misery" he flickered near me raised his sword to strike down for the final below

*BOOM* a massive surge of chakra and a massive gust blew everywhere cause Zabuza to back away

"OPEN GATE OF PAIN!" shouting as black and white aura covered me but the pain made my grind my teeth

I could already feel the muscle tissue tearing apart. Fourth gate was new to me. I had practised those early gates before but this was my first time using the fourth gate. Chakra was depleting at a fast rate and my body would be messed up in 10 to 15 minutes. I needed to finish this before my body gives up

"Come Zabuza let's end this. Water style: Water clone jutsu" with that all my clones rushed to Zabuza with speed 5 times of what it was before. It was too fast for a normal chunin.

For Zabuza tho, it was a surprise but that was it. A high-class jonin like him had seen his fair share of monsters and he himself was one. "Water style: water clone jutsu" he followed with the same jutsu although he only summoned 6 compared to my 20 nevertheless his single one could handle 2 or 3 of mine

*BOOM* with a surge of speed I aimed at Zabuza's head which he blocked with his sword

"Cheeky kid but don't think I don't know that ability of yours if quite taxing on you and you can't keep it up for long"

*Tch it's still enough to kill you Zabuza" as our swords met my right arm that I surged with chakra smashed into his "Detroit Smash" sending him flying away. This was a punch I had come up with similar to my mothers 100 step punch and 1000 step punch a move who's strength depended on the amount of chakra you would infuse on your body.

Not needing the same name as her move I came up with my own. Call me rebellious but I didn't want anything to do with that.

"Fuck me kid what do you eat? Such a strong punch from such a little kid. I guess it's time I teach you why I'm feared the most" instantly he released his chakra which formed a massive demon behind him.

What a monster go think his chakra would be thick enough to form its own shape as I dodged a water bullet that shot at me as the hidden mist got thick enough for me to keep on using my Byakugan.

*Slash* a kunai cut the right side of my cheek as I barely dodged it sidestepping only to see Zabuza near me "Water style: water prison" fuck was all I said before being covered in a water prison

"It seems like it's over for you boy. Gotta admit you were pretty good even with the right gates you could only do much. Breaking through water prison is impossible" Zabuza said

Fuck fuck fuck think what should I do I can't die here "glub glub" I'm starting to lose conscience I can't die here

"King you need to use your eyes powers. You know you have the ability you just need to find it" white whom I hadn't heard from a long time spoke in my mind

Fuck that's right I completely forgot. I need to use that ability. Finally raising my hands going in and out of my conscious I muttered "Almighty push" as soon as the words came out of my mouth the water prison burst and everything went flying away. Zabuza went flying towards the wall slamming into it

*Blink* I did that. What a strong force it's even stronger than wind jutsu but damn did it take a toll on me. I've almost run out of chakra using everything I have I really not a good idea.

Thinking quick on my feet as Zabuza started getting up I flipped through hand signs "Water style: water bomb jutsu" bringing a surge of water from my mouth and slamming it back into Zabuza slamming him back in the wall while he dripped in water.

"You really are stupid did you think water style would have much effect on me I am after all a water nin," he said getting up and closing the distance between us

"Haha no it may not but this will. Lighting style: lighting surge" slamming my hand down as the water on Zabuza got electrocuted with him screaming

Finally, a chance stumbling to get up I picked my sword and slashed at his chest causing the same wound he gave me on my back I'd like to see you get up with that As I fell back on my butt panting heavily

"Not bad kid not bad. To think I'd get slashed from a brat like you but then again wounds like this are nothing new to a shinobi" Zabuza who I could've sworn went down was standing in front of me swung his sword right down

Closing my eyes I waited for the sword to pierce me but it never came. Why was all I could ask as I opened my eyes

Women with ragged clothes more precisely the women who his eyes met when he was kicked in the Room. Her brown hair now dyed in red. Looked down at me with a small smile and a huge sword bursting out of her chest which Zabuza pulled back causing her to stumble down as I caught her in my arms.

I could feel the chakras outside which would be one of ours. Seems like backup finally came. As if sensing the same Zabuza shunshined out of there.

"Why, why did you save me? I didn't know you I only came to kill him so why give your life for someone you don't know. And why are you still smiling is my life really that important to you?" checking on my own words I asked her

Slowly reaching out one of her hands to touch my cheek she smiled and said " I heard what you had said every last one of your words. You had no obligation to us yet you cared for us you got angry for us. Your eyes seem to have lost hope child. You even care for the bastard child we carry in our wombs. So I can't let you die. To people like us, you are our angel. I only ask you this find friends child find your hope a family that you can be happy with. Don't punish yourself for the sins of others" her hand fell down and she scummed to her death.

Another one goes just like that another one gives her life for me. Why why do I need to be saved and they need to die why can't you just make me die. Strength that what I need more and more and more until I can protect people like her and my sister. This woman was different her eyes held no malice for a bastard like me. I could see my sister in her. Damn it the shinobi era has to end no matter what for their sake and for the next generation


I had been debating whether to hire Akatsuki to help with Zabuza since our forces were still weak and couldn't spread to Thin. I needed my forces on the main field and no other ninja could take on a monster like Zabuza. I had no choice so I did what I thought was the best for my people.

Imagine my surprise when I see a little 8-year-old kid in Akatsuki clothes telling me he's here for the job. To think a little kid who was acting so serious was so cute so I couldn't help pick him up and rub my face across his. Call me a pervert but if the child was old enough I'd marry him. His skin was so smooth. What was odd about him was his eyes that I had never seen before and a bone type mask with sharp teeth on his left Side under his eye

He still insisted that he was here for the job by releasing his chakra and making the most serious face a child ever could. Pfft, who's gonna tell him that just makes him look cute. So I had Chojuro who was a few years older than him fight. The boy actually asked for a sword fight and made everyone jaws drop when he pulled a massive sword from his chest.

I could've sworn that sword was at least 5"10 and he easily wielded it with one arm not compromising his speed at all. Honestly, he was somewhat faster with a massive sword. As for the fight it wasn't much well not for him. Even if he made it look like it was a close call. I could see he was barely trying. Chojuro was a genius and his kenjutsu was amazing otherwise he wouldn't be picked as one of the seven swordsmen.

So cute come give this big sister a hug I said picking him up to which he started cursing. What a foul mouth brat but cute nonetheless. To think he'd be in the Akatsuki. He probably doesn't have any parents and his eyes are filled with loneliness. Sigh to have suffered at such a young age.

The battle had started and well simply put it was brutal. We lost good ninjas out there so did the other side but in the end, we prevailed. It had taken longer than I expected and the boy was sent to fight Zabuza. I hope he's alright would be sad to see such a little boy dying.

Imagine my surprise when I find the boy laying down and holding a woman in his arms with tears on his eyes that even he didn't know were there. The women had a smile on her face even in death.

"Boy, are you alright?" I spoke softly minding his psyche at the moment. His answers sent shivers down my spine and I knew something changed inside the little boy

"All these women here. Take care of them and even the kids they carry in their stomach should they ever be born make sure they love them. Their mothers love them. That is all I ask if I find the kids being mistreated I'll kill every single shinobi in Kiri" he said before fainting on the spot

Sigh, what must you have gone through to be turned out like this Boy? Picking him up in my arms and his face on my shoulder. I rubbed the back of his head. Let's get you somewhere safe. I promise to take care of all the bastards should they ever be born.

It took him 4 days to wake up. The boy changed he spoke more coldly he rarely talked but I still hugged him and picked him up at times which brought back his cursing. Truly a good child. Ah, how I wish I had kids of my own.

He spent three months in Kiri helping us out all over the place. They even gave him a name Absolom the bringer of chaos as where he went to destruction and bodies followed. The killing didn't even faze him after his first kill. He was becoming more and colder

Finally, the day for him to leave had arrived and he came to bid farewell to me.

"Goodbye big sis Mei," he said with his usual cold voice. Yes, I made him call me bis sister. I was only 21 not that old at all and I've never had a little brother so yea.

"So it's finally your time to leave I guess. Good thing you came over to me. With how you've been acting I thought you'd leave without saying goodbye" I told him

"I'm not a heartless monster tho I wish I was. I still have etiquette that I show" Drogo spoke turning around only to be squeezed in a hug

"Boy, your eyes are filled with loneliness. I don't know what happened in your past but shutting your emotions down will never be helpful" going down on one knee and looking into his eyes which showed a brief surge of emotions before settling down

"I don't know what you are talking about. I'm happy with my life" he feigned ignorance

"Then how come I've never seen you smile. The first day you walked into this room and your last today I've never seen you smile at all child. It's alright to cry its alright to feel pain it's what makes you human"

"NO!" he bellowed making me flinch. "It's not alright I'm tired of crying of feeling the pain of being weak. I don't need that I need strength and only with killing my emotions will I accomplish that" silly child you say that but why are you crying now

Using my thumbs to wipe his tears of I brought him close and kissed his forehead. "You are a good child Absolom. Let go of that pain. Make friends. You'll find a true family where you belong. If not I'll be here for you. I'll be your older sister. I've never had a brother, nor any other family but you bring me joy and I wish to make you feel love again"

There it was again the surge of emotions in his eyes this time much larger and stayed for a long while as his eyes widened in surprise.

"Thank you," Drogo said softly "You are probably the first person who ever said that to me after my sister died. I-I'll think about what you said but for now I have to kill someone only when I'm able to do that can I really achieve my peace and if you have space for me in your life then I'll come to you in the future"

Ah, so even you are plagued by the revenge. So young yet thinking about killing that even your heart would feel pain if you won't do it. Smiling brightly I said "Of course I'll always be here for you child. I meant it when I said you are my little brother" with that he turned around and walked away

Hoping to meet him soon again but to think our next meeting would be years away. I wish I had stopped him today gave him more love. Then perhaps I would've stopped what would happen to him later on.

Another long long chapter. It's hard to write fighting scenes play with so many ninjutsu that Naruto franchise has. I had to make up a few of my own jutsu cause I couldn't be asked remembering all the names of the original ones

As always hope you liked it and leave a review, please. Next chapter should wrap things up nicely and will have a massive time skip into the Boruto timeline

Darkjokescreators' thoughts
Next chapter