
A fight to death?

In the hokage office, a tall man was sitting behind the desk and working off some paper. Stood beside him was another tall man with a ponytail and a pointy beard.

"Shikamaru all this work is going to kill me," Naruto complained to the man.

"Well you were the one who decided to become hokage and all this comes with it" the bearded man sighed

"I know but Boruto seems to be feeling I don't come home often and the boy's pranks are really getting to me" slumping back in his chair.

"You would wonder who he got that from. I seem to remember a blond boy painting on hokage stones a long time ago" causing Naruto to laugh nervously.

He was right Naruto was the same as well and it was always so that he could get attention. In a sense, it could be said that Boruto wanted his dad to be with him and if speaking made him come closer then so be it.

Suddenly, the door slammed open and Sakura walked in.

"Naruto there is something I need to tell you" she spoke in an authoritative way.

Leave it to Sakura-chan to be like Tsunade-Obachan both Naruto and Shikamaru sweatdropped

"I'm all ears Sakura-chan," the hokage said

"The boy, Drogo I was analysing his blood and I found the Hyuga blood in his mix. Not the ones we've seen but perhaps older ones. The boy has a Byakugan that he seemed not to have told us" she told him causing both men to become serious

"Are you sure he has a byakugan, Sakura? From what we know a child with both bloodlines would produce single sharingan eyes and byakugan eyes. While some cases simply cause them to be born blind. A case like him where his eyes are completely different from what we've heard is unique." Shikamaru asked

Nodding her head she continued "I was uncertain about it but during are spar I noticed he could clearly see everything in a could of dust that formed. The boy can see through things and as far as I know only byakugan does this. What you said isn't wrong as well. Those cases are true only if the person has those two bloodlines. There are some other unknown bloodlines in him and they all seem to be in harmony. Whatever he is or has become its not something a normal human can survive."

A tense atmosphere had formed in the room. "If what you said is right then the boy must not have any training with Byakugan. He only knows its features and must've mistaken it for another of Sharingan's abilities. I'll have to put him in a team to teach him more about how he could utilise his eyes" Naruto calmly said.

Sakura however still seemed a bit nervous and seemed to be wanting to say something. "What is it Sakura-chan you seem to have something else on your mind," Naruto asked

"Well.....there is something that has been bothering me for a bit. When I sparred with the kid he was very good at utilising chakra to infuse into his body just like Lady Tsunade and me. I learnt from Tsunade-sensei as this technique requires complete focus and a single mistake can ruin you. When I asked him where he learnt from he said he picked it up when he was travelling. I know for a fact someone must've taught him as only Lady Tsunade with her already strong physique could perform this technique and now Mia can as well due to her genes. While my Sarada was taught from a young age on how to do it."

Both Shikamaru and Naruto looked confused. "What exactly are you trying to say Sakura?" the bearded man asked.

"He said he learnt it on his journey. The only person capable to teaching something like this is someone who Tsunade taught which is highly unlikely as her only apprentice is Shizune while the other possibility is someone with Tsunade-senseis blood in them" she paused after saying that

Both Naruto and Shikamaru widened their eyes at the revelation. "You mean to say it's him?" Naruto asked in a serious tone.

"There are no other possibilities. I'm not very sure but something like this can only be taught by him. We've all heard of his feats in bingo books. Only he has monstrous strength like this. The kid was also a genius and it seems what Obito said must've been true. The kid had finally escaped judging as the tremors have stopped recently." Sakura gave her analysis on the situation.

Clenching his fists hard Naruto looked up and Sighed. "If he has escaped then we need to find him and we have to be quick. It's been 22 years since then and I can't imagine how much hate he must be carrying. Before he goes on the wrong path we need to get to him"

"Shikamaru send Sasuke a message. Tell him the boy has escaped. Kai Senju should be armed and dangerous so loom out for him." Nodding his head Shikamaru left.

"Do you think we should tell Tsunade-sensei, Naruto?" her soft voice echoed

"No, she must not know about anything. Not until we can see the kid is safe and in the right mind. I don't want Tsunade-Obachan to worry or even chase after him only for the boy to attack her. For now, we need to meet him personally." his tone left no reason for disobedience and Sakura could only sigh.

Back at the Academy, the whole class went to the training ground as Shino-sensei ordered. It was time to test how good the kids were and this was to rank them in capabilities as well. Most kids were excited about it.

Down in the ground, Boruto and Iwabe were fighting each other and seemed to be evenly matched. As the kids were cheering for them.

Up in the sitting area, most of the kids were on the right chatting and talking to each other. Drogo, on the other hand, found it very boring to talk to brats and so he had moved away from the girls when they entered the building moving far left towards a certain pale skin and white-haired boy.

Taking a seat beside him as Mitsuki was standing he eyed the two fighting on the ground. To Drogo no matter how hard they were trying they seemed awfully weak. He could easily kill them both but he had to give it to Boruto. The boy had had a knack for fighting he was quick on his feet and was able to come up with strategies when he was in a pinch. He seemed worthwhile compared to some other trashes here.

No, what Drogo was most interested in was the boy next to him. He left different. Like he was a killer like him and what was most interesting about him was the amount of natural energy that surrounded him.

He might be able to use senjutsu. How amusing I've never tried senjutsu but I can tell its very strong. I could use him to teach me. Fighting him would be fun. Drogo smirked keeping his eyes on him.

"You seem interested in the boy called Boruto." Drogo finally asked him seeing as Mitsuki had been keeping his eyes on him.

"He seems very interesting and I'd like to get to know him." Mitsuki smiled

"Your smile is pretty fake you know that. They might not be able to tell but people like us can tell. You've killed as well, haven't you?" this caused him to jerk a bit as he dropped his smile.

"What if I have?" his tone sounded as if he was threatening.

"Relax, I've killed my share of people as well. But you interest me you really do. Tell me are you related to Orochimaru?" I spoke in a low voice.

Suddenly he started releasing wisps of killing intent all aimed at me so no one else could notice. "Who told you that?" his anger was getting the best of him.

Drogo finally looked serious and put both his hands in his pockets. "Do you think a killing intent so meagre can scare me? You haven't even seen a real killing intent" *BOOM* suddenly Drogo released his own killing intent which only a proportion if his real one. Only aiming at the pale skin boy. Their Killing intents clashed.

Mitsuki's killing intent resembled that of a Poisonous snake eyeing its pray ready to strike at any time. While Drogo's was that of a vicious beast. Too terrifying to even be called an animal. His was a predator that looked other vicious beasts in their eyes and told them to come straight at him and use all their tricks as he would simply rip them all apart.

Even Mitsuki felt scared of his killing intent. An intent like this was something only those who killed many and carried deep hate for something.

Finally, Drogo took his killing intent back and so did Mitsuki. "You don't have to be wary of me. The only reason I know you are connected to Orochimaru is one you are using snakes like him. Able to stretch your body like it's nothing and two you are as pale as him. Having both these abilities would easily narrow down the number of people who could teach you. I might not have heard about Sound village but I do know about Orochimaru one of the Sannins" he smiled at Mitsuki

"Don't worry everyone's secrets are their own to tell. I have no interest in telling these people anything besides like I said before you might be interesting to fight" he finished his words to which Mitsuki sighed and the battle down their ended.

Mitsuki finally looked down and jumped when the fight ended right in front of Boruto. As Shino was about to call out the next competitors Mitsuki spoke up "Fight me next" he looked over at Iwabe

Pushing his palm with his fist Iwabe replied "Nothing would make me happier" to which Shino-sensei sighed and told them to get ready

"Ready-" as the words came out Mitsuki already initiated his attack as he burst into speed causing everyone to be shocked.

Appearing behind Iwabe in a flash of speed he started swinging his arms left and right keeping his hands straight as if to chop Iwabe.

"Wait, Mitsuki I haven't given the order yet..." Shino-sensei said which was completely ignored by him

"You're Nasty!" Iwabe told him as he was dodging his hands when one finally connected on his left cheek smacking him while leaving a bruise.

"Why you!" Iwabe seemed to have been pissed at that and swung his Right arm at him but before it could even connect Mitsuki's right leg shot straight up kicking his chin as it sent him skidding back.

"You're too weak!" Iwabe said coming to a halt from his kick when suddenly Mitsuki as fast as ever went through his legs like a snake would slither and jumped behind him getting him in a choke hold as he wrapped his legs around his upper chest.

Oh, how interesting! He is fast just like me and his escape moved seems to be impressive. They way he's choking him without remorse and consequence is stunning. I should fight him after this! Up in the Stands, Drogo Grinned which was noticed by Sarada and Mia who eyed him occasionally. Confused at why he would grin when someones being choked in front.

"Is he one of those Sadists that Anko-Sensi used to be in her teens" Mia whispered in Sarada's ears to which the girl just shrugged seeming to want to know as well.

"Don't you think he looks cuter when he grins like that. I beauty like me can only have him as her boyfriend" Chocho finally intervened between them as she began to dream about prince charming.

Down below Shino-sensi had finally decided to intervene the match as he saw Iwabe Chocking. "Release him. We're done" he said trying to separate Mitsuki from Iwabe. "That is enough let him go. The match is over!" Shino made his voice louder. It was not until Boruto ran over and said: "Mitsuki, we're done!" that he let him go causing Iwabe to fall down on his knees gasping for breath.

"Are you alright Iwabe" Shino crouched near him placing his hand on is back

"Why did you stop me? I was on the verge of winning," questioned Mitsuki

They both blinked at each other while everyone else stared.

"Anyways, Apologise to Iwabe!" Boruto told him to which Mitsuki approached him

"Why? He said no holds barred, so I..." before he could finish Boruto interrupted him again.

"It doesn't matter! You overdid it!" he shot back at him. " I don't like guys who fight like that!" angered at what Mitsuki had done.

"You don't?" Mitsuki seemed to be reading the boy in front of him. "I see but I don't want you to dislike me" he finally said and then went towards Iwabe.

"I'm sorry... I must've gone overboard. I would like to apology-" as he was bowing and finishing his words a loud clap was heard. *Clap* *Clap* *Clap* *Clap*

Everyone looked over and saw Drogo approaching the battlefield.

"Were you going to apologize because the brat here just said you to Mitsuki?" he questioned him halting a few steps away from Boruto.

Everyone came to a halt and looked down to see what the new kid was up to.

"Shikadai what do you think he's up to?" the bowl cut boy called Metal asked

"How would I know. I can't seem to read him at all," he replied back

"Seems like a troublemaker to me" a pale skin and blond haired Inojin spoke. He was always honest and said what came to his mind.

Boruto seemed to have become angry "Oi! What do you know? We aren't supposed to hurt our friends. If someone goes too far he needs to apologise"

"Apologise? Apologise for what exactly? What Mitsuki did was what Shinobies should do. You and most of the people up there is trash. Do you think being a shinobi is all happy and nice? That this is a game where you become friends and live happily after?" Drogo sneered and Said in a loud voice.

"Why you!" Iwabe who seemed to have gotten a hang of his breath became angry at being called trash by some no named.

"How can he have such a nasty tongue?" chocho mumbled for everyone to hear

"He looks like a thug!" one of the classmates muttered

"I don't think we'll be getting along very well," inojin told Metal, Shikidai and Denki. Some of them agree with him

Boruto seemed to have shut up and kept staring at Drogo.

Drogo looked over at Iwabe and continued "Why you think I'm wrong for calling you weak. This generation is filled with weaklings. Half of you won't become shinobies. You are two sheltered and have never faced the true world outside these walls. Tell me honestly which one of you have ever killed before?" a voice as loud as ever as he looked around at everyone.

Seeing everyone silenced he sneered again. "So what right do you have to make him apologise? He did his job right and you told him to apologise. Apart from being weak, you don't even have the right mindset to be one. None of you does, apart from Mitsuki here." nearing Boruto's face I leaned in

"A shinobi world out there is a dog it dog world. You either get killed or you kill. Just because you have times of peace don't mean there are no shinobi out there. Bandits and missing-nins all they want to pillage, rape and kill. I've seen it and I've killed them. So don't tell me shit about bonds and friends. None of that helps out there" quite there was a pin drop silence and everyone seemed to have been contemplating what Drogo just said

Some frustrated at what he said while some agreed with it. There were even those who were scared to know shinobies killed.

"That it enough Drogo, no need to say more!" Shino-sensei finally defused the situation seeing how morally down everyone was.

"Don't worry Bug-sensei I'm not here to lecture them anyway. I'm here for him" not breaking my eye contact with Boruto I took a hand out of my pocket and pointed at Mitsuki. "I'm here to fight him" finally looking at Mitsuki I grinned.

"Hey! I'd like to fight a bastard like you." Iwabe finally couldn't take it and said to which Drogo simple looked over and showed immense disgust

"You are too weak. Won't even stand a single punch" causing everyone to Gasp at the new kid's words and Iwabe was made even angrier.

"Why you! I'll show y-" before he could even finish Drogo stood in front of him with a kunai at his heart.

"See that I can easily kill you. Back off, I'd like to fight real Shinobi not some sheltered brats who think playing Shinobi is fun" taking back the kunai as Iwabe was heavily sweating

"You can't fight him just like that Drogo. I didn't announce the new competitors." Shino-sensei spoke up

"I accept your challenge." Mitsuki who had been quiet for some time finally spoke up. "But if I win you will apologise to Boruto and everyone else"

Ah! So you'd fight on a condition. Very well not that I'm bothered since I won't be losing nodding his head "You have yourself a deal" and Shino-sensei sighed again

"Who do you think would win?" asked Metal as Boruto and Iwabe went to sit with them.

"Hard to say both of them are super fast. We've not seen much of Mitsuki in the last fight as well" Shikadai said

"Isn't it simple. Drogo would win since he's handsome" chocho told them causing everyone to sweatdrop.

"I want Mitsuki to win since the bet he made with Drogo. Also, I don't really like Drogo." Iwabe said as most agreed

"You're just saying that since he's popular with girls" Inojin muttered causing Iwabe to have a sour expression.

"So what if he's a bit handsome. That pretty boys gonna get it" he shot back

"I want Mitsuki to win as well. I don't really like Drogo that much. Can't believe he lives with Sarada." Boruto finally spoke up as the girls looked over to him.

"He isn't like that at home. I mean he is but he's scared of mama" Sarada explained the situation.

"Mothers are always scary" Every single one of them had a gloomy expression on their face.

"Look it's starting" Mia pointed excitedly.

"Sarada you've been living with him so you must know how strong he is right?" She asked Sarada while others wanted to know as well.

Sarada, on the other hand, herself didn't know much. "I don't know anything about him yet. All I know is when I first saw him in my house I got scared and punched him with chakra infused fist and he easily blocked it with a single hand. I couldn't move my fist it was as if I was being held by mother during our fights." she could see others widening their eyes at this revelation.

"To block Sarada's punch like that. He must be super strong. Sarada is the second strongest in terms of strength only second go, Mia and to think he could block you easily." Denki muttered

Down below the fight had officially begun. With a burst of speed, Mitsuki approached Drogo and started swinging as he did with Iwabe.

The difference could be seen here easily as Drogo dodged all his attacks. Sidestepping when Mitsuki tried to kick him then took a single hand out of his pocket to hold the leg.

"Go for a long stroll, Mitsuki" I grinned throwing him far away in a boulder with all my strength.

He crashed into the boulder as dust flew up and bits of rocks started falling.

"That was just his throw! It sent Mitsuki flying so fast. His strength is way stronger than any of us here" Mia mumbled

"Oi Mitsuki surely this ain't all you got," Drogo said looking at where he threw him as three chakra infused Kunais were thrown

*Cling* *Cling* *Cling* using his own kunai he repelled them all. Only for Mitsuki's long arms underneath him coming out of the ground to grab him and dug him inside as he came out from where Mitsuki was. Still having his arms wrapped around Drogo he flung them upwards in the air and smashed his body down a few meters away.

"Yes! Nice one Mitsuki" Iwabe and Boruto Cheered

"He's not that weak guy" Sarada chided

True to her words Drogo slowly got up cracking his neck.

"Not bad but it won't work on me again" rushing towards Mitsuki he went through his hand seals "Fire style: Great fireball jutsu" as a massive ball of the flame shot put from his mouth towards Mitsuki

Everyone shocked at the massive fireball he could muster. A fireball this big surely needed a lot of chakra.

Mitsuki, however, didn't flinch too much as he went throw his hand seals "Wind style: immense breakthrough" as an equally large amount of wind tornado erupted from his mouth meeting the fireball. Both jutsu connected causing each other to diminish the as huge amount of dust flew up

Taking advantage of the dust Drogo quickly moved forward and came right underneath him going through a few hand seals "Lighting style: Thunder punch" infusing Lighting chakra into his fist he smashed it into Mitsuki's abdomen as his eyes widened flying backwards using his long hands to grab hold of the ground to come to a halt.

Grabbing his side where the punch hit him he knew he'd probably broken something but the lighting shock pain was quite intense.

"Oh, you're still standing? Thought you'd be down for the count." Drogi smirked as his expression suddenly changed

"Lightning style: Snake lighting" as lighting snakes erupted from underneath Drogo and wrapped him around causing him to jerk as they gave him a massive shock.

"Nice one Mitsuki!" The boys cheered for him while the girls look worried about Drogo.

As the jutsu faded, Drogo was sent to his knees as his breathing became ragged.

"Not bad Mitsuki not bad at all" Snake lighting did a number on him but like Mitsuki, it wasn't enough to stop him.

After this, the battle became more intense. As they closed the distance their Taijutsu was close to each other with Drogo having more strength while Mitsuki being more flexible.

Drogo didn't utilise his Rinnegan as he wanted to hide his powers and using it would mean he would have changes in his ninjutsu colour and they'd become stronger. That was a trump card he saved for something else

"Water style: Gunshot" firing water from his mouth as he jumped to the side hitting Mitsuki causing more damage to him.

Mitsuki himself didn't slow down as he used "Wind style: gale palm" using them with Kunai as they launched at a fast speed making their way to Drogo as cuts appeared on his body. The kunai was too fast to dodge.

"I know you have much more than this Mitsuki. Use your Senjutsu I can feel it" He spoke in a low voice so only he could hear making Mitsuki appear stunned.

"How did you know?" he asked

"I have my ways now if you want to win you'll have to use it otherwise you won't. I'm not even serious yet and you know it" he nodded at that

"Very well I want this to end now as well. You seem tired as well" With that a cyan aura surrounded Mitsuki and everyone felt the strong chakra erupted from him

"What's he doing?" asked one of the kids

"I don't know but it looks to be very strong," someone else said

"How are they both so strong. Just by the amount of different jutsu they used they are at least chunin levels. Drogo was right compared to him we do seem very weak" Iwabe clenched his fists while the other seemed to have realised that as well

"This doesn't give him the right to call us Trash. I may like him but calling me weak is asking for a beating" Mia showed her Fists ready to fight.

"Will you really be able to take him down though?" Sarada questioned to which she slumped in defeat.

"So this is senjutsu Transformation. It seems very interesting" Drogo smirked at the newly transformed Mitsuki. He didn't seem to be fully utilising Sage transformation but only the aura.

"I'll end this now" as he said he practically vanished and appeared behind him. Not letting him look behind he released "Wind style: Gale fist" he slammed his fist into Drogo's back hurling him forward into a wall

"Mitsuki that was too far you might've broken his back" Shino-sensei finally had enough and tried to stop Mitsuki

While everyone up there shocked at how fast and strong Mitsuki had become.

"I'm stopping this now" Shino-sensei said before he got interrupted by Drogo

"It's just getting started *cough* *cough* Bug-Sensei." The figure of a small boy with messed up hair and ragged breath walked over as his head was bleeding and looked to be badly injured.

"Have you seen yourself Drogo you are barely standing. Mitsuki has won this. It's over now" He tried to persuade the boy

"I SAID ITS OVER WHEN I SAY ITS OVER!" Drogo shouted out loud causing everyone to freeze

"You think I'm that weak for him to hit me easily" finally finding his footing he straightened his back

"Thanks for that Mitsuki. Without you hitting me I would never be able to get the hang of this energy" Mitsuki could see a massive Grin on his face again and then he found himself lost for words

*BOOM* just like Mitsuki, Drogo erupted with the same aura but his was black and thick. His chakra eruption was way massive.

"How can you do this" Mitsuki finally asked

"It wasn't that hard honestly. I knew about Senjutsu but I didn't know the right amount of Natural energy needed to activate it but when you hit me I could sense the amount of energy that you had. So just like that, I got it"

"Y-you make it sound so easy but no one's ever done it like this. You certainly are a genius even my father would not stop praising you" Getting back into fighting stance and started their fighting going toe to toe. They both had smiles on their faces and enjoyed while they were at it.

Even those up in the stands were watching the intense fight and couldn't help but be surprised at how fast those two were going.

"It's time I end this Mitsuki. You sure are fun to fight. I've never fought someone my age like this." He said through his smiles.

"Likewise I've never had anyone my age this strong. You are very strong" this time Mitsuki had made a genuine smile one that showed how he liked it.

Coming to a halt Drogo shouted as even more black aura surrounded him "Fifth Gate: Gate of Limit Open" the aura was even produced shockwaves as it caused others to back away.

"It's over now Mitsuki" Rushing straight to Mitsuki at a speed that would even leave the Raikage gobsmacked and brought down his fist "Sage arts: Sage Fist" concentrating all the natural energy in my fist to make it way stronger than ever. I hit him.

Or so I had thought as just before my fist could connect it was deflected by someone else hitting a massive rock and breaking it to Smithers.

I could hear loud Gasps from people around just by the sheer amount of Power behind my fists. If this first had connected it would surely injure Mitsuki very badly if not to kill him.

The person in question who stopped us had long white hair and an oily headband. Year's had gone by but this man remained the same as always. Drogo would never be able to forget his face although more wrinkly then ever but it was the same man as before.

"Jiraya" I muttered

There we go another chapter finally out. Ik right now the story is a drag and its slow by I promise once Sarada arc starts it'll get interesting.

As always enjoy

Darkjokescreators' thoughts
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