
Chapter 1

(Sixteen years later)

(Ding,ding!!),the alarm woke Mannix up. "fuck it's Monday again" said Mannix ,he stood up looking like he didn't sleep a wink at all throughout the night,he went to have his bath and brush his teeth.

Then he hurriedly went down for breakfast,meeting his mum there he greeted her while he pecked her

"Good morning mum"

"Good morning my love" answered by Kia

"What smells so good?" Mannix asked

Kia smiles brightly " well since your birthday is tomorrow I thought why don't I make your favourite meal"

-"Chicken and waffles?!!!" Mannix asking with a huge smile on his face

"Yeah,well sit down let me serve it"

Mannix immediately took his sit whilst he waited for it

In no time at all,the mother brought out the food for Mannix. In less than 20 minutes Mannix was done and hurriedly carried his bag and left for school

"bye mum!!"

"bye my love,have a great day"

Mannix immediately went to his friend's house Brittany. They have been friends since they were toddlers,they do everything together and basically live in each other's house considering the amount of time they spend there.


"who is there?" Asked Brittany

"Its Mannix!!"

Then immediately Brittany sprinted down from the stairs to open the door,you could hear her feet stomping on the ground to show how fast he ran.

She opened the door letting Mannix in

"Just give me 2 minutes"said Brittany as she ran back upstairs to get her bag

Mannix went ahead to greet Brittany's mum and Dad

"Good morning Mr and Mrs Campbell "

"Good morning" Brittany's parents answered unanimously

Brittany then enters the room while taking her lunch for school

"Bye mum,bye Dad" said Brittany

"Bye Mr and Mrs Campbell "

They immediately left for school.

They got to school around 8:30 and morning assembly doesn't start till 8:35 so they had 5 minutes to spare. They decided to meet some of their other friends. Anastasia whom they normally called Ana and Darren who was the brainy one among them.

"Hello guys" said Ana

Brittany reaching out for a group hug thereby relieving a sigh

"yup,these are my people" said Brittany

"Ding,ding!!" ,morning assembly bell rang

They then went to homeroom to have their seat while they waited for the morning announcements. The principal came and address the students

"Good morning students" said the principal

"We have a new substitute social studies teacher cause Mrs Freemond retired"

The students giving a sign of displeasure because Mrs Freemond is one of the nicest teachers the school has ever had.

The principal then called upon Mr Armstrong the new substitute to addressed them

"Good morning students"

"Good morning Mr Armstrong" the students answered in an unsatisfied tone

" I know,some of you or rather all of you aren't pleased with the new changes in administration,I know I have big shoes to fill, but I promise to try my best in teaching and giving moral values to you all Thank you"

The students clapped as he went back to his seat.

The bell of first period rang then everyone separated to their various classes

"so we all meet at the cafeteria during break right" asked Ana

"Most definitely!" Mannix, Darren and Brittany answered unanimously.

Mannix had social studies for first period,so he went ahead and took his seat while he waited for the new teacher. In the next 3 minutes, Mr Armstrong entered the classroom to start the lessons for the day.

(45 mins Later)

The bell for break rang and Mannix went to meet his friends like they planned but he was delayed because he heard the principal calling him from the speaker

"Mannix Fairwood, you're being called into the principal's office".

On reaching there he met his mum

"Sorry, did I do something wrong?" asked Mannix

The principal then bursts into laughter

"oh, no your mum came to pick you,she said it was a family emergency right?"

"Right",answered Kia

"oh okay let me just tell my friends I'm going"

"sorry there won't be time for that,we have to leave now"


"no buts,we are leaving now"

They hurriedly left for the car

"Mum,what's wrong?"

"uhh- noth- nothing is wrong" Kia stammered

On their way home, Kia took a different route which they haven't used before

Mannix unfamiliar with the placed asked his mum "why did we take a different route?"

"oh we aren't going home,we are going on a trip"

"All of sudden?,to where?"

"To a friend's place" Kia answered


"Will you just stop asking questions?" Kia said

Then suddenly a big boulder start rolling to their car,but Kia takes a sharp turn to avoid it,they keep going when they see a man standing in the middle of the road. Kia immediately pulls the break while she comes out.

"Dont come out" Said Kia to Mannix

Kia slowly approaches the man.

"I can't let you go any further" said the strange man

"you,do not want to mess with me".

Immediately Kia made a battle stance while raising her hands she let out a huge sigh then bolted to the man at immense speed and agility attempting to hit the his stomach with a blow but the man blocks the attack with one hand as if it was nothing. Kia seeing this knew she was no match for him but she took up her arms,summoning the element of water thereby freezing him which gave her enough time to run away.

Mannix in full shock went ahead to ask

"Mum what the fuck was that?"

"umm- Mannix I probably should have told you earlier but- we aren't from here."

"i don't understand?"

" we are from a kingdom named Alisteria. A kingdom blessed with magic."


"yes,I left there because-" Kia stopped

"Because of what?"

" I am not your mother"

"you're joking right?!, please tell me this is a joke"

Kia didn't answer him

"What do you mean, you're not my mother?!"

"16 years ago, an Angel brought you to me to take care of you, I didn't know where you came from, you're name, or who you are,I was just order to take care of you"

Mannix bursts into tears


They arrived at a gate,Kia and Mannix came down, she then holds his shoulder

"Dont tell anyone this,they don't act well to outsiders"

Mannix doesn't answer.

They enter the gate. This was a barrier created after the tragedy 16 years ago. Only true Alisterians were able to enter. Upon entering they saw magical beasts flying around,people doing magic as if it was normal.

Kia let out a huge sigh

"its good to be home".