
You deserve it!

"Wait a sec!" She frowned. "How is this exactly, your date ditching you at the nick of time? Please explain!"

The man shook his finger at her.

"Now just do not do that. Ok. I am not to be blamed for this. It is not her fault though, but it is not my fault either. She was anyways going to come with me, inspite of everything. But, het father has to undergo a surgery tomorrow itself, so she had to drop the plan." The man sighed deeply, and Stella could not help but notice his abs moving in a beautiful way. "And obviously, I am sorry about her dad too. I do not blame her for anything at all. But to think about all this, I feel I am cursed to attend this wedding in a terrible position."

Stella chuckled and then rested her back against the wall. In doing to, if she in any ways by chance moved closer to Mike, it would be just an added advantage. It was not like the girl was in danger of becoming the guy's not-girfriend. But atleast she could enjoy a few accidental touches of his shoulder or arm, before the elevator starts to work again.

"Hmmm! May be you have done somthing, to deserve all this! Maybe!"

Mike quickly reached around her and suddenly grabbed her purse.

"Really Stella? I tell you my dissapointing story of how I have to attend an ex's wedding that too with my former best friend. How my date ditched me, and now you are telling me this? I am opening my heart to you, by telling you my sad story, and you are telling me that I derseve this? How bad Stella! Since you said this, I am going to take out some cheese from your bag."

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