

She pulled out the champagne and the cheese and crackers from inside her purse. "Not quite sure how cold the champagne is anymore, but we still have to drink it. And I heroically saved most of the cheese and crackers from the guy I was stuck in the elevator with, so we'd better enjoy them."

"Well, of course we still have to drink that champagne! Give it to me."

Livia grabbed the hotel water glasses as Stella pulled the foil off the champagne bottle, carefully.

"I can't believe you were stuck in the elevator all that time. And why weren't you texting me back? Was your battery out? You got me worried, girl."

"Okay, there's a story there, but let's toast to you before I get into all of that." She twisted the metal tie open and pulled out the cork with a gentle pop. After she poured a healthy amount into each of their glasses, she held hers up. "Wooohoooo!!"

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