
Single moron

"Gasp!! Oh my good lord! There is a fourth point too now! What could it be now? Don't tell me there is somthing like your divorced parents are coming over to the wedding too, with their respective spouces! Or maybe something similar to this?"

The man laughed hearing the girl's words.

"Though I like your guess, but no there is nothing like that. Though it would be true nightmare to be in such a situation. The fourth point is that not just I am a groomsman in the wedding of my ex-girlfriend and former best friend, but also I am a date- less groomsman on the wedding of my ex-girlfriend and former best friend. My date ditched me just before coming here, right at the nick of time. So now, I am going to look like a bloody looser and a single moron. So now, I would probably get really high and hit on a brides-maid. This whole thing is such a nightmare for me.

She frowned and simply shrugged off this idea, with her hand's swift movement.

"Ohh! Common! Trust me, you will be fine. These weekend weddings are simply amazing places, to interact with new people. Infact, I would say, it is better that you are without a date. As my best friend Colleen always tell me- It is a stupidity to carry a burger, while going to a buffet!"

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