
The tale of a supreme Dao prodigee

A young boy in a remote village found a pearl one day, which awakened his extreme perceptive to the world mysteries. While he explores the world and reaches the greatest being in the world, he will grow and develop his village to be the focal point of the whole world.

sunhell · Eastern
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151 Chs

Elemental Nexus qi gathering technique

"Since you're showing interest," his father continued, "it's about time you learned more about Qi and the art of cultivation."

His mother retrieved a small, intricately carved box from a cabinet. Opening it, she revealed several scrolls. "These are ancient texts that can guide you on your journey."

His father took one of the scrolls and unrolled it on the table. "Qi, in its essence, is the life force that exists in everything—trees, rivers, animals, and of course, humans. Cultivation is the practice of channeling this Qi through your body, refining it to enhance your physical and spiritual abilities."

He pointed at a diagram that depicted the human body with various energy channels and points marked. "These are your meridians—think of them as rivers of energy within your body. The key to successful cultivation is to guide the Qi through these meridians, clearing any blockages and storing it in your Qi reservoirs, also known as Dantians."

Elrian's mother picked up from there. "The process isn't easy. It takes immense concentration, and initially, you might not feel much progress. But with time, you'll learn to manipulate Qi, unlocking new skills and abilities at each stage of the Qi Nexus."

She pointed to another scroll that listed the stages: Qi Initiate, Qi Apprentice, all the way up to Qi Divinity. "Each stage has its own challenges, and each demands different resources and techniques to progress. You'll need to meditate, perform breathing exercises, and sometimes, consume special herbs or absorb the Qi from beast cores."

Elrian absorbed every word, his eyes darting between the scrolls and his parents' faces. The world he thought he knew was unraveling to reveal a much vaster, far more intriguing tapestry of possibilities. With a newfound resolve filling his chest, he knew his journey into the realms of cultivation had just begun. 

Elrian's mother paused, her eyes twinkling as if she was sharing a great secret. "You know, there's a legendary cultivation technique, the Elemental Nexus Qi Gathering Method. It's strange, but somehow everyone ends up with a manual that describes it. We don't know how or why these manuals find their way into people's hands, but they do."

His father chuckled, "It's almost like the world is playing a joke. The prerequisites for this technique are nearly impossible for the average mortal to meet. I suspect nobody has successfully started practicing it."

Elrian looked at his parents, intrigued. Here was a supreme technique that seemingly everyone knew about but nobody could actually practice. His newfound sensitivity to Qi made him wonder—could he be the exception? Would he be able to take on this legendary path that has stumped so many?

Elrian's eyes widened as his mother reached for an intricately designed manual from a shelf. The tome's cover shimmered with what seemed like a kaleidoscope of elemental symbols. She handed it to him, and he could almost feel the weight of its untapped potential in his hands.

"As you'll see," his mother said, flipping the manual open to the introduction, "it outlines the Elemental Nexus Qi Gathering Method in great detail. But be warned, it's not for the faint-hearted."

Elrian's eyes scanned through the introductory paragraphs, detailing the legendary origins of the technique, how it was said to bring unparalleled power but at the cost of extreme risk. He then reached the section outlining the prerequisites and steps—Elemental Resonance, Elemental Infusion, Qi Stabilization, and the optional Elemental Fusion. The intricacies of melding elemental Qi at the molecular level seemed fascinating yet incredibly complex.

His father leaned in, "You see, sensing even a single element while being a mortal is an extremely rare talent. This technique requires one to have an almost preternatural sensitivity to elemental Qi."

Elrian felt his pulse quicken. A sense of challenge ignited within him. He had already felt Qi in a way most five-year-olds, or even adults, could not. Could it be that this path, as perilous and untrodden as it was, was meant for him?

His mother caught the glint in his eye and cautioned, "Remember, the Elemental Fusion stage is optional but hazardous. The risk of Qi Deviation isn't a joke; it can be life-threatening."

Closing the manual gently, Elrian looked up at his parents. "I understand the risks," he said, a resolute determination coloring his voice, "but I also understand the rewards. I want to try."

His parents exchanged a look, their eyes filled with a mix of apprehension and pride. They knew their son had just made a monumental decision, one that could shape not only his destiny but perhaps the destiny of their village—or even the entire continent of Aetheris.

His father sighed, breaking the charged atmosphere. "Elrian, it's not that we don't believe in you, but you must understand the reality of our situation. We live in a remote village on Aetheris, far removed from the centers of cultivation knowledge and power. Sensing elements, let alone fusing them, is nearly impossible without guidance from an advanced cultivator. Plus, you've never shown any signs of elemental affinity before."

His mother chimed in, "Your father is right. As extraordinary as you are with sensing Qi, elemental perception is a whole different league. It requires years of intense training and innate talent. Without proper guidance, it might lead you down a dangerous path."

Elrian felt his resolve waver for a moment but quickly gathered himself. The thought of not at least attempting to unlock his elemental affinities was unbearable, especially when he considered the looming threat of Seraphine and her growing ambitions.

"So, what do you suggest I do?" Elrian asked, his eyes searching his parents' faces for a hint of encouragement or guidance.

His parents shared another meaningful glance before his father spoke, "For now, focus on the basics. Learn to understand Qi, to control it, and to use it. Should you happen upon elemental affinity along the way, we'll take it as a gift from the heavens and work from there. But let's not place the cart before the horse."

His mother nodded, "Take your time to digest what you've learned today and when you're ready, we'll help you start with the most foundational techniques. Remember, the journey of cultivation is long, and rushing into things recklessly could do more harm than good."

Elrian nodded, feeling both grounded and slightly disappointed. But deep within, a flicker of ambition refused to be extinguished. Somewhere along his path, he knew he would find the keys to the elemental enigmas outlined in the manual, and when that day came, he would be ready.

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