
Untitled Chapter

Brother? Where'd you go? Chloe said after a few moments of opening her eyes. Chloe reaches over to her phone and saw that it was almost 10 pm. The sounds of people running down the stairs startle woke Chloe up. Chloe hopped out of Seth's bed and walk out the room seeing Nicholas punching Seth over and over again.

Nicky? Chloe said teleporting behind him. Oh! Hi, im just playing around with Seth over here, Nicholas said looking at Chloe. Chloe put her hand on Nicholas's shoulder, scanning his body for any type of injuries. Chloe started reading Nick's mind trying to figure out why is he hurting Seth when it clearly shows Nicholas isn't injured.

You're having a psychotic break, Chloe said bluntly in a sleepy voice. Could you please get out of my head, Nicholas said standing up. It's time for you to go to sleep, Chloe said snapping her fingers.

Nicholas quickly passed out falling in Chloe's arms almost making her fall over. Chloe, how did you do that? Sam asked. Brother? Something wrong, Chloe said backing up away from Seth.

Chloe's eyes glow red for a second.

Dean! Seth called out. I'm on it, Come, Sammy, Prince Zachary, Princess Rose, Let's go somewhere else while luna takes care of Chloe, Dean said while picking Zachary up. Oh! it's time, both Zachary and Rose said at the same time. I don't understand, am I the only one that doesn't know what's happening, Sam said. I think we should tell him, he has special abilities too so I don't think he needs to wait to know, Dean said. Okay, fine tell him, Zachary said.

Chloe and Seth are like the most powerful beings on earth. They have a lot of psychic powers but they are also the heirs to rule every vampire that exists and they haven't developed their vampire side until recently, Dean said. Vampires! Sam said. Not just any vampire the most Royal vampire in the history of pure blood's because the king is actually lady Yuki's oldest brother, Zachary said. Wait I don't understand, is the Queen a vampire? Sam asked. No, she's human and she's not the twin's mother. The twin's biological mother is the Yuki, yes that means there was a sibling affair of some kind.

The king's two sons didn't inherit his vampire genes but they did inherit some psychic powers, Dean said. Wait are the twins even human, Sammy said with worry. The twin's birth mother is human, the twins are 20% human 5% werewolf because of the spells the King witches keep casting on the twins to get rid of the wolf side, 15% which but sense their witch side is one of the most powerful covens and the rest is vampirism. The twins aren't the purest purebloods but they are the most royal vampires Zachary said. They are also the royal twins of the kingdom-

Guys! Bad news! Luna said running towards the group. Chloe said that she had a vision of Jackson fight and dying then she just teleported a whole bag of sugar than ate it and teleported off and Seth passed out just a moment ago so I can't get the details from him.

10 minutes later with Chloe.

Victor was walking around the city until he heard gunshots from a couple of alleys away. Victor ran towards the sounds of gunshots but it got quieter the closer he goes.

Ahhhhh!!!!!!! A man wailed in pain right around the corner from Victor.

Victor ran faster and when he goes there he saw a young girl. The girl's eyes glowed bright red for a second while a car passes. A boy in her arms. A man with his legs bent in ways that look like a knot. When the street light came on he realized that girl was Chloe, she had a knife covered in blood in her mouth, and the man with knotted legs, his arms were scattered across the alleyway with his throat brutally sliced with his heart laying next to Chloe.

Oh My God! Chloe! What happened! Do you need me to call 911? Victor said running to Chloe. Chloe looked at Victor then looked at Jackson then shake her head no. Chloe slowly moved her arm and groan in pain. Instead of using her hands to get the knife out of her mouth, she flings it in the air and comes back down stabbing her in the shoulder. What did you do that for! Victor yelled.

BROTHER! Chloe yelled, ignoring Victor. He's out cold right now! but Im here, Luna said walking in the alley with Zen. I'm here too, Zen said. Luna meets Victor, Victor meet Luna, Chloe said with a smile. Hey, can you walk? Luna asked. Yeah, I can but can you get Jackson off of me please and can someone erase Victor's memory of tonight. Wait, why! is it because you're a vampire, Victor said. Luna, guess what! I think you're high off of adrenaline right now, Luna said while Zen gets Jackson. Luna! guess what! Chloe said again. What is it, Luna said? I'm in a bunch of pain! Chloe said.

Victor, Im sorry about this one. She's only got like this when she has too much sugar, Luna said. Also, Chloe isn't a vampire, and Luna please relocate Chloe's arms and shoulders and maybe her brain too if you could, Zen said getting Jackson in his car. After Luna relocated Chloe's arms and shoulders, Zen threw one of Chloe's extra-large oversized sweatshirts at her. Hey Zen, I want to say with Victor for a little while, Chloe said. That's fine, Zen said ridding off.

Do you want to explain what the heck just happen here, Victor said. Turn around, Chloe said. What why, Victor said with a suspicious look. Because im only wearing my short shorts and a sports bra under my sweatshirt, Chloe said. Oh! I turn around, Victor said blushing. Chloe used one of her abilities to put short shorts on and blue sneakers with socks then she just changes her sweatshirts. Chloe looked at the dead body and the body part then teleported in a volcano along with the spilled blood.

Come on, let's go! Chloe said dragging Victor. What about the body! Victor said. I already took care of it- Hold on I need to throw up, Chloe said leaning against a wall.

Chloe started throwing up the blood that Luna gave her back at the dormitories. Ugh, now that was nasty, Chloe said then ran back over Victor. So, tell me what was that back there, Victor asked.

I had this super bad feeling that something was going to happen to one of my friends so I just followed my senses and my friends were getting beat up so I had to do something. I could have beat the bad guy with no problem but he was a vampire and I was like, you know what I'm not going to waste my gifts on him! Chloe said with excitement. Is this not your first time killing someone, Victor said while he stopped walking. Let me just say that I was an odd girl who was manipulated to train to kill but a knight and shiny armor stopped the manipulation, Chloe said with tears forming in her eyes.

Hey! I'm sorry, Victor said feeling guilty. Even though he stop the Evil King from using his own baby girl, monsters will come after that girl because of who she is, Chloe said silently crying. The phone call earlier with your brother did he know about your daddy problems, Victor said grabbing my hand. Yeah, he does plus he was just mad at that moment, Chloe said wiping her tears.

Can I ask you a favor, Chloe said hugging Victor. What's up? Victor said. Can I stay like this for a couple of minutes, Chloe said. Sur-No you can not, you need to go home and eat something, Luna said interrupting Victor. But im not hungry, Chloe said letting go of Victor. I just remember that you didn't even have a meal today, Luna said slowly coming out of the shadows. Well see you soon Victor, Chloe said running towards luna. When Victor went to say bye, Chloe and luna had already teleported back home.


Chloe! drink this! Luna said yelling at me while she chases me around the house with a blood bag. ( Luna is a witch that has the quirks of a vampire but don't need to feed on blood and that also include semi immortality).When Chloe finally thought she got away from Luna, Luna teleported in front of Chloe and grab her sleeve on Chloe's sweatshirt then tried to force-feed Chloe but she manages to slip out of the sweatshirt and ran away again. For sure this time Chloe was put of Luna sights so she went to the nearest room she saw not know it's Sams room with both Sam and Dean in there.

What are doing? Sam said looking at me. Aye, Princess, I think you should cover up or your brother will try to kill us, Dean said. But still, why are you in- Chloe! where are you! don't forget that I also have a super hearing so I think im getting close! Luna yelling interrupted Dean. Are you- Chloe jump Sam, covering his mouth while both of them fall on the bed with Chloe's breast in Sam's face.

They stay there for a couple of minutes.

I think she's gone, Chloe said. Did you do something to her? Dean asks while Sam's face turns completely red. Chloe got off of Sam then said, She's trying to make me drink blood and I don't want to drink human or animal blood, Chloe said. Is that so, Sam said looking up at Dean. Plus, when she force-fed me the blood bag earlier it made me nausea like it wants to come back up straight away but I was able to hold it down till after I found my friend Jackson and so you have a sweatshirt I can put on, Chloe said the last part while blushing. Here! Dean said quickly throwing one of Sam's sweatshirts at me.

Wait! What time is it! Chloe said with worry. It's almost 12 am, why? Sam asked. I haven't taken my medicine since I first left the house today, Chloe said. What type of medicine? Sam asked. I found you! Luna shouted slamming the door open.

Luna quickly jumps Chloe and puts the blood bag in her mouth and started squeezing it. Sense Chloe didn't want to get blood on Sam's bed, Chloe willing started drinking it. Luna hopped off of Chloe then said, what a good girl, in a baby voice. Chloe quickly ran into the bathroom and started throwing up all the blood she just digests. Why can't your body handle blood! Here take mines! Luna yelled putting her arm in Chloe's mouth. Chloe pushes Luna away than ran off to her lonesome self.

Zen comes in the bathroom with Luna*

Do you know that Lady Yuki can drink blood from blood bags? She can only drink blood that just came from a human or animal, Zen said to Luna.

Oh, I did not know that, so you're saying that might be the case with Chloe, Luna said while walking out the room. Luna ran out of the room to look for Chloe but when she found her, she saw her drinking a cup of blood and actually ENJOYING IT!?

Chloe? Whose blood is that? Luna asked. Nicholas shows his face around the corner with a cheeky smile. Just don't let Seth know, Luna said walking away.


2 months gone by. 7 pm at the movie theaters


I want to see a soapy sad love story movie! Chloe said with excitement. Nicholas blushed. Ooooo~ Are you two on a date! Victor said from behind us. Nicholas blushed harder. A date? What is the date? Chloe said with confusion.

PPPFFTT!!! You don't know what a date is! Oh my gosh! You're so innocent! Victor said cracking up. You know like when two people go somewhere together but not as friends maybe more as friends, Nicholas said still blushing. Nope! Chloe said taking a cute picture of Nicholas blushing. What was that for! Nicholas said get flustered. You looked so cute just now I couldn't help it but I think Zachary should be the cute one, you aren't always cute so I wanted to take advantage of this moment, Chloe said with an innocent smile.

Ouch! That gotta hurt, Victor said while friendly slapping Nick on the back. Oh! Chloe, why do you want to see a soapy romantic movie? Victor asked. It's because I haven't seen one before, it's the only genre I wasn't allowed to watch so here I am! Chloe said blushing while looking down. You guys should watch Sad Romantic's Victor said pointing at the movie display. Okie! Chloe said running off to buy the tickets. She's so open and carefree, Victor said to himself. She's not like that with everyone, you either try hard to get to know her or she just drawn to a person, Nicholas said while staring at Chloe.

How long did you know her? Victor asked. We knew each other since we were toddlers, my mom had held me back a grade so Chloe wouldn't be all alone in her grade level, Nicholas said while looking up. What do you mean by "all alone", Victor asked? I'm back! Chloe squealed. Come one! let's go! Chloe said while heading towards the clerk for the movie. Nicholas followed Chloe while Victor buys himself a ticket for the same movie than sat a seat behind them.

During the movie, Nicholas slowly started holding Chloe's hand. The whole Victor was watching the awkward seen of Nicholas holding Chloe's hand and Chloe just stare at him until she said that she'd be right back which was 3 minutes after Nick started holding her hand.

Chloe came back with water. Victor and that Chloe was a righty and no one was sitting on her right side but she had chosen to used her left hand to drink her water, stopping Nicholas from holding her hand. The only thing else that happened during the movie was that Chloe fell asleep on Nick's shoulder, also clinging to him while she sleeps. Victor felt a slight hint of jealousy creeping in his heart.

Ugh, seeing these two are so bothering me right now. I'm a grown-ass man who's actually getting irritated from this 15-year-old boy, something must be wrong with me- Hey, Victor! Chloe called out to victor in her sleepy voice while interrupting his thoughts.

We should go to the movies some times- *Chloe instantly falls back asleep*

Ahahah! Does she really just wake up and instantly fall back asleep, Victor said laughing. Yup, Nicholas said rolling his eyes.

Hey Nicky, is the movie over yet? Chloe asked while sitting up. Nope, this is a two-hour movie and I just hit the hour point, Nicholas said looking at his phone. Nicholas started holding hands with Chloe.

Chloe pulled out her phone and took a picture of them holding hands then sent it to Luna typing, SOS. Don't ask me, just let it be, Luna reply back. Victor started to have a little grin on his face as he watches Chloe trying to get help. For the rest of the movie, Chloe had been stiff and spacing out showing uncomfortable vibes that only Nicholas haven't noticed yet.

Hey, Chloe what else you want to do today? Nicholas said still holding her hand in the lobby. I want-I... food! Chloe said while forcing Nick to let go of Chloe's hand. How hungry are- CHLOE!!! I MISSED YOU SO MUCH! a random girl screams while hugging me. Courtney? Chloe said. Yep, that's me! I just transferred to your school today! My mom was like, Courtney! you are going to be an adult soon, im transferring you to the school that Miss Chloe goes and that I must serve your family, Courtney said while still hugging Chloe. I- I need to go to the bathroom! Chloe said running off.

Hey, what do you mean by serving her family? Victor asked. Nicholas shakes his head. Um, the only thing I can say that Chloe comes from a very important household, Courtney said. Let me guess, you are going to be moving in with us, Nicholas said slapping his forehead.


Nicholas's notification went off.

Nicholas checked his phone and it was a text message from Chloe saying that she's hUnGrY.

Hey, I will be right back, Nicholas said heading towards the woman's bathroom.

Nicholas walks in the bathroom and heads to the big stall where you can her Chloe pacing back in forth. Chloe opened the stall and let him in. So, how do you want to do this, you usually have a cup for times like this-just bite my wrist or neck, Nicholas said taking off his shirt.

Why are you taking off your shirt? Chloe asked. I don't want any blood to get on it, Nicholas said holding out his arm. Chloe came closer and started feeling Nick's arm and neck while Nicholas is trying to blush. Chloe started

slowly bitting into Nicholas's bicep and started feasting on his blood for a couple of minutes.

Let's go, they must be wondering what's taking so long, Chloe slightly blushes while walking out of the stall. I'm coming! Nicholas said following behind Chloe.


Hey, what took you so long, I was about to leave yah, Victor said walking towards me. I was texting my friends, Chloe said turning red at the thought of drinking Nick's blood. Theirs a fair going on right now, do you want to go? Victor asked.

Ugh, there are going to be too many people and im just gonna stand out in the crowd because of my hair colors. I don't like being in a crowd of people it makes me feel uncomfortable with all the families and friends are going to be thee. It is going to be super loud. Wait, if my eardrums can survive the sounds of tanks, I will be fine but unsettling loud noises irritate me. What happens if I wasn't paying attention and bump into someone then lose my cool. What happens if I get stranded from the others and I can't find them because I won't be able to focus on my abilities to find them. I should decline the request- Earth to Chloe! Victor said interrupting Chloe's thoughts

Do you want to go? Victor asked. Uuhh... sure? Chloe said in an uncertain voice. Chloe, you remember why Lady Yuki pulled you out of field trips, Courtney said whispering in Chloe's ear. That was years ago, Chloe said while fixing her skirt and top.

Hey, you kids want me to drive you there or do we want to walk, Victor asked since he's the only one that has a license. Everyone looks at Chloe* Eh, you guys can go with Victor, I can get Zen to drive me, Chloe said looking to the said. Come on! Don't be a buzzkill, Victor said putting his hands in his pockets.

I really don't want to make him feel bad if I said no. I think I have my headphones in my mini backpack. I can listen to calm music and keep my eyes closed until we reached our destination. This is going to be the first time in a few years since someone new driving me to places. Before I wasn't allowed to go on most field trips anymore Zen used to ride right behind the field trip bus with me in the car with him.

Okay, fine I join you in your car, Chloe said while taking off her mini backpack in getting In the front seat while everyone but Victor Chloe concern looks. Chloe pulled out her Phone then snap a picture of Victor starting up the car and sent it to Luna saying that's she's trying something new.

Did you just take a picture of me? Victor asked. Maybe, Chloe said replying to Luna text message ( Chilling with him in his car or He's DRIVING with you in his car~ Luna text message ).

Do you not like pictures? Chloe asked while getting out black headphones that look like red paint was splattered all over it. I am not a big fan of it but I don't mind, Victor said pulling out of his parking spot. Kay! Chloe said quickly putting her music on then close her eyes while her body starts to tremble.

A couple of minutes later after ( 5-10 minutes later)

Chloe or out of Victor's car with a big sigh. Chloe clung on to Courtney the entire time once they entered the fair.

As Chloe had expected a lot of people stared her down.

Hey, let's do the rock climbing, Chloe told everyone pointing towards the glowing rock climbing station. Are you sure? you're wearing a short skirt, Victor said. Yes im sure and I wearing shorts under their FYI, Chloe said fiddling around with her fingers.

They made it to the rock climbing station with no problem and both Chloe and Nicholas are strapped up and ready to get climbing.

You wanna race? Nicholas asked. Sure but you know that I will beat you, Chloe said with confidence. Just don't go all out, Nick said getting in his starting position. You know I won't need too, Chloe said getting in her position.

You ready! 3, 2, 1 START! Courtney yells.

Wait, is it just me or Chloe drew a little taller, Luna said. Nah, it's just the shoes she wears, and im super surprised that she climbing in heals, Zens said.

Woah! When did you get here! Victor said. I need to give her something, then I would be leaving, Zen said. Lady Chloe! it's 10:30! Zen yelled. Without thinking, Chloe undid her safety straps then jumped off landing behind Zen doing a handstand. Chloe, we are in public right now, Zen said while Chloe flips into a backbend then stand up tall. Sorry! I kinda got bored of climbing and I could've landed on my feet but I was scared that I might break my new pair of heels, Chloe said explaining herself. Say Ah! Zen said while holding a cup to Chloe's mouth. Zen why are you treating her as a baby, stop spoiling her! Courtney said. But she is a baby, both Zen and Nicholas said. Chloe is a big murderous baby who has needs as a baby, Zen said.

Did he just say murderous? Victor asked. No one bothered answering Victor. Okay, said ah! Zen said pouring pills into Chloe's mouth. I still can't believe how much medicine you take you don't actually OD, Courtney said. It's pretty much impossible for me to OD, once I swallowing over ten pills in groups less than 3 minutes I would only pass out. I tried it a few more times with more amounts and I would just only go out cold, Chloe said looking up smiling. Chloe that's not something you should be proud of or casually say, Nicholas said mysteriously popping up behind Victor. Don't blame me for trying to get out the world full of death, Chloe said crossing her arms.

Only I would survive over 30 suicide attempts so I guess the world would love to keep my alive and moving, Chloe said in a soft voice while looking to the side. Chloe! stop talking at this instant! Nicholas said with tears forming in his eyes. I know that I'm being a terrible person acting like suicide is a joke but you might be my childhood friend, so you should who are you messing with, Chloe said with a serious voice. Oh! let's ride the fairest wheel! Chloe said with her entire attitude changing into a kid's first time eating ice cream but while a tear still manages to escape her eyeballs.

Is Chloe alright? Victor asked. Chloe will get super offensive if someone even her own family gives her an order, don't get me wrong she's very obedient, you just have to watch out for words like demand and stuff like that, Zen said. Can I ask why? Victor asked. It's not my place to tell.

Victor! Come hop in line with me! Chloe yelled while getting in line for the fairest wheel. What about the others? Victor yelled back. Don't worry about us, I'm scared of heights and Nick needs to be alone right now, Courtney said pushing Victor towards the line. Okay then I go, Victor said hoping in line.


This girl? At first, I saw her innocent bubbly personality but then when I get to know her more she's not that innocent. I saw her, I heard her kill a man and she wasn't fazed. She told me a little tale of her father using her as a weapon but I think that's not all of her sorrows. I can see the coldness in her smile when she cracks jokes about herself or friends. I can see the loneliness in her eyes when she's around a group of friends. Yet, she's always smiling. I had noticed how she gets uneasy around crowds that she would cling on to someone.

I can't but help to feel like I need to protect her. I'm 1,323 years old but I just can't help this weird feeling I have for this 14-year-old girl, I wonder what it is-

Victor! It's our turn to get on the fairest wheel! Stop spacing out and come on! Chloe said interrupting Victor's thoughts.

Chloe got in the fairest wheel and sat down, dragging Victor along with her.


Chloe yawned while she starts trembling from the cold. Are you finally getting cold? Victor asked while sitting next to her. Nope! Chloe said lying. Tell me something about yourself that you haven't told me yet, Victor said while putting his jacket over Chloe. Only if you tell me what era you are born in and its definitely not the 19'00s Mr. King of the stars, Chloe said rubbing her eyes. How did you- never mind, Victor said? I'm the daughter of the king that rules this nation, I'm an heir to rule over all the vampire's exist, I'm a super-powerful psychic, there is a prophecy about me becoming a goddess and my twin brother is the same except the prophecy, Chloe said. Wow! That's cool, Victor said.

Do you have any type of powers except for controlling the stars or something? Chloe asked. I can control the stars, manipulate all elements, able to make stars, and create mini suns of what size I want too or what shape, super hearing, and superstrength throughout my whole body, Victor said.

Chloe lays her head on Victor's shoulder*

What's wrong? Victor asked. Im tired and I really want to get out of this noisy place, Chloe said grabbing Victor's arm. i can take you home if you want, Victor said. I rather teleport home, let my friends know that I went home, Chloe said while slowly closing her eyes then teleported away.


20 minutes later


Wow, Chloe fell asleep in my bed, I'm just gonna take a shower then go wake her up, Nicholas thinking to himself while getting his clothes out. Chloe went ahead and took his shower then came back out only in his shorts on with no shirt and had his towel around his neck. Nick sat on the bed next to Chloe then started taking out her hair.

What are you doing? Chloe mumbled in his sleep. You should stop putting your hair in tight braids and ponytails, you need to let it breathe, Nicholas said a soft voice. I'm scared that people might notice me even more if my hair is just down, Chloe said grabbing Nick's shorts. Tomorrow is the day when all the 9th graders and exchange students to know your existence in this world and pledge to keep it a secret and serve you, Nicholas said finishing up one of Chloe's long braids. I don't want everyone to serve me or know who I am, they would all just try to be my friends and act fake, Chloe said. Just remember that you know who are your true friends, Nicholas said.

Nicky? I'm sorry for what I said to you earlier, Chloe said rubbing her eyes, and then her stomach growls. It's fine and it sounds like your hungry, Nicholas sad starting on Chloe's second braid. Let me finished this braid and I feed you, Nick said running his fingers through Chloe's hair.


And done! Nick said while turning on his lamp. You not wearing a shirt again, Chloe said. You're wearing a short nightgown, Nicholas said. Very funny, Chloe said rolling her eyes. Here, just take my arm- Huh! Chloe started licking Nicholas's neck. What are you- Chloe bites in Nick's neck*

I know that Chloe is only doing this because she's hungry but this actually feels so good. Oh! she's licking me again!?

Hey, why are you licking me? Nick asked. Chloe looks at Nicholas and blushed. Sorry, I didn't mean too, it just felt natural to do so, Chloe said while getting a tissue and started wiping Nicholas's neck off. Yes, I can say that my blood is quite delicious, Nick said wiping the blood off of Chloe's mouth. At least you can survive without drinking it since you are quarter human, Chloe said laying back down with a yawn. I think it's time for you to go to your room before your brother finds out, Nicholas said. Nicholas looked back at Chloe and saw that she instantly fell asleep when she laid back down.

Nicholas got up and carried Chloe to her room. Sweet dreams my Princess, Nick said tucking her in bed.


Meanwhile at 1 o'clock in the morning


Dean! Hey! Dean wake up! Sam said shaking Dean awake. Oh, huh! What is Sammy, Dean said waking up? I think somethings wrong with Chloe! Sam said pointing at the shattered windows and mirror. Go get Prince Seth Dean said putting the covers over his head. Dean's limited addition James Brown glass figures started breaking. Okay, Im coming, Dean said peaking out of the covers. You go try to calm her down or something while I look for Zen. Why me! Sam said while Dean gets out of bed. I think she likes you, she's always coming in here and spends a lot of time with you. Here look at this, Dean said showing a screenshot of that Luna sent to Dean of how Chloe reacting about how Nicholas was holding her hand.

The House started shaking*

I think it's time to get to work, Dean said putting his phone away.

Sam walked in Chloe's room seeing everything floating in the air, broken glass and windows, walls cracking with ice between it, the balcony on fire, lights flickering, the air is cold as ice.

Seriously is this all because nightmare, same said watching Chloe tossing and turning. Sam said on the bed, then laid Chloe's head on his lap. Hey, Princess, it's time for you to wake up! Sam said wiping the sweat off of her forehead with her covers. When Chloe stopped moving, Her eyes shoot open. Hey, wanna talk about the dream you had, Sam said looking down at Chloe. Chloe's face turns red then she teleported in a corner of her room. Did I scare you? Sam said. Chloe nods her head yes. Do you want to talk about what type a dream would cause you to do this, Sam said. Chloe teleported next to Sam. I can remember almost everything up to when I was still in the womb, on my both 3rd birthday was basically a bloodbath and I had dreamed of that blood bath, Chloe said.

Hey, can I ask you something, Sam, Chloe said looking down and fidgeting. Yeah, what is it? Sam said. Could you maybe stay here, for the rest of the night? Chloe asked blushing while rewinding time on the mansion. Um, what about your brother? Sam said trying to find his way out. I'm just gonna go and spend the night in brother's room then, Chloe said grabbing her stuff animal and teleported away.

Wow, great job Sammy, Dean said sarcastically while entering the room. How long were you- I came back here as soon as possible when the mansion stopped shaking so I heard all of it, Dean said interrupting Sam. Let's go back to our rooms we have school tomorrow, freaking Mondays, Dean said scanning Chloe's room. Oh! look, Sam! Chloe has a Shelf full of Sketchbooks, Dean said walking towards the shelf. Come on Dean, I don't think it's wise to sneak around the room of a person who can almost destroy this mansion in her nightmares, Sam said dragging Dean out the room.

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