
The Tails Of Lady Chloe

Anime_Novel_Nerd21 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

School day 1 part 1

Ugh, I can't sleep. All I can think about that stupid comment said to Sam. "Could you maybe stay here, for the rest of the night", I'm so stupid. He barely even knows me. Wait, why am I thinking so hard about this. I'm just gonna get up and make my self some tea. I'm too comfortable though! I might have Zen do it but I don't want to wake him up-

Hey, what's wrong? Seth said while rolling over to face Chloe. It's nothing brother, go back to sleep, Chloe said coldly. Is it really? Seth said sitting up and turning on his lamp. Your crying? Seth with a worried face. Oh! I didn't know that, I was just thinking out getting some tea to calm my nerves, Chloe said getting up. No your not, first it's going to be tea then you are going to watch videos of Emily, next you will start exercising till dawn breaks out, I know your habits, Seth said. Let's go in the backyard to the pool then soak our feet while we listen to music, Seth said getting out of bed grabbing one of his sweaters and threw it at Chloe. Seth went ahead to put his slippery on while Chloe takes off her heavy sweatshirts and put in the light-weighted sweated that goes down to her mid-thigh.

Come on my pantless sister, Seth said grabbing both his phone and Chloe's along with his speaker. Chloe quietly got up.

10 minutes later...

I'm telling you, Sam, she likes you, Dean said to Sam walking back forth. Wait, do you hear music coming from outback? Sam asked. I do but ignore it, Dean said while Sam it getting up closer to the window. Hey! Dean said. Sam peeked out the window and saw Seth singing Chloe to sleep. That's kinda cute, Sam blurted out. What is? Dean said walking over to the window. If you listening carefully Seth is sing the mocking bird song and it looks likes he's trying to put her asleep, Luna said coming in the room rubbing her hazel eyes. You really need to knock, Dean said. I was looking for Chloe, I needed her to fix my tv but it seems she not in a good mood if Seth is singing to her, Luna said. I guess I'm going to bed earlier than 4 in the morning since my tv isn't working, Luna said walking out the room. At least Chloe knocks before entering the room, Dean said getting out Sam's room. Good night Dean! Sam said getting in bed.


Hey! Dean! open up! Seth said knocking on the door. What is it! it's freaking 5 in the morning, Dean said opening his door. I'm gonna go out for a while before school starts, watch my sister for me, Seth said. Can't Zen do it and why treat her as a baby? Dean said while putting his shirt on. Everyone except for you two is going out with me and my sister is a baby, Seth said handling Dean a red female uniform with female underclothes and white-colored uniforms. What am I supposed to do with this? Dean said taking the clothes. The red one is Chloe's and the white ones are for you and your brother, Seth said. Seth! hurry up! Prince Zachary said peeping around the corner. Okay, I'm coming Seth said walking away.

Dean walked out of his room and quietly entered Sam's.

Oh! You're awake! Dean said. Zachary's voice woke me up just now, Sam said. Hey, it's just you me and the Princess here and her brother wants us to babysit her while she sleeps, Dean said. What's that in your hands? Sam asked. I think their clothes that we have to wear to school today, anyways let's become creeps and watch your beloved sleep, Dean said jokingly walking away. Oh no, you don't! I bet your gonna go through her stuff! Sam said quickly getting out of bed.

Samuel ran into Chloe's room and Dean already starting to look through her closet. Dean! Sam shouted. Shut up or I'll shank you, Chloe said grumpily in her sleep. Sorry, Princess! Dean said still looking through her closet. This girl got super expensive clothes and shoes! Dean said.

I SAID QUIET! Chloe yelled immediately sitting up after waking up with her windows cracking by her bedside. Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed, Dean said. Chloe glared at Dean but her eyes weren't normal. Her eyes were glowing with both of her pupils was in a strange shape, the shape is a pentagram star with a dot in the middle but without the circle connecting all sides.

Um, Princess? I'm sorry alright! Dean said backing up while Chloe slowly approaches him. Chloe started covering her face while her body twitches. Is she okay? Dean said. What is this? Sam said while dropping on the floor. Sam! Are you all alright! what is she doing to you! Dean said running towards Sam. She not doing anything to me, I can see inside of her. It's like her mind, it's like it's all of her personalities fuses together while Chloe is trying to undo it will her will power but she's slowly giving up. Sam said slowly crawling towards Chloe.

What are you talking about! Dean said backing up into a wall. She just needs a push-

Sam grab Chloe's leg then started listing names.

Seth, Edward, Nicholas, Zachary, Zen, Luna, Courtney, Shannon, David, Bri, I can name more people if you like? Sam said.

Chloe slowly wraps her arms around herself while blood starts coming out of her eyes. Chloe's eyes turned back to normal*

I feel like I need to throw up, Chloe said running into the bathroom. Sam got off the floor then head into the bathroom with her. Who was that? Sam said while rubbing Chloe's back. That was... Chloe with... a... K, Chloe said while throwing up in the toilet. Yuki once told me that even if I didn't have so much a traumatic experience so young I would still have her in me because she says my body isn't developed to handle the Black Goddess and Ares the God spirits they gave me to keep on living and not die during the attack that started the war, Chloe said standing up while flushing the toilet.

The Black Goddess? Sam said still sitting down on the floor.

The Black Goddess is-

The strange one. The dark one. The one with the powerful body, the piercing eyes, the deep heart, the longing ache, the fiery spirit.

The one who possesses the burden of a mind with such deep gorges and ravines that only a few can fathom its wild beauty and its dangers.

The one whose heart is so wideout and open that nothing can pass by without entering it and touching it.

One whose instincts are not impaired to not know the truth as it is and doesn't hide it.

The one who sees the pain of the world takes it fearlessly or despite it and grieves it.

The one who is not scared of venturing into the dark alleys of society, or the human psyche, to face the horrors, discern the truth, and get her hands dirty in the real work.

Chloe said, wiping blood off her mouth and eyes.

Do you know that we can see your silky red underwear this entire time, I'm surprised that Sam is able not to stare, Dean said walking in the bathroom. Say that one more time, Chloe said using her telekinesis to hold a sharp pair of scissors very close to Dean's eyeball with a sharp cold looked in her eyes.

Sammy? Chloe said while dropping down on the floor in front of Sam. What's is it? Sam asks with worry. Chloe slumps over on Sam. I-...I can't feel... my body, Chloe softly whispered then slowly passed out.

It's time for her to go back to bed, and she needs to eat, Sam said picking Chloe up and grabbing the super sharp scissors. Sammy... Chloe mumbled squeezing his arm. Have you two been secretly hanging out? You seem unusual calm in this situation, Dean said. Turn the fan and this room AC on, I need it chilled, Sam said putting Chloe down in bed then the scissors. I'm gonna go get something from the kitchen, Sam walked out of the room.

When Sam came back he had a knife, med kit, and a cup. What are you doing to do? Dean asked. I have been observing some of the moments when Chloe drinks blood. Nicholas once experimented with how long the out of body freshness blood last out in the open. Blood that has been drawn out in regular room temperature last 30 minutes for her and blood that's been in a cool air temperature like now would last of to a 1 hour and 23 minutes, Sam said while cutting his hand over the glass, pouring his blood into the cup. By the time she awakes she gain more energy and strength from the blood if she drinks it and please stop looking at her underclothes that she is going to we're today, Sam said while getting his clothes.

Oh, Sam! Im gonna go back to sleep, wake me up when it's like 10 minutes before we leave, Dean said taking his clothes and running towards Sam. Seriously! Sam said opening his door.

30 minutes later around 6:10 am -

Chloe rises up from her slumber in a daze.

Ugh, my head hurts so much and my vision is so messed up right now, I need my glasses. Chloe rolls I'ver and reaches to the nightstand on her right looking for her glasses.

I'm curious, you can see super far away at 20/20 vison but you wear glasses because you have bad vision, Dean said walking into Chloe's room. I have abilities for me to see flawlessly but it will slowly drain my energy if I keep it on too long, Chloe said getting out of bed. I can see your underwear and try not to wake up Sam, Dean said pointing to Sam sleeping in a chair. Chloe blushed while she quickly fixes Seth's sweater that's she wearing. Dean walks out of the room closing the door with a cheeky smile.

What a nuisance, Chloe said quietly to herself then looked over at her other nightstand seeing a cup of blood and a pile of clothes with a note on it. Wear this to school, the note said. I grab the clothes then quietly head into the bathroom to take a shower. It feels like Dean had already told me that he can see my underwear, maybe Im just imaging it.

Chloe hops out the shower*

From how these clothes are folded I can tell that brother picked them out. Let's see we got, a nice red jacket, red sweater, a black long sleeve shirt with red lacings on the collar and the end parts of the sleeves, the same thing with the short sleeve shirt, suspenders. A red high waisted pencil skirt, a red high waisted loose skirt, a red high waisted puffy skirt, all the skirts is a little above mid-thigh but whatever. Black leggings, black tights with footies that are super hard to rip, back knee-high socks, black socks that can up to my mid-thigh with suspenders but only for the socks. There are also different types of tiaras here too! There a regular one, there are ones that can go into my ponytails, theirs a mini one!

I had put on the long sleeve shirt, puffy skirt, socks can go up to my thighs. I wonder if I should have my hair down or not, I'm gonna go text the group chat.

After spending 20minutes to brush my hair I got a text from brother and Zachary saying that I should wear my hair down. I looked in the mirror and saw how my hair touches to the floor when it's down so I search the bathroom for a hair conditioner that would keep my hair from getting dirty.

DING! My phone went off. I looked at my phone while I take another sip of blood from the glass. Oh, Zen texted me. It says that he will be pulling up in front of the mansion in 10 minutes and that everyone else is with him. I quickly put on mascara and lip gloss ( not a huge fan of makeup but likes how it looks on her ). Lady Chloe teleported red wedges that look like sneakers on my feet then looked at the window near my bed and saw that it was raining. Chloe went over to get my umbrella that's near Sam.

When I looked at Sam, I remember what happened when I first woke up this morning. I can feel my face getting slightly red. Wait, his hand is hurt. When did this happen, was the blood I was drinking was his? Chloe slowly started taking off Sam bandages exposing the cut to the air. Chloe? Princess, what are you doing? Sam said waking up a little. Chloe's face turned redder.

I can heal him with a kiss, my hair, or my tears. It would be faster and less awkward if I heal him with my hair.

Chloe wraps her hair around his wound then started healing him.

Thanks for that, Sam said sitting up. Zen would be pulling up less than ten minutes and it's raining Chloe said blushing even harder while still think of what happened in the bathroom earlier this morning. Your hair... it looks beautiful when it's down, Sam said touching it. Chloe can feel her whole body getting hot.

T-thanks! Chloe said quickly backing up and running out the room with her cup of blood. Chloe chugs the rest of the blood down while teleporting to the kitchen.

Good one Sammy boy, Dean said walking in the room. Chloe teleports back in the room. I kinda need my mini backpack and my actual bag, and my phone, also I kinda want you guys out, I don't trust dean in here, Chloe said the last part glaring at Dean. You heard the Princess, Sam said smiling while getting up.

In the car ( more like lemo )

Brother, why do we have new uniforms and when did Liz get here? Chloe asked. The school likes putting people in the spotlight. Everyone who's wearing a red uniform means their royalty, the ones in white are, well you won't like it my sister so I just keep it a secret so it can be a surprise and Liz is here for the same reason why Zen is here for you. Also, why are you wearing your glasses, Seth said. I ran out of contact lenses and I also going to need a refill on all of my meds soon, Chloe said taking her phone off the portable charger. Oh, Princess, I need to tell you something Zen said while driving. What is it? Chloe said. The " special software " had crashed and there are no more resources to make one just like that, Zen said. kay, Chloe said while yawning. Are we at school yet! Luna yelled. Yes, in fact, we are Zen said pulling up in front of the gates while all the students stopped walking and looked.

( Chloe and everyone else like walking to school and on rainy days they teleport to school and no one had ever seen them use the bus )

Both Zen and Liz open the doors and gave everyone who steps out the lemo, umbrellas. Chloe waited for Seth to come out and he did she cling to him, trying to hide behind him while she carries her hair.


Brother, I'll be in the private art room till class starts, Chloe said detaching herself from him while he talks to his friends. Chloe began to walk away from the crowd*

Hey, Sam, I will be right back, Dean said looking at Chloe from a distance. Dean followed Chloe to the art room. What do you want Dean, Chloe's cold voice chilled the room? Nothing really, Dean said looking at a familiar signature on a landscape painting. This signature, it's familiar Dean said as Chloe takes off her jacket and rolls her sleeves. It's my drawing signature, anything else? Chloe said. Wow! so cold, Dean said walking closer. I don't want you in this room, Chloe said grabbing a pencil.

Dean just stands there*

A moment later a Knife flew in the room From the window aiming at Dean's head. Chloe threw her pencil at the wall that pierced through the knife making it pin through the wall. Well, Thanks princess, Dean said walking towards the knife. Don't thank me, Chloe said teleporting in the exact spot where Dean was standing holding the knife she pinned on the wall then chuck it through the same hole it came from.

AAARRUUHH!!! A man screened in pain from outside the window.

Did you kill him? Dean said stepping back. No, I didn't, I threw it the exact angle and spot of what he did so it's most likely to hit his shoulder unless he moved to the right a little he be dead because it would right through his throat but how that scream was, he lives, Chloe said.

Why are you being so cold to me, Dean said? It's because I'm mad at you and you came into this room without my permission. Okay, then I'll get out- WAIT! Chloe yelled interrupting Dean while grabbing his sleeve. What is it? Dean said. Yellow or highlighter Green, Chloe unexpectedly said? Green, Dean said. Okie! Yellow it is! Chloe said teleporting to a shelf of colored pencils. Hey one question before go, Dean said.

Why are you mad at me? Dean said sitting down. You saw my underwear more than once and you got the nerve to tease me about it, Chloe said while dragging a very large easel with an Also large canvas on it. I can't help it it just such fun! Dean said while watching Chloe color a part of her picture. You drew that! Dean said with his eyes opening up wide. Every single picture here in this room is mine also what time is it? Chloe asked. It's 7:50 Dean said. Okay, that means thee bell is going to ring in 10 minutes-

Beep! All of the students I named please go to Auditorium 1. Chloe Preston, Seth Preston, Nicholas Thomas-Preston, Luna Goodwin, Samuel Smith, Dean Smith, etc, etc, the announcement man said. Umm, Dean to get to the auditorium their would be a lot of people so I'm just gonna go teleport us there.

Chloe teleports Dean near Seth, while she hides her self in the far back of the auditorium.

5 min later.

Okay, is Everyone here! Wait I don't see my darling niece! Oh! There she is! I see you still a shy one, now stop hiding and come up here! The Headmaster said. Chloe teleported in the seat behind Seth. Okay now to start! The reason why you will be wearing different uniforms is to show status. The ones in red are Royalty, the ones in white are the ones who are chosen to personally serve the ones in Red. Can I have my dearest niece and nephew come up please come up here and also Nicholas? The Headmaster said. Chloe teleported behind the headmaster hiding behind him. With Seth standing next to the headmaster with Nicholas casually walks up next to Seth. Chloe introduces yourself please and please stop calling me headmaster, call me uncle, The Headmaster said.

Yes, of course, I'm Chloe Renee Westira-Kuran, the first princess of Westiran, Chloe said peeping behind the Headmaster. Continue, he said. I have many psychic abilities, part witch, and part vampire, Chloe said sitting on the stage.

Oh! HELL! NAH! I am not serving under that monster! A female voice said. Come say that to my face- Hold on Chloe! The headmaster said interrupting Chloe. Yes, Lord Kaname? Chloe said calming down. Let me make a special* rule for you, You are only allowed kill anyone that's enrolled or a staff member in this school that had given you fatal or life-threatening injuries for normal humans except for the one in red and me of course but it's doesn't mean you can't torture them, Headmaster Kaname said with a wink. Sir! at you allowing her to have the privilege-AAAAHHH!!!!

The girl started screaming! Why are you just making a big deal over almost every single bone in all your fingers breaking in many different varieties of ways? Chloe said with her left eye glowing with the pupil turning into the special star shape.

So it's true, the Goddesses spirits are awakened once again, Headmaster Kaname said scratching his head.

Chloe, may you please calm down a little, Nicholas said holding Chloe's hand. I am calm! I'm just excited to- Ugh! my head hurts so much! Chloe said ripping Nicholas's handoff of her while blood started coming out of her left eye. I take it that half of your powers are still locked away judging how it's reacting to your anger, Kaname said holding a handkerchief of to Chloe's eyes. What do you mean that half my powers are locked away, is it the same for brother? Chloe grabbing the handkerchief. No, it's just you, after the attack that started the war as you know the Gods gave you some of their life force and spirit but when you end the war well I should show you, Kaname said pulling out his phone and projected it on the screen.

Kaname slowly skips through it all and stops at the point when Seth came out.

In the video:

Sister! Sister! I'm coming to help you- Ahhhheeeeekkkk!!! Seth screamed like a little girl when he saw Chloe pinned down with ice piercing through almost all of her joints and multiple in her gut.

This might hurt a bit, Seth said pulling all the ice out.

My healing had stopped, Chloe said coughing up blood. Seth kissed Chloe's forehead making her entire body how healing her. The moment ends when she saw a half a feet thick ice spears. A couple of soldiers help avoid the twins the psychic attacks but one got by them. Chloe was held enough to realize what happening and she was able to focus enough to use her powers.

Chloe sat up and put the soldiers in bubbles at the same time she started changing the course of the attack but with her energy depleted one slip by her. The only way for Chloe to destroy it was by punching it or absorbing the magical properties in the ice.

Even though she wasn't fully healed Chloe manage to super speed in front of Seth but she was too slow to activate her abilities to take on the attack. The ice went through both Chloe and Seth.

By the angle of what the camera drone was showing Chloe absorbing the energy in the ice and melt it. Another wave of ice came directly to act the twins but also with soldiers charging at them with flaming swords and spears instead of guns.

Chloe just sat there kneeling over Seth, protecting him with the rest of her strength.

Chloe! just teleport out of there! You can hear the King's deep voice over the mic. I have no energy to teleport, I don't even have the power to absorb the energy of the powers they used on their weapons. My super healing had stopped, Seth didn't have enough time to fully heal me, I shouldn't even have the power to move my legs or my arms, Chloe said coughing. If you can move your arms and legs then run! after fast you could with Seth, the enemy is right behind you! Edwards shouted in the mic.

The enemy soldier stabs his sword through Chloe make it also going the Seth. I... I'm... IM GONNA KILL YOU!!! Chloe screamed with the soldier turning into ice then shattering.

Thank God she's alright, Edward said. Wait! Zoom in on her face, Fredrick said.

The camera zoomed in on Chloe showing her star shape pupils but they were in different colors. The left was gold, right was red but the oddest thing was that her hair changed colors. One half was white and the other was blood red. A second later she grew wings, wings that look like an angel wing but her left wing was a mint green color with a high of blue ( like the right side of Chloe's actually hair ).

Huh! Why is she smiling Frederick said.?

Attention all soldiers! This is the Princess speaking! I suggest the rest that's still on the battlefield, scram! No hard feelings if you become collateral damage, Chloe said in her earpiece while flying up in the air with Seth in her arms

Chloe raised her hand and made like 30 ain't eyeballs that look identical to Chloe's actual eyes being spread around the air space.

Chloe bubble Seth and softly lowered him to the ground.

Chloe took a deep breath while her hands and elbow started to alter its shape. Her hands became very stiff like with her finder nails abnormally growing very long and sharp. Chloe's elbows look like a knife was attached to it.

The psychics started aiming at all of their attacks at Chloe. With on flick of a wrist, all the attacks were reflected back at the attackers.

I'm gonna enjoy this, Chloe loud enough for the mic on the earpiece could pick up.

In a blink of an eye, the camera drone had lost sites on Chloe but you can hear people screaming from her mic.





That's all you can hear over Chloe's mic with screams of terror while little Chloe laughs and smile.

Good job my daughter you defeated everyone and now you can return- what on earth is that! The king said.

As the camera zoom in on the battlefield behind Chloe, everyone became so disgusted of the sight of dismantled body parts everywhere and Chloe didn't even use an actual weapon.

A couple of allied soldiers ran up on her and she started...

Chloe paused the video*

So you're declaring that I will go berserk every time I get very emotional, Chloe said pulling in her hair. Basically yes, but you went so far of not blowing up at 1,000%. Listen to me, when you turn 15, the seal on your powers will disappear and with your powers is unlocking itself your emotions will be even more heightened. It's more a need than ever for you to have more people take care and help you, Kaname said.

Call me when I need to be back here, I'm leaving, Chloe said wiping the tears. Chloe teleported off to her personal mansion, curled up in her bed crying into a big stuffed animal.

The whole campus started shaking along with the land outside the campus*

Oh my! Her losing control over her emotions just a little reached all out here to the school, Kaname said reaching up to the ceiling. How do you know? a boy asked. Once you get used to her presence and the unique energy that you can sense when she uses powers you will be able to tell once you hang around here a lot, Luna said. Hey, Sammy boy, go check on Chloe since she's very fond of you, Kaname said standing in front of him.

Sam slightly blushed.

What about me! Zachary said.

Kaname pick Zachary up by his collar*

Even though my Chloe is supposed to be your beloved wife in the future for a peace treaty, I can easily make my nephew marry your sister instead. I rather have your older brother marry Chloe instead of you but she can't because he should be like almost 20 years old by now, Kaname said with a cold look in his eyes.

I be back, Sam said getting up.