
Chapter 17 Hell's Garden

Honestly, not what I was expecting. I guess I'll roll with it.

"You are forgiven, I know this is a bit hasty but would you be willing to join my coven? I need a new person in the church with a position of power." As the words left my lips I sighed before turning around to face Ash.

"Ash, sweetie. Do not take that as offensive, but with your current form, you will not be able to handle church matters or spread our coven secretly. However, I do have an idea you can help me with later alright." Her once lowered head looked up with happiness in her eyes. I grinned, good, I can't have a sad phoenix with me. Turning back to face Felix it looked as if his eyes were about to pop out of his head.


"I….I would be honored Ancestor, but why would you offer to turn such a lowly demon such as myself."

"I said so before, I need someone in a position of power in the church. However, I am also curious as to what type of demon you will evolve into once you join my coven. You see, my bloodline absorbs all bloodlines I devour and then adapts to its new environment. Every new bloodline will continuously evolve my bloodline, right now I am considered a Scaled Vampiric Star Phoenix. If I add your bloodline to the mix, well we'll just have to see now won't we." He stuttered for a while before finally just presenting his neck, unable to form a word.

Slowly, I walked towards him and kneeled, sinking my teeth into his arteries. Instead of the warm blood I was used to, a chilling cold entered my mouth. Bringing a shiver down my spine, still I continued to drink until he was almost empty. Then, as I had done for Ash and Cinder, I bit down on my wrist and held it to his awaiting mouth. Latching on like a leech to its prey, he drank.

|Notice: Ghost Demon bloodline gained.|

|Notice: Talent Skill Steal has activated: Please pick a skill/talent/affinity: Demon Contract, Soul Gaze, Fire Affinity, Earth Affinity, Talent Musician.|

|Notice: Your blood has gained the effects of the demon race. Information: The higher purity of blood you have the higher rank you have within the demon race.|

|Notice: Ghost Demon bloodline and Wraith bloodline have merged. New bloodline Hell Walker has formed.|

|Notice: Hell Walker bloodline skills: Hell's Garden, Gaze of the undead, The Emerald flame. Please pick one.|

|Notice: Bloodline Tribulations of Blood has evolved into Hellstar Vampire.|

|Notice: Demon bloodline purity has reached max level.|

|Title Gained: Empress of Demons. Not only are you the Vampire Ancestor you now will be revered by all demons. Not even the demon King will go against your orders.|

|Notice: Congratulations on creating a new bloodline, +10,000 Exp.|

|Notice: Level up*9, +900 to each stat.|

|Notice: Ghost Demon Felix has evolved into Hell Walker. Evolution time 1 week.|

|Notice: Title Creator of Life has accelerated the evolution of Royal Blood Felix. Evolution time 5 minutes.|

Damn, um, Alex can you explain the skills of the Hell Walker and the Ghost Demon Skills?

|Notice: Hell's Garden: Allows you to grow flowers of the underworld. The gaze of the Undead: Your gaze petrifies all you look upon, depending on the willpower of your target it can cause actual death. The Emerald Flame: is a flame that cultivates the soul. Demon Pact: Any spoken or written agreement will be solidified with the chains of the Demon King. Both parties will be dragged down to hell if they break the agreed-upon contract. Soul Gaze allows you to stare at a person's soul and see their intentions. Fire Affinity you already have. Gravity Affinity supersedes Earth Affinity. Talent Musician: Grants you a basic understanding of any instrument you touch.|

Well, I certainly don't need another flame, so that's out. My Aura of Blood is more potent than the Gaze of the Undead, so that leaves the Hell's Garden. I'll also take the Demon Pact, which could come in handy. I don't need any of the others, although the Musician talent was tempting it isn't useful at this moment.

|Notice: Skill Hell's Garden gained.|

|Notice: Demon Pact gained.|

|Notice: Demon Pact has been upgraded to HellStar Contract. Information: Because your authority over the demon race supersedes the Demon King you will now receive those who break contracts, you will receive their souls.|

|Notice: Create a strong spirit well inside your dantin to contain the souls of those who break contracts.|

Good god, Alex can my Flame of lust cultivate souls?

|Notice: If you merge the Flame of Lust with Hells Flame it will be able to handle the energy that a soul produces. Do you wish to merge flames?|



|Notice: Flame of Lust and Hell's Flame have merged into Lillith's* Flame. Information: A raging inferno that will absorb anything in its path and convert it into pure energy.|

As soon as the two flames combined within me it felt as if a volcano had erupted within my body. Submerging my consciousness into my dantin, I stood open-mouthed at what I saw. The magic spark I had created was floating in the center of a raging inferno of pink and black flame.

There were different balls of light surrounding her. From the feelings they gave off I assume they are the different magics I cultivate. The dark one in particular looked as though it was hardening into a stone or maybe a crystal. That must be my Shadow Dao trying to form. I'm definitely going to meditate when I get the chance and just practice my magic. Nodding at my magic spark I exited my dantin.

Patiently I waited for my new son to wake up from the egg of darkness that had surrounded him. Five minutes later the egg exploded and my son emerged anew. He looked about the same except his once white hair now had strands of red and every time he took a step the ground beneath him would smoke. He would have to control that.

"My son, you are the epitome of devilishly handsome. Unfortunately, I have to leave soon, Ash's transformation has undoubtedly caused panic within the city. It will also bring trouble to the church if we stay here any longer. The girl I brought with me, Yuri, will undoubtedly have many questions. You will answer all of them to the best of your abilities, if she does not wish to join us then I regret that you must kill her. I cannot allow the world to know of our existence just yet. Her blood truly is delicious though so don't waste a drop if that is the outcome of your discussion. Before we leave, drink from your sister, her blood should keep you full for the next month or so. Find animals to drink from while we are gone if you get hungry, but under no circumstances will you turn anyone else, is that understood?"

"Yes mother, I am saddened that you have to leave so soon but I understand the necessity. Thank you….hic….mother." He started crying at the end, I rushed to hug him. Ash covered us in her wings, comforting her new sibling.

"Now feed my son, we have to leave soon."

Instead of going for Ash's neck he just walked to her legs and sank his fangs in. A few minutes later he pulled back, having drunk as much as he could.

"Thank you sister, and be safe on your travels."

Giving him another quick hug, I leaped back onto Ash's back as she dropped the shielding of darkness around us.

"Come on Ash, it's time to go."

With a scream, she shot into the sky. Like a bullet out of a gun, we left the city far behind us.


Another short chapter I know, but I wanted to keep my promise of two chapters this week.

*Lillith is the ex-wife (first wife) of Adam, the first human, wife of Lucifer, queen of hell.

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