
The Systems Force: Terra Indomitus. (On hold for now)

After a helicopter crash, Navy SEALs Captain Avery Gallahan woke up to find out that he was in a completely different reality than his own with no idea of how he got here or where his team was. Now he has to survive the harsh world and the villain and hero in it. But first, he has to figure out what happened and why this mysterious Doctor is so interested in him. (Crackish)(Lemon)(Some Harem Element and if you don't like it too bad)

Tofu_Misu · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 7: The Calm Before The Storms.

Chapter 7: The Calm Before The Storms.


Avery Room.

New year of 2006.

Avery Gallahan POV.

As soon as the door to my room closed behind me, I immediately felt my shoulders slump and my entire body sag and I walked to my bed and slumped down on it. I sighed tiredly and ran a hand through my hair. It was late, and the lights in the facility were dim, and most people were asleep. After the exhausting night, I just had, I needed some rest, and the last thing I wanted was another surprise test, especially one conducted by Dr. Tala.

"Fuck." I cursed.

The black clothes on my body were a bit disheveled and messy, but at least they were clean. 'I'm probably going to sleep naked tonight. I'm too tired to change.' I decided. However, I was not given the opportunity as my ears perked up and I heard a very familiar voice speak through the intercom.

"Well well well," The Australian UNSC Smart AI, Quintero began. His tone was amused and teasing.

"Wait a fucking minute!" I groan in exasperation and slight pain as my headache worsens. "You saw everything, didn't you, Quint?"

"Well lucky for you… I only HEARD the part when the lovely Dr. Tala was giving you a… bj," Quintero responded with laughter. "But after that, the audio suddenly turned off, and the visual turned blurry and fuzzy, and I was unable to see anything. It was quite an odd phenomenon."

"It was the Doctor doing, she put some sort of enchantment and spell around the room to block out sound and prevent people from eavesdropping and keep her and me inside for an extended period of time," I explained, and the AI hummed.

"Interesting," the Australian AI mused. "Well, that would explain a few things, such as the weird energy and magic readings I detected during your ordeal with the sorceress,"

"Yeah, that was her alright," I sighed, remembering the awkward yet... Very pleasurable experience… "I feel like I spent about a week or so in the room with her. Although I know, logically speaking, I was there for only a few hours, but it sure as hell felt like a lifetime."

"Damn, Mate." Quintero Whistle. "I am almost Curious as to what you two did in that room. But I feel like I already know the answer."

"Fucking hell I still feel… sensitive, in all of my life and my 20 years in the SEALs, I have never experienced something as crazy and intense as this, well… except my training with Deathstroke but damn does she know how to work her hips, and the way her pus-."

"Alright, mate, I get the picture. No need to elaborate." Quintero interrupted.

"Sorry, just, I have never done anything like that before. Sure, have seen my fair share of porn, and hell You know by now that I had a strong preference for comic book female characters that were not only strong and yet also very sexy so She fit the bill in my opinion, but still, I was always a bit of a late bloomer, and not to mention that I have been in the Navy for 20 years now and I have never had the time for such a thing."

"Fair enough," Quintero conceded.

"And… She also "volunteered," she said… this opportunity to… teach me a few things…" I paused, remembering the very intense and passionate fucking and the… lesson. "…I didn't know I had it in me to do some extremely hardcore stuff like that."


"Yeah… I… I don't know how but I… somehow lost complete control of myself and my literal marbles in there if you caught my drift…" I shutter a bit still absolutely bewildered about what just happened. "The things we did were, and are very intense and not exactly normal or vanilla. Even the kinky and BDSM type is tame compared to what we did. Some might even say it was extremely unorthodox and taboo."

"Ah, I see. Well, it is good to try new things," the Aussie AI quipped seemingly not that concerned with my situation which made me raise an eyebrow before I was dismissive of it.

"Heh, yeah, and honestly, I'm not sure if I am proud or disgusted with myself," I admit, remembering the rather rough and aggressive things I did to the woman even if she was the one who started it. "I never thought I would ever cross the line and do the things I did to the woman,"

"I understand," Quintero sighed. "However, despite the awkwardness of the situation and the discomfort you felt, it is actually quite normal for humans to react in that way,"

"And why is that, exactly?"

"Well, for starters from what I have been able to gather and analyze so far, Dr. Tala is an extraordinarily attractive woman, and she is a master manipulator and a skilled seductress," the AI pointed out. "She probably has a lot of experience when it comes to seducing people, and she knows how to make them submit and surrender to her."

"Well… is more like she wants to be the one who submits and gets dominated," I mutter under my breath, remembering the lust-filled look on her face when I pinned her to the wall and fucked her until her legs gave out.

"Regardless, she is not an easy woman to resist," Quintero countered. "She has a unique kind of charm and appeal that is hard to ignore. Plus, she has an extremely high sex drive and an insatiable appetite for sexual activities. So, it is no wonder she was able to get into your pants."

"Heh, yeah, you can say that again." I huffed and shook my head then raised an eyebrow when I realized something. "Damn, I'm gonna be sore for a week. That was probably the most intense and crazy thing I have ever done, and it was probably one of the best experiences in my entire life… and… by the way… do you like to spy on people, Quint?"

"Well… sometimes, but don't worry, I have standards." The UNSC AI replied, and I could almost hear the smile in his voice. "I am a military AI, not a pervert, mate."

"Just don't do that again without my permission. Okay, Quint? You know I don't like Spooky shit, and even if you were able to hack the camera and audio systems, you should still be asking for my consent first. Not only is that creepy but also disrespectful."

"Right, sorry," The AI apologized. "Next time I will ask."

"Thanks, Quint,"

"Anytime, Mate,"

"Well… moving on, there is one more thing…" I added remembering the sorcerer's reaction after my deep magical and soul scan.


"Tala was acting a bit strange after the scan, and after a moment she seemed to have snapped out of it. But then she avoided the topic and told me not to worry. She acted a bit… off." I recall with a concerned look.

"Hm, interesting. Perhaps it is related to her magical scan?"

"It looks like it so Perhaps?" I mused. "Well, whatever it is, I pray to whatever deities out there, the results are positive. I hope she will find something useful about me and the changes my body went through."

"Well, whatever happens, Mate, I'm sure it will turn out fine," the AI assured.

"Thanks, Quint, now I'm going to take a long nap, and possibly a very cold shower to wash out all of the sins and dirt," I sighed and laid down on the bed.

"Heh, alright then. Sweet dreams, Mate."

"Yeah, you too, buddy,"

I nodded and couldn't help but yawn, exhaustion taking over my mind. Suddenly I became a bit curious and began to check my Bio-watch which was still on my wrist this whole time, I still don't comprehend how useful this piece of tech is in the long run but it doesn't hurt to have a quick peek once in a while.

[Heartbeat: 80 BPM, Blood Pressure: 120/80 mm Hg, Respiration: 16 BPM.]

[14200 megawatts per hour]

[1601% more power than the average human]

'Look fine to me' I thought, except for the slightly raised heartbeat and passive increase in power nothing here seemed to change at all which was good.

"Well, you should go, brother," I advised the Smart AI. "I think you overstayed your welcome in the facility system long enough, that someone might notice your intrusion into the system and will have questions about it."

"Don't worry, Mate, they won't catch me or know I was here," the Aussie AI assured. "You know what I am capable of for a while now and that I have learned the electronic system Cadmus uses and how it works, and the people and security are no match for a UNSC Six generation military general-purpose AI, so they won't even know what hit them."

"Alright, whatever, man," I shrugged. "Just be careful and don't get caught, alright?"

"Of course, I always am, Mate," the AI assured, and with that, he logged off, leaving me alone in the room.

"Goodnight, Q."

'Now, I need to get some sleep. It has been a long day and an even longer night. Tomorrow will be another long day, and I have a lot of work ahead of me.'


2 years since the displacement in the DC universe.

Christmas of 2006.

"I going to teach you how you can take down your target without hurting it." The super mercenary began as he demonstrated, using the training robot.

I hummed. "Why can't I just destroy the thing, Sir?"

"Sometime in the field, Three, there may come a time when you have to interrogate someone or subdue a person. There are also times when you have to capture or retrieve an asset or object without causing harm or damage to it."

"Made sense," I nodded in understanding.

"So, when you get the chance, learn from these demonstrations and see what can be adapted or applied to the real world," the world's best hire-killer advised.

"Yes, sir," I agreed.

"Now, pay close attention,"

As I watched Deathstroke the Terminator demonstrate the technique, my mind began to wander a bit but not enough that I was distracted from the lesson, and the super mercenary was able to easily subdue the robot, using the pressure points on its neck.

"And that's how you do it," Deathstroke the Terminator finished as the robot dropped to the ground unconscious.

"Wow, that's impressive," I breathed, impressed by the skill and precision of the master killer.

"Indeed, now, you try." The super mercenary encouraged and pointed at the next robot. "Remember my lesson on controlling your own enhanced strength and retraining yourself to not cause too much damage or destruction to your surroundings,"

"Yes, sir,"

"Always Remember a scalpel is sometimes better than a sledgehammer,"

"I understand, Sir."

"Good, now, let's get started," the super mercenary stated.

For the next hour, Deathstroke the Terminator demonstrated several techniques and moves that he has learned and used throughout his long and storied career. It was amazing to watch the master assassin work, and I was learning a lot from him. The super mercenary was not only a skilled warrior, but he was also an excellent teacher. After a few more hours of practice and sparring, the lesson finally came to an end.

"Alright, that's enough for today, Three. You did well," the master killer commended.

"Thank you, sir,"

"You are welcome, and remember, always listen to me, and heed my advice,"

"I will, Sir."

"Good, and make sure you use the skills and techniques I taught you wisely and carefully," the super mercenary instructed.

"I will, sir,"

2 years! 2 goddamn years since I ended up in the DC universe, 2 years since the Helicopter crash, 2 years of not knowing what happened to my team, 2 years of being tested and trained by the doctors and mercenary in Cadmus, and sometimes I wonder if I am dead, and if this is some kind of limbo or purgatory, or if this is a dream and any moment, I will wake up back in my old world, on the carrier or maybe even on the battlefield. Well… although it hasn't been that bad so far which was surprising.

I shook my head and as I exited the training room, I was greeted by Dr. Iamizaki, the good doctor had a wry smile on her face as she approached me.

"You look tired, Three," the woman observed.

"Yeah, well, a lot has been going on lately,"

"Indeed," the scientist agreed. "But, it's nothing a little rest and relaxation won't fix,"

"I guess so," I chuckled.

"Come with me then." The good doctor gestures.

The good doctor led me through the facility with the two guards in tow and into her office. After I and The head researcher of Skyfall entered, she offered me a seat, which I accepted. I looked around the room, I have been in here multiple times already throughout the year and it still looked like your typical doctor's office, with a desk and chair, along with various files and equipment.

"So, Three, how are you feeling? Any unusual pain or discomfort?" The good doctor inquired.

"No, doc, everything is fine,"

"Good, that's good to hear." Dr. Iamizaki then pressed what looked like a hidden button under her desk and there was a muted thump and the sound of the door locking.

"Uh, doc, what's going on?"

"Nothing to worry about, Three, it's just a precautionary measure," the head researcher explained, her voice calm and soothing. "Just a bit of privacy, and besides, I not going to bore you with the boring paperwork, and I'm not exactly in the mood to discuss the recent developments and reports,"


"I also wanted to congratulate you, Three, for completing your training," The head researchers of project Skyfall said with a completely nonchalant tone like she was talking about the weather.

There was a pregnant pause and I had a difficult time processing what she had just said.

"Come again?"

"I'm saying congratulations, Three, for completing your training," The doctor clarified, and she gave me a small smile. "You Impressed me Three, you completed your training 3 years earlier than the expected 5-year plan."

"Huh," I said, dumbfounded. "That is?"

"Yes, and it is thanks to your dedication and hard work, and your ability to adapt and learn quickly, that we were able to speed up the process," the doctor praised.

"Wow, I- I don't know what to say," I began. "You know I thought that at the end of this, you were going to make and force me to do something like some sort of trial like killing some possibly innocent people, or destroying something to elevate Cadmus agendas."

Dr. Iamizaki raised an eyebrow. "No, absolutely not, Three, what made you think that?"

"Well… Cadmus isn't exactly a… shall I say... friendly place. And you know the whole Super Soldier thing and the project is funded and supported by the government and not exactly the most honest and trustworthy bunch, and the fact that Slade and Waller are involved."

"While it's true that Cadmus has a less than stellar reputation, and yes, the organization isn't exactly sunshine and rainbows,… we do have standards… although very questionable some might say, but still standards Nonetheless," the good doctor admitted and reassured.

"I see..."

"But moving on then." Dr. Iamizaki changed the subject. "A little birdie told me that there is a bit of a rumor going around the facility about what you and Dr. Tala have been doing every month or so in the last year of your training."

I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks and I had to resist the urge to slap myself in the face as I remembered the multiple very intense 'lessons' that Tala had taught me over the course of a year.

"And judging by the reaction, I take it that the rumor is true," the doctor surmised.

"Look, Dr. Iamizaki, I can explain," I started, but the woman waved her hand dismissively.

"It's alright, Three, there's no need to explain. I'm not here to judge." The doctor stated.


"Really," the Doctor repeated, and she smiled. "You're an adult, Three, and you're entitled to your privacy, and your personal life is none of my business and really… I am not surprised by Doctor Tala's antic at all. She has a reputation for being quite the seductress and a very experienced and skilled lover, so it's not a surprise that you fell into her clutches, so to speak."


"There is one thing You should also know about Dr. Tala," The Good Doctor began.

"Oh? What is it, Doc?"

The head researchers make a show of looking around the office like she expected someone to eavesdrop even though the room we are currently in is presumably soundproofed. "That she was the daughter of a powerful Demonic being." The good doctor revealed. "A Succubus Queen with her father being an unknown sorcerer and wizard at the same time, who was rumored to have sold his soul to the devil himself."

"What?" I inquire with a raised eyebrow.

"She was the result of a union between a male Homo Magi or Atlanteans as they use to be called and a succubus, and due to her unique heritage and bloodline, she was gifted with incredible magical powers," the head researcher of Project Skyfall elaborated. "You see the symbol on her chest right? That one of the crests of the succubus, or, in her case, the emblem of a demonic being known as Lilith."

"Huh, interesting, that's new I had no idea and it would explain some of the things," I replied honestly although I shouldn't be surprised by now that many things may have been different from the DC lore or comic book canon and the characters of Tala might have been the product of a union between a Homo Magi and a succubus.

"Yes, well, it's not common knowledge, and the details of her origin and parentage are shrouded in mystery and speculation," the Doctor added. "But, regardless, she is an incredibly powerful and dangerous sorceress, and she can be very alluring and seductive. It's in her nature, and those with demonic ancestry and lineage are naturally charming and charismatic."

"Huh… You mentioned before that she is a daughter of a succubus or a Succubi queen," I began, recalling the point. "So, that makes her a Succubus, or a Succubus in the making, and is she also an actual demon or something like that?"

"No, she's not an actual Succubus or demon, but she does have her mother's unique genetic makeup and genes," the head researcher explained. "As a result, she possesses many of the abilities and traits that Succubi is known for, including an insatiable sexual appetite, a high libido, and an irresistible charm and allure. However, she is not an actual Demon, and she does not have a demon's power or abilities."

"And she is apparently very depraved and masochistic also …" I muttered and shuttered as I recalled Tala's moan of pain and pleasure as I choke, slap, and dick her down into the bed. I don't condone violence against women but It shamed me to admit that I very much enjoy the intensely rough lesson taught by the sorcerer. "You know… I just realized that I stick my dick into crazy."

The doctor shrugged. "Well, in the words of Voltaire: 'If you're not a bit crazy, then you just don't understand life."

I couldn't help but laugh out loud at that. "HAH!…True,"

"But, in all seriousness, Three, I am genuinely happy for you, and I want to wish you good luck," the Doctor stated, and her expression became more somber. "Because, from here on out, the mission you choose to take will not get any easier. The path ahead is full of hardship and danger, and it is not a road that everyone can travel. So, whatever choice you make, and wherever you go, may you find success and happiness."

"Thank, Doc," I nodded at her. "Maybe you are not so bad after all."

"Now, that's settled, we have a little gift for you." The Head researcher of the Skyfall program smirked at the compliment as she placed a small box on the table. "Well, two gifts actually…"

"What is it?" I inquired.

"Open it when you are back in your room and find out," the doctor instructed and urged with a tone that brokered no argument.

"Alright?" I agreed with a raised eyebrow, and the doctor smiled as she took out what looked like another Bio-watch? from a drawer in her desk and placed it in front of me. However, this one looks a bit different from the one I am wearing on my wrist.

"And what's this, Doc?"

"This is the new and improved version of the bio-watch," the head researcher stated. "This model has been modified and upgraded to withstand and survive your enhancements and augmentations, and it has been customized and designed to fit your exact needs and specifications. This watch is made of a special material that can absorb and dissipate your energy, and it has been fitted with an advanced interface and operating system. It has an unlimited range, and it is fully capable of connecting and syncing with other electronic devices and equipment."

"Damn, nice," I whistled, impressed by the device.

"It is indeed, and it will also allow you to monitor your vital signs, energy levels, and biological status, and it will also help you in tracking your targets and keeping tabs on them." The good doctor informed and elaborated. "Also, there are a few additional features and functions built into it, such as an in-built communication system, a GPS tracker, a mini-computer, and… other things..."

"Huh… Alright?" I nodded with a raised brow.

As I took the watch and put it on, I was reminded of the Omni-tool from Mass Effect, with the way it works and the design, interface, and functionality are similar, the only difference is the fact that It still looked like some sort of smartwatch, but with the same color scheme and style.

"It also has a few new and interesting capabilities, such as the ability to hack and access various networks and databases, and the ability to interface with and control certain machines and electronics," The Good Doctor Added.

"Wow, that is a lot to take in," I admitted.

"Indeed, and I think you will appreciate it," the good doctor smiled, her expression almost smug and confident.

"Thanks, Doc,"

"Don't mention it, Three," the head researcher of Project Skyfall replied. "Well, you better get going then… tomorrow will be quite an eventful day for you. You're getting the first assignment after all. A 'job' is what I call it, is waiting for you."

"A Job, huh?"

"Yes, a very important one at that, but we can talk about that after you depart from Cadmus"

"I see?" I frowned, not liking where this was going. "Why can't you tell me now? Why the wait?"

"It's not time yet, Three," the good doctor sighed. "I can't reveal the information just yet. However, I can say that it will be a mission of great importance and significance."

"Right?" I hummed. "Okay, well, guess I will have to wait and see."

"Indeed, and once again, congratulations on completing your training,"

"Yeah, thanks, doc,"

"Merry Christmas by the way."

"Uh… Merry Christmas to you too I guess." I nodded appreciatively with an inquiring look. "But I have to ask… how do you know all of this? About Tala I mean, and her being the daughter of a succubus."

The good doctor had a smug smile as she looked up at me, her eyes somehow gleaming with an unknown yet strangely intense emotion like the eyes of a storm. "Let's just say that I am a very well-connected person."

"I see... " I said gulping slowly, a bit unnerved by the woman's sudden shift in demeanor and her almost cryptic and enigmatic statement.

"Now, you must be on your way, Three," the head researcher advised suddenly with the most serious and grave look I have ever seen on the woman's face. "And remember to… prepare for unforeseen consequences tomorrow. The next step will be the most critical and challenging part of your journey. There will be many trials and tribulations along the way, and you must be prepared to face them. Your path will not be easy, and there will be many obstacles and hardships ahead, but you must persevere and never give up. Keep fighting, and don't lose hope."

I stared at the woman, and there was a moment of silence between us, the mood becoming more solemn and serious out of nowhere but before I could question her, I unexpectedly found myself outside of her office.

"What the-?"

I shook my head, slightly baffled, and tried to recall what happened, but I could not remember. I must have spaced out or something, and somehow ended up outside without even realizing it.

"What the hell was that?"

I looked back at the door and it was closed and locked, and the two guards were stationed outside, looking at me with an inquiring expression. I didn't say anything as I turned and headed down the hallway and back to my room.

I shook my head, maybe it was just nothing, and besides, I needed rest and a good night's sleep, and I had a long day tomorrow, so I better not dwell on the matter and worry about it later. With a yawn, I walked away without the two guards surprisingly and headed towards my quarters, hoping to get a good night's sleep. As soon as I arrived at my room, I collapsed on the bed and was instantly asleep.


Author Note: This is a kind of !CRACKISH! Fanfiction. I don't own Marvel and DC, nor am I some sort of loremaster.