
[The Hogwarts Library!]

"Finally" I muttered as I stared at the newspaper article.

'''Tragedy at Hogwarts- Death of a Mugglebornm'''

'''Myrtle Elizabeth Warren, a muggle-born witch was found dead on the second floor girl's bathroom. According to resident students, Myrtle was quite infamous for occupying that stall for a long amount of time, notorious for skipping classes, there are very conflicting emotions about her tragedy.

According to her roommates, Myrtle was a little different and didn't fit well with anyone else, not even her fellow muggle-borns, day in and day out of her snappy attitude has burned many bridges among her fellow Ravenclaw, but even her demise is sad as many of her roommates had red eyes for the past few weeks.

The cause of her death is a mystery as even the department of mysteries is involved in searching for clues. Professor Dumbeldore the transfiguration professor confessed that the matter may remain a mystery and that Hogwarts is in a dangerous place right now.'''

'uhhhh... Isn't the paper a little too liberal at dishing a recently deceased?'

I looked at the picture of a young brunette with her hair braided into two ponytails, her big round glasses and acne covered face.

'uhh...I guess now I understand a little on why she was in that toilet a lot.'

Ignoring the rising feelings of pity I started reading the next article.

'''Hogwats Closing? The tragedy of the Century'''

'''Due to the tragic demise of Myrtle Elizabeth Warren, according to headmaster Armando Dippet Hogwarts will close as the student's safety is compromised, the Hogwarts Express is scheduled to arrive in two days and all the parents who want to pick up their kids ...'''

The rest of the article just described the schedule of the train and directions to follow in order to take your kids back home. Instead, I focused on the article that finally had some information about what I wanted.

'''The Chamber of Secrets- The long Lost Legacy'''

'''It is not a well-known fact but the Hogwarts castle was a building owned by the Slytherin family and that Lord Slytherin donated the castle to create Hogwarts. Being the former owner of the castle it would not come as a surprise that Slytherin had a hidden room in it. The Chamber of Secrets is the legacy that Lord Slytherin left behind and in the past centuries, many people have tried to find its location with no success. The only reason this incident is linked to the chamber of secrets is because according to ancient records, Lord Slytherin has left behind an ancient beast whom only his heir could control. While the speculation about the identity of the beast still remains undetermined, the questionable nature of Slytherin's housing of a potentially dangerous beast remains concerning....'''

'I mean it's got to be a snake right? they would have found some clues from the corpse.'

All the articles on the day revolved around these few lines, I ignored most of the nonsense written there listed out some facts about the incident on 13th June 1943.

- Myrtle Elizabeth Warren, Fifth year, Muggleborn, died.

- Hagrid was found the culprit and was expelled?

- Somehow killing a muggleborn just resulted in expulsion?

-I don't think Hagrid was responsible

-Someone named Tom Marvolo Riddle, muggleborn, Slytherin, captured Hagrid with an Acromantula.

-There was a muggleborn in Slytherin in 1943?

'sigh...maybe blood supremacy was not present before the Dark Lords time? This seems ridiculous, But there sure isn't any pureblood family with the name Riddle...'

I continued reading the papers and an interesting article caught my attention.

'''...Myrtle who after her death remained behind as a ghost, attended the wedding of Olive's brother uninvited and apparently caused a massive scene to remind Olive that she bullied her, causing a huge mess. Olive went to the Ministry of Magic to restrain Myrtle, who was thereafter obliged to remain at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry...'''

'...wait so this Myrtle is the mooning Myrtle? yeah, the second-floor girl's lavatory can't be a coincidence, should I ask her?'

I cringed at the thought of asking about the situations surrounding her death but this is the only lead I got, plus maybe I won't have to, maybe the system will give me a clue if I'm close to the entrance.

I remembered the last article I read quickly memorizing the date in case I had to come back, before exiting the library. It took me 10 minutes and just 1 dead-end to arrive in front of the abandoned toilets. The doors looked quite old and maybe the house-elf's also didn't like to clean here. I opened the doors and closed them behind me.


I almost deflated at not getting any notification but then continued to enter the toilet. The room had stalled on both sides and in the centre was a circular construct that had multiple sinks arranged.

I examined the stalls one by one but there was no one here, maybe Myrtle was haunting someone, so I continued to the only remaining construct in the room. I examined the sink, the mirror was a little dirty but I could still see myself.

'No notification, there goes plan A... Plan B I guess'


I froze as soon as I thought because a simple line appeared in front of me.

[Water Tap (Entrance to the Chamber of Secrets)]


[Quest Completed: Heir of Slytherin(I): Find the location of the Chamber of Secrets

Rewards: 1000 EXP, 5 SP]


Double release! and on time! Hurray?

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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