
The system I made

Synopsis: William Carter's passion for game development finally bears fruit when he lands a job at Blue Horizon Studios, a titan in the gaming industry renowned for their flagship title, 'Starforge Legacy.' With dreams of revolutionizing the gaming experience, Williams proposes the development of an advanced interface system, surpassing current VR and AI technologies. His vision includes breathtaking graphics and a realistic gaming engine designed to redefine interaction within 'Starforge Legacy' the video game. However, Alex's innovative ideas are dismissed by his colleagues, who fail to see the potential in his groundbreaking concepts. Disheartened but undeterred, Alex decides to secretly develop the interface on his own. As he makes significant progress, jealousy brews among his peers. One such envious co-worker, recognizing the potential of William's's system to elevate the company—and his own career—to unprecedented heights, plots against him. In a dark twist of fate, William is assassinated by a hired killer, intending to steal his creation. But death is not the end for William Carter. He awakens in an unfamiliar, fantastical world, face-to-face with the very interface system he developed. In this new reality, filled with dangerous monsters and mythical beasts, the system offers him a chance not only to survive but to thrive. It becomes clear that his assassination has led to an unexpected rebirth in a realm where his technology integrates seamlessly with the environment. Armed with his interface, William must navigate this perilous new world, uncovering its secrets and the reasons behind his reincarnation. As he masters the system and gains powerful allies, William vows to enhance his abilities and unravel the connection between the fantasy world and his own reality. His ultimate mission: survive, conquer, and find a pathway back to his world to reclaim his life and bring his assassins to justice.

Asay_Magadeni · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Chapter 2: Homecoming


Chapter 2


The city lights blurred past William's car window, reflections dancing over his somber expression as he navigated the familiar roads home. After the intense meeting, his mind was a tumult of thoughts, each turn of the wheel bringing him closer to the refuge of home.

Finally arriving, William parked his sleek car in the driveway of a cozy suburban house, its warm lights a stark contrast to the cold dismissal he'd experienced earlier. He loosened his tie with a sigh, the fabric sliding silkily between his fingers, and removed his black blazer, draping it carelessly over one arm.

As he unlocked the front door and stepped inside, the immediate enthusiastic barking of his dog greeted him, piercing through his fog of exhaustion.

"Hey, Buster," William murmured, a tired smile spreading across his face as the small terrier leapt up at his legs, tail wagging furiously.

He sank onto the soft sofa, the cushions enveloping him as Buster clambered onto his lap, eager for attention. William's hands automatically went to the dog's head, scratching behind his ears, the simple action soothing his frayed nerves.

"You're back late today," came a voice from the hallway. Sarah, his wife, appeared at the entrance to the living room, her brow creased with concern. She leaned against the frame, arms crossed, her soft features illuminated by the gentle light of the room.

William glanced up, forcing a smile. "Yeah, it was a long meeting."

Sarah walked over and sat down beside him, her expression softening. "Want to talk about it?" she asked, her voice gentle, inviting him to share.

He hesitated, the words stuck in his throat. Talking about the meeting meant reliving the disappointment, but hiding it felt even heavier. With a deep breath, William recounted the events, his voice low. "I pitched my idea... the system I've been working on. But it didn't go well. Most of them rejected it, said it was too risky, too expensive."

"Oh, William," Sarah sighed, her hand finding his. "I'm sorry it didn't work out. But I know you, you'll figure something out. You always do."

William chuckled weakly, squeezing her hand. "Thanks for believing in me. Even when I'm not sure I believe in myself."

She smiled warmly at him, then stood, tugging gently at his shirt. "Come on, get changed. I'll throw your clothes in the wash. And you," she pointed at Buster, who looked up with innocent eyes, "let's get you fed."

With a resigned nod, William stood and made his way to the bedroom, the weight of the day slowly lifting with each step.

(9:51 PM)

The bedroom was quiet except for the soft, rhythmic breathing of Sarah, already fast asleep beside him. The dim light from the streetlamps outside filtered through the curtains, casting gentle shadows across the room. William lay on his back, staring up at the ceiling, his mind racing despite the late hour.

The sudden jarring ring of his phone cut through the silence. He turned his head, glancing at the illuminated screen on the nightstand. *Kevin*, the display read. With a resigned sigh, he reached out, his fingers closing around the device. He swiped to answer, bringing the phone to his ear.

"Hey, Kev," William greeted, his voice low to not disturb Sarah.

"Will, hey," Kevin's voice came through, tinged with concern. "I heard about the meeting. What happened?"

William rubbed his forehead with his free hand, feeling the weight of the day press down again.

"It wasn't good. They shot it down, Kevin. Said it was too ambitious, too costly. They put it on hold."

There was a brief pause, then Kevin's voice came through, steadier, more determined. "Look, Will, we knew it might not be easy. But we also know what we've got. We can't just let it sit on a shelf. We finish it—on our own if we have to. We promote it ourselves. There's a market for this, I'm sure of it."

The determination in Kevin's voice was infectious, and a spark of hope flickered in William's chest.

"You really think we can pull it off?"

"Absolutely," Kevin asserted. "We've done most of the hard work already. We just need to push a little further. I'm in this with you, all the way."

A small smile tugged at the corners of William's mouth. "Thanks, man. It means a lot, really. It's just... it's a big risk."

"We've taken bigger risks at uni, remember?" Kevin chuckled lightly. "We can do this. Let's meet tomorrow, go over everything, see what we need to move forward."

"Alright," William agreed, a new resolve settling in. "Let's do it. Thanks, Kev."

"Anytime, brother. Get some rest, you'll need it," Kevin said before ending the call.

William placed the phone back on the nightstand and lay back, his gaze returning to the ceiling. The conversation with Kevin had reignited a fire within him, the despair from the meeting slowly ebbing away. He closed his eyes, his mind already racing with ideas and plans. They would finish what they started, no matter what it took. With that thought, he drifted off into a restless sleep, dreams of possibilities and challenges mingling in the quiet night.