
School atlast

Tomorrow I was going to the school I could barely close my eyes yet still i went to sleep I woke in the morning grabbed by books and rushed out.The school was located towards the centre so I took me a good 10 minutes to get to it.The closer i got the more of a crowd gathered into the streets.At last I stood at the gate the school ones to be a mighty thing but looked old but sturdy.

I went straight to the main hall

Today everybody would choose their electives.As I entered a senior student handed me a sheet with the electives on it and told me to mark the electives i choose and hand them to the teacher with my role number on it

I looked around for a pen and the senior giving me a knowing look gave me his own i hurriedly scribbled on my roll number and looked at the electives which constitutes from potion and herbology to dire beast study and smithing i looked across the sheet and found some of the stuff interesting after some fighting with my inner self i selected potion and herbology,weapon enhancement,dueling classes and sure beast studies,and that was all I was allowed to pick after handing the sheet to a smiling teacher she told to go to hall a3 so i stuffed the pen into my pocket and went around looking for hall a3 I found it and went inside and an old man was giving a speech on the legacy of the school and the geniuses they had raised i looked around and found the hall briming with students and after some time found an empty seat sat down and took a and tried not to sleep

After the speech every one was assigned a class as I entered mine a teacher stood at one and with his back turned towards us,I looked around hoping to see a familiar face yet their was none in sight wait a girl sat on the chair in front of mine it seemed like if I had seen her before and in an instant i got it she was the same girl from the road did incidents

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