
Another perspective

My name is chizuko my last name removed from the records of the empire for reasons unknown.I was raised in an orphanage in the city of the rising moon east of the empire.all I was told was that family was a noble one in the literal sense of the word as soon as I turned sixteen i was supposed to be sent to some school in the capital well I had to walk

I stood on the road with barely any food when a wagon passed by a nobleman from the looks of him offered to take me to the capital i would have had declined had i known his character but I had quit the character after being raised in the orphanage.I refused his advances and in return he threw me out after a day of facing my stuborness.well he dropped !e pretty close to the capital and my education and board was supposed to be funded by the king so I started getting up and lo behold some stranger had the nerve to try to help me well after my last experience i threatened...politely declined him

I stood before an inn my "scholarship" in my pocket i booked a room and glazed around for a month well more like three of the but I wasn't spending out of my own pocket and we'll i had time to spare.