15 Chapter 15: Start

"Well shit." I cursed.

The noble, his servants, guards - some of them can even wipe the floor with Osiric were all on our yard.

I knew the noble won't win against Osiric, I just hoped that he isn't like a noble in a genric isekai. If he is like that I will have to kiss this life goodbye. I was even enjoying it a lot.

Osiric looked at saw me worried, he then smiled and came a little closer, "If you are worried about angering the duke, don't worry. I knew he was the duke's son even before you. He is actually a good boy and the only reason he wanted to fight is to get stronger. The duke is also chill and won't do anything even if I harm him, plus Emma is there so there are no worries about injuries."

"Really!?" Emma said as she was sitting next to me. I also said the same thing.

"If you want, you can ask him yourself. Thought that will be after the fight, since he has a reputation of ignoring everything if is getting prepared to fight." Osiric answered as he went back.


"So you have come back." I looked at the person in front of me.

He looked very handsome, I think only royalties can become more handsome than him. His white hair and red eyes indicate that he is a sub-race of humans called red eyes.

Red eyes generally were as beautiful as elves and even were stronger regular humans, especially their aptitude with magic and weapons they specialized in. I saw it last night, he had thrown a person 10m high in the sky without even making any sound.

The scariest part about that was that I couldn't even detect a hint of mana being used, seeing that made me want to fight the person. I didn't care if I get annoying, but I really want to get stronger.

I also saw two of the heroes the king had summoned a week before, I was excited to meet them. But I wanted to fight against the person in front of me first.

I think I also heard that 2 hero parties had fought against each other; the aggressor lost and is currently being taken care at the capital.

The ones who were attacked were very strong, some even say that they may be the strongest party right now since the aftermath of their match made even me shudder.

There was a 40m long slash in the ground and surrounding it were massive craters, a lot of the trees in the forest were completely leveled.

I wanted to see it, but the natural regeneration of the world quickly healed the damage done to it. So I could only know about it through the words of my father.

I was also surprised to find that both of those parties were from Libert. I was very happy, since I would get a chance to meet them. Since I didn't want to meet them after my battle with a great fire lion, I came to the nearest hot spring to cleanse my mind.

I didn't regret this trip at all, on the three days which I had stayed in here; I felt relaxed. The food here was a little lacking compared to the food at my house, it was still really good


"I just had something to say to my friends, so are you ready?" Osiric asked to Rid, the noble.

We both trusted Osiric so we got a little calmer, but still, knowing how bizarre and generic this world was, I expected to meet a bratty noble. So we still were a little scared.

Then Osiric started to absorb massive amounts of mana from the atmosphere, the mana became so dense that even a normal person would be able to see it.

The mana shined with 'pure' light, the light was could be only described with that word. It looked like a pale white-platinum-silver light. The noble stepped back a little.

Even we, who were comfortable with that form, built up a little cold sweat. Some of the servants were also visibly pale, though some guards weren't even fazed by it.

Those guards were probably strong as D-rankers, it would probably cost about 11-20 platinum per month to hire them. Though I didn't worry about that.

Osiric had gone to a from, which I had dubbed, 'Pure Mode'. It's just him absorbing massive amounts of mana from the atmosphere and buffing his body. It, combined with his enhancement type skills, would probably double all his stats, and his agility would probably get a 2.5x multiplier.

His mp currently is probably over 1,000; that's about as high as me, though I could boost myself - to a lesser extent - and probably get over 4,000 mp.

The form meant that he was going all out, I got a little worried and was about to stand up, ready to stop.

But before I could do so, the noble also did the same. Though this time, it was, even more, brighter than Osiric I quickly looked at his stats with appraisal.



Hp: 600/600 (+400/400)

Mp: 700/700 (+395/400) [-5 mp per second]

Strength: 350 (+100)

Magic: 350 (+100)

Agility: 290 (+100)

Resistance: 300 (+100)

A noble aura was released, I and Emma felt a massive pressure down our backs. If hadn't defended against it we would have been on the ground. I and Emma both activated our aura, due to Emma's aura being weaker she couldn't make her aura that big - it only extended about 3-5 cm off her, my aura - due to being stronger - extended a meter out of my body.

This just gave me a new perspective of how strong a noble's aura could be, especially a duke's aura. He didn't have a perfect affinity with the fire element and he could beat my perfect fire aura.

I even had a higher level skill than him. I quickly looked around to me find that everyone, except us, was fine. It must be because they were familiar with his aura.

I mean, Osiric's pure aura had knocked us out in the beginning and it was a friendly aura, since Osiric thought of us as allies. Growing familiar with an aura would probably give you immunity to the pressure the aura releases.

Osiric also released his own aura, clashing with the noble's. Osiric's affinity was pure, excluding the supreme magic, it was the strongest magic in terms of aura strength. That combined with his blessing, his aura would be strong as a perfect royal pure aura.

It quickly won the battle of auras, Osiric controlled his aura with such precision that no one, except Rid, felt the effect of the aura.

Rid looked a little pale. Seeing this I already knew it was too late to stop the battle; so I watched it hoping for the best.

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