
The Sword of Shiva

Raj, an ordinary boy, sets out on a summer vacation to Sri Lanka. Little did he know that this trip would change his life forever. During one of his adventures, Raj stumbles upon a divine sword hidden in a cave. Unaware of the sword's past and its significance, Raj takes it with him. As he continues his journey, he realizes that the sword has mystical powers more than his Imagined. Raj embarks on a thrilling adventure, fighting evil forces. Along the way, he meets new friends who join him in his quest to uncover the sword's true purpose. Raj and his companions discover that the sword has a rich history and is linked to a powerful ancient civilization. They also learn that there are others who seek the sword for their own selfish purposes. With danger lurking at every turn, Raj must use his wit and bravery to protect the sword and its secrets. Will he be able to unlock the sword's true potential and fulfill his destiny? Only time will tell in this epic adventure of discovery and self-discovery.

Arya256 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 3 Officer Sam

Raj's heart still was racing as he tried to wrap his head around the fact that he was a billionaire. "I still can't believe it," he said, shaking his head. "How is this even possible?"

Sword smiled. "Raj,i said that I can do anything "

"But it's just so unreal," Raj said, his voice trembling with excitement. "I mean, who goes from zero to billionaire in just five minutes?"

"You did" Sword said with a chuckle. "And if the world knew about it, you'd be awarded the fastest and youngest billionaire by Forbes."

Raj's eyes widened at the thought of all the attention he would receive. "But what if it's not real? What if you just hacked my phone and changed the balance digit for my happiness?"

Sword shook his head. "No, Raj. I didn't hack your phone. You really have that balance in your bitcoin account, and you can transfer it into your bank account."

Raj took a deep breath and asked for one final confirmation. "So, just to be clear, really money was transferred into my account, and this is the real balance ?"

Sword nodded. "That's right, Raj. You really are a billionaire now."

Raj couldn't contain his excitement any longer. He jumped up from his chair and hugged Sword tightly. "Thank you so much, Sword! I don't know how to repay you for this!"

Sword smiled and patted Raj on the back. "Don't worry about it, Raj. Just enjoy your new life as a billionaire."

*****In the Rest of the World The Mysterious Transfer made huge blast

As news broke. Billions of dollars had been transferred into a Bitcoin's in fractions of Second, and no one knew where it had come from.

The news spread like wildfire, and soon, the top agencies from around the world were clamoring for information. The FBI, RAW, CIA, Chinese, Japanese, and Russian intelligence agencies all wanted to know who was behind this massive transfer.

The investigation began immediately. The top officers from each agency gathered in a secret location to discuss the case. They knew that they had to act quickly before the person behind the transfer could cover their tracks.

For the investigation of this Matter FBI Called their top Officer Sam, Officer Sam solved many case in few years & that cases also that are strain on Fbi from decades. Many people call him 'God of War' of chess Becuase he is greatest Grand Master of chess that born in Centuries.

The officer Sam and his companions worked tirelessly, pouring over every detail of the transfer. They traced the Bitcoin account back to its origin, but they hit a dead end. The account had been created using a fake identity, and there was no way to trace it back to a real person.

The officers sam and his Companions were frustrated. They had never encountered a case like this before. They knew that whoever was behind the transfer was a mastermind, and they were determined to catch them.

The officers Sam and his Companions followed every lead, but they always ended up at a dead end. They couldn't find any evidence that would link the transfer to a real person.


Note down :- officer Sam of the important Charcter