
I'm just that Rich

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

They flashed beaming smiles at him.

The receptionist in red was the quickest, and she stepped right up to Jing Yan in the blink of an eye.

Whatever her attitude had been on his last visit, there was no denying that the receptionist was very beautiful.

"Mr. Jing Yan, welcome. What would you be looking for today?" the receptionist in red asked with a sweet voice filled with anticipation.

She was thinking that she would become rich if Jing Yan bought merchandise worth tens of thousands of Spiritual Stones again. But at the same time, she knew very well that it would be nearly impossible for him to do so. Jing Yan had spent more than 50,000 Spiritual Stones less than a month ago, and there was no way he could spend that many stones again so soon.

All the other receptionists, who had been slower than the woman in red, shot cold glares at the woman now standing in front of Jing Yan. They looked very displeased. However, now that the receptionist in red was already serving Jing Yan, and it would have looked really awkward if they tried to fight for Jing Yan's business. Doing so might actually cost them their jobs.


"Hmph, she didn't bother with Mr. Jing Yan the last time he was here, and yet she's getting so chummy with him now."

"Yeah, she really is a b*tch."

Some of the other receptionists grumbled quietly to each other.

None of them bothered to recall how similar their attitudes toward him had been when he first walked into the shop.

"I'm sorry, but I'm looking for Su Zixuan," Jing Yan said with a smile, waving his hand at the very eager receptionist in red.


The receptionist in red was stunned, and her mouth gaped open. She stood in place like a statue.

"Is Su Zixuan here?" Jing Yan frowned after seeing that the woman hadn't responded.

Jing Yan knew very well what was going on in that receptionist's head. She had looked down on him the first time she saw him, and yet now she was so eager to work with him. There was no way Jing Yan would have missed what was going on.

Jing Yan was a human too, which meant he was also capable of holding a grudge.

"Um, well, Su Zixuan is serving other clients now, and she might be occupied at the moment," the receptionist in red replied stiffly, finally coming back to herself and blushing.

"It's fine, I'll just wait for a moment," Jing Yan said with a smirk.

"So he's here for girls then. I thought for a moment there that he was really going to buy anything," said Lin Ya's scornful voice. The man wasn't going to miss an opportunity to take a jab at Jing Yan.

Lin Ya's air of superiority seemed to have returned right away.

From Lin Ya's perspective, it was impossible for Jing Yan to have that many Spiritual Stones on his person. Jing Yan might have been wealthy when his grandfather, Jing Tian, was around. However, Lin Ya doubted that Jing Yan possessed anything worth mentioning at the moment.

It wasn't strange that Jing Yan had a girl at the House of the Precious, as all the receptionists working at the shop were eye candy. Even Lin Ya found them to be alluring and tempting.

"Good day, Mr. Lin Ya." The receptionist in red who had been serving Jing Yan moved to Lin Ya's side in a jiffy.

"I'm here to buy Tianqing Fruits. Lead the way," Lin Ya said, waving in a pompous manner and behaving as if he was a tycoon.

Jing Mingzhu, who was by Lin Ya's side, looked up with her head held high.

"Sure, Mr. Lin Ya. Please follow me." The eyes of the receptionist in red lit up immediately.

She left Jing Yan hanging and took Lin Ya farther into the shop.

Jing Yan frowned and narrowed his gaze.

In truth, if the receptionist in red had insisted for just a tad bit longer, Jing Yan wouldn't have found it necessary to wait for Su Zixuan. After all, he had no scores to settle with the receptionists, and if Su Zixuan was indeed busy with something, Jing Yan wouldn't have wanted to wait for too long either.

Time was what he lacked most at the moment.

However, that receptionist in red had given up right away.

No other receptionists came to him either.

"Heh." Jing Yan smirked and decided to wait for a little while longer.

He didn't need to wait too long, as he saw Su Zixuan heading toward him not long afterward.

"Mr. Jing Yan!" Su Zixuan's beautiful eyes sparkled a little bit when she saw Jing Yan.

"I want to buy something, Zixuan." Jing Yan grinned and continued, "Do you have Legendary-grade Spiritual Stones around here?"

"Legendary-grade Spiritual Stones?" Su Zixuan's face paled slightly. Then she shook herself and said, "O-Of course we do."

She was really surprised.

Legendary-grade Spiritual Stones were far more precious than the Nine Yin Fruits that Jing Yan had purchased when he was last there. Furthermore, there was also a greater demand for those stones. Some cultivators at Precelestial rank would often buy Legendary-grade Spiritual Stones for cultivation purposes.

A single Legendary-grade Spiritual Stone cost 4000 Spiritual Stones in the House of the Precious.

"How much for one Legendary-grade Spiritual Stone?" Jing Yan asked in a friendly manner.

He was just glad that they sold Legendary-grade Spiritual Stones. In truth, Jing Yan was hardly concerned about the price, as the most important thing he needed to do at the moment was to break into the Ninth Heaven.

"Buying one would cost 4000 Spiritual Stones," Su Zixuan said.

Legendary-grade Spiritual Stones were very rare resources.

Such stones existed within the veins of common Spiritual Stone mines, yet a large mine capable of producing over a million Spiritual Stones would have fewer than 100 Legendary-grade ones among them. Sometimes only 10 or 20 of the stones were found in mines of such scale.

If any Legendary-grade Spiritual Stones were found in the mines under the control of a greater clan, the clan would store the stones in their vaults immediately, stockpiling them for future use.

Even Precelestial warriors among those clans would have difficulty getting their hands on such stones.

"Right, I'll take 10 then." Jing Yan nodded.

He had 50,000 Spiritual Stones on his person at the moment. With a single Legendary-grade stone being priced at 4000 Spiritual Stones, 10 of them would cost him 40,000 Spiritual Stones. He would still be left with 10,000 stones.

"Ten..." Su Zixuan's eyes were wide.

Oh gosh!

Just how many Spiritual Stones did Mr. Jing Yan actually have?

He had spent more than 50,000 Spiritual Stones just to buy Nine Yin Fruit less than a month ago, and now he was out to buy 10 Legendary-grade Spiritual Stones, which would cost 40,000 Spiritual Stones.

Mr. Jing Yan really was loaded!

Not even the Patriarchs of greater clans would have so many stones for personal use.

A few nearby receptionists heard what Jing Yan had just said as well. All of them held their breath after hearing that, feeling as if their brains were stalling.

"Forty thousand! Forty thousand..."

If they had known that Jing Yan was about to make a purchase worth tens of thousands of Spiritual Stones again, they would have rushed to serve Jing Yan, even if they had to kneel and grovel to do so.

Commissions for closing sales of Legendary-grade Spiritual Stones were less than for Nine Yin Fruit, being at only two percent. Even so, a purchase worth 40,000 Spiritual Stones would have yielded a hefty sum of 800 Spiritual Stones in commission.

Su Zixuan returned to the checkout counter with Jing Yan soon enough, with 10 Legendary-grade Spiritual Stones in her hands.

In truth, despite the House of the Precious still having some of the stones left in stock after the purchase, there weren't a lot to begin with. Legendary-grade Spiritual Stones were comparatively popular items. The shop only had a little more than a dozen of them, and Jing Yan had asked to buy 10.

Lin Ya and Jing Mingzhu were standing before the counter, getting ready to check out with the Tianqing Fruits that he had just purchased.

When Lin Ya saw Jing Yan heading toward the counter as well, he announced loudly, "Let's get my order ready to go. I'm taking all 10 Tianqing Fruit."

Ten Tianqing Fruit were worth 3000 Spiritual Stones, and that was quite a huge sum.

Truth be told, Lin Ya had little more than 3000 Spiritual Stones on his person at the moment.

He shot a provoking look at Jing Yan, which was meant to say that he was rich and generous.

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