

Ava took a deep breath before pushing open the door to Beatrix's hospital room. She had been dreading this visit, but she knew she needed to see her friend, to make sure that she was okay. She walked slowly into the room, her eyes scanning the bed for any sign of movement.

"Bea?" she called softly, her voice barely above a whisper.

There was a moment of silence before Beatrix stirred, her eyes flickering open as she struggled to sit up. Ava rushed over to her side, gently placing a hand on her shoulder to help her.

"Hey," Beatrix said, her voice weak but filled with relief. "I was hoping you'd come."

Ava nodded, her eyes filling with tears as she looked at her friend. Beatrix's face was pale and drawn, her body still weak from the trauma of being shot. But despite everything, there was a smile on her lips.

"How are you feeling?" Ava asked, her voice shaking with emotion.

Beatrix smiled weakly. "I'm alive," she said. "That's something, right?"

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