

At Meg's Funeral was a sad day but I know that Meg wouldn't want people being sad. Impossible was playing in to back, her favorite song, I remember when it came out she was in love, she never stop singing that song but it just made us closer.

"Meg Was a good friend, a sister to me, and when the plane crashed I was hoping everyone was going to be ok, but I was wrong. Meg was taking from a young age but god knows when someones time is up, and hers was to quick. But she's now in a better place, and she always going to be here with us no matter what" I say trembling on my words. It was hard to see my closes friend dead I places my flowers on her, lilacs, were her favorite flower I would them everywhere in/out of the house.

"Goodbye...." I whisper, feeling a sight tear run down my face.

After everyone was done with their speeches I see on Meg's gravestone at the bottom it says,

"A beautiful woman"