
Beautiful as a human

I woke up and I was the only one awake. I decided to call my mom while I was the only one awake. But I don't know how to tell her. I will just go for it.

    " Hi sweetie are you in Los Angeles?" asked mom

    " No our plane crashed on a island." i said

    " WHAT, what island?" asked mom

    " I don't know mom, but I have something serious to tell you." i said

    " What is it Isabel."

    " Its Meg she did not survive the plane crash." i said

    " Oh my, im sorry her mom will hate me forever I have been friends with her mom before we both could walk. Now her daughter is dead because, of me sorry Isabel I gotta go love you. Find out what island you are on and let me know." said mom crying

" Okay, love you too mom." i said

What should I do know I just make my mom all depressed. I flopped down onto the sand,  This said is as soft as a cotton ball.  Then all I could feel was pain from my leg. Then I looked down and saw blood dripping from my leg. Not a little bit of blood but a lot. I tried to walk but I couldn't. What am I gonna do I asked myself. All of a sudden I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around really fast. I didn't know the person.

" Can I help you?" I asked

" I was wondering if I could help you since your leg is bleeding." he said

" Sure, what's your name?" I asked

" My name is Nolan what about you" Nolan said

" My name is Isabel." I said

    While he was fixing up my leg all I could think about was Meg. How happy she was to go to La and took the worst turn while flying. Now she will never ever get the chance. I wish I could try and forget about it but i can't. All of a sudden I see Bella, Mackenzie, Allison wake up. Allison started to walk towards me and sat down next to me. I can't wait to get off of this island. I was trying so hard not to cry, then all of sudden I could no longer hold back my tears and they all came pouring out my eyes.

"Are okay Isabel" asked Nolan and Allison

" Yeah im okay thank you though." i said

I got then I almost stumbled over into the ground. I caught my balance and as I was walking all I could realize is that I was limping. So I just ignored it and I walked over to the flight attendant.

" What is this island called ma'am?" I asked

" Oh no need to call me ma'am my name is Shellby, It also looks like you have met my little brother Nolan." said Shellby

" Yes I have, now what is this island called exactly?" I asked

" The island is called Beautiful nature. It is called because it is beautiful like a human."

" Okay, well thanks."

I was walking around and my stomach started to growl I suddenly Knew that I was hungry. I haven't eaten since I left my house. I went to go ask Shellby if she had any food but then I realized in  my bag I have some food. So I went to my bag and grabbed out things to eat for breakfast. I was hoping nothing would be damaged. When I looked inside nothing was damaged and all I could say was hallelujah. I  grabbed out some pancakes, some sausage, some bacon, and I also grabbed out eggs, the last thing I grabbed was milk and orange juice. How did the eggs not break ? I asked myself. But I was just grateful that they did not break. I made something that I could the cook  food on and I made a fired and started to cook the food. Then everyone came over and they all asked.

" May we have some?"

" I made enough  for everyone, Let me  go get some plates and cups."

I got back with plates and cups and everyone grabbed themself a plate. And a cup I forgot to grab some syrup and peanut butter for the pancakes. As I was going to go do that I noticed Allison walking towards me.

" Hey Isabella, thank you for making breakfast." said Allison

" Your welcome Allison." I said

I continued to walk and I grabbed the syrup and peanut butter and I walk back to where everyone was.  I set it down on the table and everyone came over to the table to wait their turn to get to use the peanut butter or syrup. I just remembered that I forgot to tell my mom what island that I was on. I started to walk towards  the tent where I slept to get my phone. I was walking then all of a sudden I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around and saw that it was Bella.

" Are you okay?" asked Bella

" Yeah im okay thanks."

" Your welcome." said Bella

" Would you like to listen to impossible by Maddi Jane with me?" she asked

" Sure but let me call my mother first."

"Hello mom." I said

" Hi Isabell." said mom

" Did you find what island that you are on?" she asked

" Yeah, it is called Beautiful Nature, because it is beautiful like a human." I said

" Okay I will send someone on the yacht to come and get you along with the other people." " It may take 2-3 days so get some rest." said mom

" Okay night mom love you." I said

" Love you too." said mom

I walked over to where everyone was and I said "My mother is sending someone on our yacht, she said it may take 2-3 days to get here." I walked over to my tent where Bella was I asked her

" Wanna listen to impossible?"

" Yeah." said Bella

I fell asleep listening to that song.

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