
We are here for you

"Argh..." Rustin stood straight, but in a bad mood because of this heavy armor that Alexander had bought for him.

 "Why do I have to wear this thing outside of training hours?" Rustin complained, looking at Alexander

 Alexander's attention was on the pint-sized  beaker, but frowned when he began to hear Rustin's annoyed voice

 Alexander took his eyes off the cup and looked at Rustin with narrowed eyes. "Do you have learning problems or what?"

 He explained all the exercises he must undergo to increase his body strength

 Rustin has reached an acceptable level in training his body, but he still needs a lot to reach the desired goal

 People who followed the Giant's Path were putting themselves under constant pressure to break the limits of their endurance

 Giants were able to shatter mountains with just their raw power

 Some of them did not bother to use armor or protection methods because their bodies were impenetrable and ordinary weapons could not penetrate their skin.

 He had heard rumors that even spiritual weapons could not cause harm to people who had reached the highest level of the Giant's Path and were revered by calling them tyrants.

 Although he did not witness this himself, the rumors were widespread

 As the saying goes, 'There is no smoke without fire'

 This is amazing stuff and any hot-blooded man would dream of having this power

 But the important question is....Do you have the will to endure all the hardships to reach this level of power?

A madmen...this is how people who follow the Giant's Path are described

 The training of these madmen made even Alexander, who saw so many atrocities, feel terrified

 He considered these people a group of masochists who loved to torture themselves

 This is the only explanation for the things they do

 Of course, These methods had serious side effects, as many people who used these methods would end up paralyzed or suffer an injury that would make them unable to live normally.

 This was why he completely refused to follow the Giant's path even though he had the opportunity to learn their methods

 One of the giants told him that the best way to train was to use a pot containing boiling oil in order to increase endurance

 I am not an egg for you to boil....with these words he categorically rejected this offer

 Thus, he was able to escape from this trap that would have put him in eternal torment

 Compared to all of this, the training that Rustin does is like child's play. Of course, all of this is thanks to Alexander's experience and the knowledge he acquired, which made him think of appropriate ways to train Rustin's body and prepare it to handle strong potions.

 But this poor boy will reach a point where he will have to use some hard methods to train his body, and then he will realize how kind Alexander was to him.

Alexander looked at Rustin disapprovingly. "You should be thankful that I'm training you. You must do your best to live up to my expectations."

 Rustin looked down and did not say a word

 Alexander opened his mouth and wanted to continue the scolding campaign, but he stopped when his mind began to flow into strange thoughts

 Why do I look like an Asian mother scolding her son for not getting grades that would qualify him to enter medical school... A bead of cold sweat slid down Alexander's forehead and he decided to stop scolding Rustin.

 Rustin looked around trying to change the subject. "By the way, what is this suspicious place?"

 The two were in Alexander's apartment, but now they were in a small storage room, barely large enough for a few people to stand in it

 But the place was crowded with bottles containing different colored liquids placed on shelves, and there was a small table in the middle of the room on which was the beaker that Alexander was examining.

 What was most suspicious were the inscriptions that were scattered throughout the place, giving it an uncomfortable feeling to those who looked closely at it.

 The door of the room opened and a young man with brown hair entered the place carrying a small box

 Alexander received him warmly. "Well done Gray, I knew you'd do it."

 Gray handed the box to Alexander as he gasped for breath. "I don't know how long it took me to convince them to give me this herb."

 Alexander opened the package to reveal a dried yellow herb

 "Hehe…" Alexander laughed maliciously. "Do they really think that monitoring my purchases will prevent me from purchasing these items? These idiots don't know what I can do, hahaha."

 "..." Rustin stared at Alexander, who was laughing hysterically like a villain in a third-rate movie

 In the end he decided to risk the question. "What is this herb?"

 Alexander replied. "It's the grass of the Verias Mountains."

"In fact, it is widespread in the northwestern regions, but it is more abundant in the Verias Mountains..." Gray added

 "Oh..." Rustin nodded, pretending to know what those two were talking about because it would be embarrassing if he was the only one who didn't understand what was going on here.

 Alexander and Gray began to examine the beaker, talking in low voices about something

 Rustin approached one of the walls and began examining the inscription on it

 He extended his finger to try to touch it

 But Alexander shouted. "Stop where you are..."

 Rustin winced and took a step back

 Alexander pointed at him forcefully. "Do not touch these talismans no matter what happens."

 "Is it worth making all this fuss?" Rustin looked at him bitterly

 A dark line appeared on Alexander's forehead. "Do you know how much these talismans cost me?"

 "I still don't understand what these things are."

 "They are sound insulation talismans." Gray explained

 "Sound insulation?"

 "That's right..." Alexander confirmed Gray's words. "Our work is very precise and requires a quiet place, so I use these talismans to isolate sound."

 He could not create a soundproof room because that would require a lot of materials, and the academy would most likely refuse to allow him to bring these materials.

 Therefore, he used the traditional method and used talismans to isolate the sound

 It requires a lot of monster blood every time he uses these talismans, and this is what made the matter expensive, but he is currently enduring the matter until he finds a solution to this situation.

 Rustin studied the talismans strangely. "Where did you get these talismans?"

 "It's from the Ford family." Gray answered again

 Alexander gave a thumbs up. "That's right, it's from the Ford family."

 This smile means he's lying... Rustin stared at Alexander's smirk

 But Gray seems to really believe this lie

 Rustin shook his head. "I should have gone with them."

 "What are you talking about?..." Alexander asked as he flipped through a group of papers lying on the table

 "Didn't anyone tell you about the Grand Emperor's birthday party? Many important people were invited. The mistress, Edward, and Margaret went there as representatives of the Penhaligon family."

Alexander stopped flipping through the papers and stared into the void with narrowed eyes. "I think Romeo told me that."

 "Romeo?..." Rustin frowned. "You're talking about that guy from the Ford family who's been following you for a while? Wasn't his name Raphael?"

 " I think so...". Alexander shrugged. "He also went there on behalf of the Ford family. This is lucky for me because the place has become much quieter."

 "I stayed here because I had to take the practical test..." Rustin sighed miserably, then looked at Alexander. "But aren't you sad because you weren't invited?"

 "I look at the positive side of the matter."

 " What do you mean?." Rustin became confused

 "We are talking about the former Emperor's birthday party..." Alexander dropped everything he had in his hands and explained with a smile. "If I go there I will have to buy an expensive gift. But if I am not invited then I will not go and that way I will save the gift money."

 "..." What is this logic?

 Rustin was speechless

 Countless individuals and families vie for the honor of being present at this occasion

 But Alexander was glad he didn't have to go there

 Rustin was a little impressed by Alexander's mood, which nothing could disturb

 Alexander grabbed the Mount Verias herb and wanted to throw it into the beaker 

 But Gray grabbed his hand. "Wait, wouldn't it be dangerous?"

 " What...?" Alexander raised an eyebrow

 "Didn't the book say that using this herb may cause a reaction that causes an explosion?"

 Alexander sighed tiredly. "Didn't I tell you to throw away those stupid books? All you have to do is follow what I say and everything will be fine."

 "But..." Gray still hesitated

 Alexander threw the herb into the beaker and looked at Gray. "Don't worry, there won't be an explosion...I think so."

 "You think so?"

 "You think so!"

 Rustin and Gray shouted at Alexander's words

 The beaker began to shake lightly, but the intensity of the shaking began to increase

 Alexander got down to the ground and covered his head

 Gray retreated to a corner of the room, terrified

 While Rustin tried to open the room door to escape, but it was firmly locked


 There was a slight vibration in the room, causing all the bottles on the shelves to collide lightly with each other, making weak sounds

 The beaker on the table stopped shaking as well

 Rustin and Gray looked around in confusion

 Alexander lifted himself off the ground and smiled arrogantly. "Didn't I tell you that nothing would happen?"

 "..." Weren't you the first to get down to the ground to take cover from the explosion?

 Rustin had a desire to smash Alexander's arrogant face

 "What was that tremor a while ago?" Gray asked, unable to understand where this tremor came from

"I don't know..." Alexander simply answered as he headed towards the table to make sure that nothing of the potion had spilled due to this tremor.

 He frowned when he realized that some liquid had spilled, so he couldn't help but sigh at the wasted money

 But the important thing is that he was able to take the first step successfully. "Okay, we have to leave the potion for three days to stabilize. Let's get out of here."

 Alexander took out a key from his pocket, opened the door and went out, followed by Gray and Rustin in succession

 "That place is stifling..."

 Did this brat suffer from a disease that made him complain constantly?... Alexander rolled his eyes

 "Why are these curtains closed all the time?" Rustin turned to the curtains

 "Because I like this..."

 "You must ventilate this burrow and allow sunlight to enter."

 "Yes, Mama..." Alexander answered tepidity and with dull eyes

 Rustin ignored Alexander's sarcasm and opened the curtains

 Rustin's mouth nearly dropped to the floor when he saw the sight before him

 Gray approached the window with terrified eyes

 There were plumes of smoke rising from different areas of the academy and many buildings had sustained damage of varying levels

 And the worst of all is that the academy's administration building, which is considered the tallest building inside the academy, has disappeared from its place and there was only rubble.

 Rustin and Gray stared at the sight with wide eyes and open mouths

 "I told you..." Alexander stood next to them, looking at what happened with crossed hands. "You shouldn't have opened the curtains."

Next chapter