
22. I Don't Know You

Faculty Of Economics Atma Jaya University

"Hendra, I'm going down."Adelia said goodbye to her husband as she opened the car door."

Today, the first time Adelia re-entered the campus, Hendra drove Adelia to go to college. The same departure time left him with no other choice but to do so in front of his parents...

"Em ... Adelia, after finishing college, hurry back, the family driver will be waiting for you at this place. Remember, do not stop by anywhere, there is a little baby who is waiting for your presence at home. You are a mother now."

"Yes Hendra, I understand." Closing the car door again, kissing the back of Hendra's hand then passed away.

Adelia began to step into the gate of the Faculty of Economics. He looked at the atmosphere around, took a slow breath, then muttered in his heart "Hah finally I can enjoy it again after a few months confined in Wibisana House."

"Adelia, is that you?" A woman's voice suddenly appeared from behind.

"Hey Emily, it's me. Come here!"

Emily slowly approached her best friend. He hugged Adelia tightly, pouring out all his longing feelings.

"Adelia, how are you? We haven't seen each other in a long time."

"Hahaha yes yes, it feels like it's been a long time since I left college and I finally came back to this place. As you can see Emily, I'm fine, right?"

"You always look healthy del, hahaha. By the way, how's the baby?"

"Hust Emily, can you keep your voice down? You want a college to know if I'm already a mother?"

"Oh well, sorry I was too excited to see you del"

"My baby is healthy Emily, she is two months old now. I gave him Nathan's name."

"What a beautiful name, he must be funny"

"Come to my house, I was waiting for you when I gave birth the other day"

"I'm sorry, del, that time I visited you at the hospital, but the nurse said there, the patient on behalf of Adelia has been picked up by her family. I wanted to catch up with you home, but I wasn't brave enough to go to the wibisana del family home, I'm sorry."

"It doesn't matter Emily, we've met now anyway. Let's go to class!"

"All right, come on"

Brak! Adelia fell. He bounced when he hit a man who suddenly appeared in front of him.


"Gosh, sorry miss I didn't do it on purpose, let me help," the man held out his hand to Adelia.

"Adelia."Emily gasped at the sight in front of her, she immediately helped her best friend get back on her feet.

"I'm fine, Emily."

"Sir, can you be more careful next time?"Emily's tone is quite high.


"Em... Chan... you..."

The man averted his eyes. He looked at Adelia. A deep longing appeared from the look in his eyes. Tears began to roll in my eyes.

"Is Adelia really you?" the man's gaze is still fixed on Adelia, he hopes that the woman in front of him gives an answer in line with expectations.

Oh, my God, Chan's back in town? He did not give me any news. Why would you meet him at a time like this? How should I answer the question?

"Emily, do you know this guy?"

"Em... Adelia, she..."

"What is this? Del don't you know me?"

"Who are you?"

Like being pierced by a sword of war, Chan's heart was not all right now. He looks dazed. Did not understand what was going on. Only Emily knows what's going on.

"Alright Adelia, this is our friend, his name is Chan, he is a student of the Faculty of Engineering."Emily told Adelia.

"And Chan, I know you must be confused by everything that happened, I promise I will explain it to you later after Adelia is not here," this time Emily's voice volume is lower than it was originally.

"Faculty Of Engineering? Then why is he here?"

Emily looked at Chan, she gave a code through body language.

"Em... I'm getting a mandate from my professor to meet one of the lecturers at the Faculty of Economics. Yes, that's why I'm here," Chan's excuse sounded classic, but that was all he had in mind at the moment.

"Oh well if it's like that. Next time be more careful Chan, we'll go to class first. Emily let's go"

"Ah well del, let's go to class now!"

Emily looked at Chan, something was stuck there. But he still walked with Adelia and passed away in the lecture hall. Leaving Chan who was still standing fragile in his original place.

Adelia, what really happened to you? I'm your husband, how can you not remember that?


In class, Adelia and Emily sat side by side. The feeling of tension is still clearly reflected in the look on the face of Adelia's friend. Cold sweat began to wet all over his body.

"Emily, I'm still curious about that young man. Is he really our friend from the Faculty of Engineering?"

"Huh? be ... true Del, we know him during the implementation of the real work lecture program in semester 6."

"Oh yeah?" Adelia seemed to be thinking, her memory was working hard to scavenge the debris of memories that were in her head. "Ouch!"

"Del, what's wrong with you?"

"My head hurts a little Emily"

"Never mind del, don't force your memory to remember things that are difficult for you. Don't hurt yourself, okay?"

"I want to remember Emily. The young man did not seem to be an ordinary friend. I could feel the deep glare of his eyes as he looked at me earlier. Who is Emily really? Do I have a relationship with this young man?"

"Em.... he..."

"Good morning everyone. Please arrange your seats. We'll start the lecture." A lecturer's order interrupted Emily and Adelia's conversation which began to be precarious.

I'm waiting at the food court of the Faculty of Economics.

A short message from Chan appears on Emily's phone pop-up. He was wide-eyed and then gulped with difficulty as he read the message. Without touching it, Emily ignored the phone lying on her stool.

A few hours later, the lecture was over. All the students left the class.

"Emily, am I going home? Nathan was waiting for me at home."

"Oh well, del. You are already a mother now, be careful on the road huh, greetings to my cute nephew"

"Well, next time come with me to the house, we will play together with Nathan, he must be happy to be visited by his aunt. Hahaha"

"Well, del."

Adelia hurries away, leaving Emily still mentally prepared to meet Chan.

Kring.... Kring…

[Yes hello]

[Sister Emily, go home now sister, I'm going to the ER]

[Gosh, what's wrong with mom?]

(Go home, I'll explain later.)

A brief call from Emily's relatives panicked her. Without thinking, Emily immediately ran to get her vehicle, then drove away. Meanwhile, Chan is still at the Faculty of Economics food court. He looked at everyone who came, but what he was waiting for did not come.

Why isn't Emily here yet? It's been over three hours. Chan's inner being began to waver, and he reached for his cell phone, trying to contact Emily.

Tut... tut…

No answer.

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