5 Race:Demon

[Name: Shi Ikigai]

[Race: Enhanced Human]

[Stats: MP:623 STR:6349 STM:7831 INT:513 HP:6721]

[Skills: The Supreme Sin: Envy, Greed, Pride, Wrath, Gluttony, Lust, Sloth]


[Title: The one who harbors the sins]

My stats increased a lot, so I headed into the dungeon. The cave walls are seemingly endless. I walk around before I spot a demon. Its skin is red and it has wings protruding out of its back and red horns sticking onto its forehead. It has black eyes and it has a black tail protruding out of its backside and it has a saber in hand.

He notices me and charges at me, when he is near me he swings his sword at my head. I grab it with my hand and snatch it then I grip its handle and slash it at its throat. Blood splatters on my face and its severed head falls to the ground with a thud.

I pull its body over to me and I devour it, blood splattering everywhere until its whole body is pulled into Void. I pick up its head and eat it [Skill Acquired: Demon Magic]. Well, let's pick up the pace a bit.

I put my hands on the ground and I activate "Lightning Magic". Lightning spreads out on the cave walls and floors electrocuting anything in its path.

I leveled up 20x and I went around the cave devouring bodies of demon beasts and demons putting them into Void. After a few hours of walking around, I found a huge metal door.

I push on the door and it easily opens up. I walk in but the first thing I see is a demon, It has blood red eyes black skin and black wings red hair, and some sharp and long fingernails.

"I am Kornox you shall die before my ha-" before it can finish speaking I was already at its throat, I gripped the sword and severed its head. Blood splattered from its throat, After a few minutes I finished eating its body and head and putting it in Void there was a crisp voice ringing in my head [Skill Acquired: Demon Control] "Level Up X5".

I bring out all the monsters and demons I killed from Void and then I use Transcendence. Every Demon body and demon beast body down to the bone split and split and all of their mana cores turned into a dark beam. Then the demon bodies and the demon beast bodies turned into a big needle then the big needle fused with the dark beams turning it into a dark-colored needle then it stabbed into my forehead.

I let out a loud screech, All that was on my mind was that it hurt. That same thought kept replaying in my head over and over my cells were breaking down almost turning me to sludge. But I kept regenerating I curled up and while the pain kept running through my body and after a while I felt my skin shedding. My skin is silky white and i touch my forehead and I feel two horns one on the far right and the other on the far left, There I felt something touching my back and I try to grab it then i feel something tugging me and I twist my head to see a tail protruding out of my back and then I grab my head to see red streaks on my black hair. I check my status menu.

[Name: Shi Ikigai]

[Race: Demon]

[Stats: MP:6534 STR:15313 STM:17315 INT:2123 HP:16893]

[Skills: The Supreme Sin: Envy, Greed, Pride, Wrath, Gluttony, Lust, Sloth]


[Title: The one who harbors the sins]

(A/N: Ok for skills I'm only showing the seven deadly sin skills I'm truly not going to use any other skills than he doesn't have.)
