
Chapter Twenty Seven: Calm before the storm

Sensing the sudden change in air movement from his nose, a dragon slowly opened his golden eyes from his long slumber. The form of this dragon was majestic. He has white sparkling scales as if it were wearing a white faint light that flows glittery.

The name of this mighty dragon was, Tsaindoruks Vaision who had the alias 'Platinum Dragon Lord', the child of Dragon Emperor.

Tsaindoruks Vaision―nicknamed Tsar, was also one of the councilors leading the Argland Council State, a demihuman nation that is located northwest of the continent and surrounded by mountains.

Tsar felt the presence of an elderly human with a flashy sword at her waist, standing out in the open with no intention to hide.

"It's been so long since we last met, Tsar."

Tsar didn't respond for a moment. He remembered her as a young woman. Now, after a long time, she have white hair that told him the advance of her age.

"Rigrit… My old friend, truly it's been a long time." Tsar answered with a gentle laugh.

"Friend? That empty suit of armor over there is my friend."

"Hah, you never gonna put this matter to rest."

Two hundred years ago, Tsar joined with Rigrit and the others by controlling that armor from afar. But, when his true identity was revealed, he earned the ire of his comrades.

"Anyway, what have you been doing Rigrit? Are you still an adventurer?" asked the gentle dragon.

"No, no, I retired from adventuring. Can't do that anymore. The little crybaby took my place."

"Oh, you mean, Evileye."

Tsar remembered the girl that defeated the Demon God of Insects. He and Rigrit know about her true nature. There were more than 13 heroes that belonged to different races and fought against the enemy that wanted to destroy everything. But the human society acknowledged as heroes only those that belonged to the human race. The demihuman and heteromorphic heroes were forgotten as they never existed.

"Yeah, that little girl. And what I have been doing… I have been looking for someone."

The face of Rigrit changed from cheerful to serious.

"Who Rigrit?" asked Tsar.

"The crybaby called him Momon the Black. He showed up, four years ago in Re Estize, and became an adventurer. He became an adamantite-class adventurer the day he joined the adventure guild." said Rigrit.

Tsar was surprised, not because he was an adamantite adventurer, but because he reached that level on his first day.

"What did he do to achieve this in such a short time?"

Curiosity overtook Tsar. That man, must have accomplished a dangerous mission to become an adamantite-class adventurer.

"First, he killed a bunch of goblins and trolls that were lead by a War-Troll. Later, a frost wyvern, rampaged through the capital that even the crybaby couldn't defeat. That warrior cut the head of that monster with a single slash."

"That's pretty good for a human." said Tsar

"That's not all, a week later, he went on a mission with Blue Rose to kill some undead magic casters. The cybaby told me that the lieder of those monsters was a night lich."

Tsar was not familiar with the undead very much, but he had heard about an organization of dangerous undead magic casters called, Corpus of the Abyss. Among them was an undead dragon called Guphandera Argoros, the Dragon Night Lich.

"She was defeated with a single spell and later, the rest of the Blue Rose. But Momon, used a powerful magic item that contained an 8th-tier magic, to destroy all of them and give a killing blow to that night lich."

The golden eyes of Tsar, went wide from the shock when he heard about the 8th-tirer magic.

"That's really impressive. No, that's amazing. I haven't seen an 8th-tier spell since the era of the Eight Greed Kings. But you said that you are looking for him. What happened?" asked Tsar.

"The son of a noble, was trying to rape a girl, and Momon beat him really bad. And because of that, the King banished him from the kingdom." said Rigrit with a sad expression.


That what Tsar thought.

"Just because he was trying to save an innocent girl? The king must be really stupid. Did Evileye tell you where does he come from?" asked Tsar.

"She told me that his kingdom was destroyed because of a war between a clan of vampires and lycans."


"They are werewolves, but can transform when they want even without the full moon. And they won that war."

Tsar had never heard about these kind of monsters or their war with the vampires.

"But why are looking for him Rigrit. Something must have happened, right?"

"A lot has happened Tsar. Since the day he disappeared, many dangerous things has begin to appear."

"I have been sleeping for a long time, so tell me." said Tsar.

"First, when the crybaby was in E-Rantel, she was hit by a dark wave. Even I felt it in capital. She said that it was so powerful that it caused an earthquake. Since that day, the undead has become more active. The guild is filled with requests to destroy the sudden appearance of the undead skeletons and zombies.

Tsar kept listening to the stories of his friend. He believed everything she said.

"One year ago, an army of vampires appeared in the capital of the Kingdom. They were led by a Vampire Lord called Nosferatu and he participated in the war against the lycans. They killed thousands of citizens and Nosferatu almost killed the crybaby, but…

"Hm, what happened?" asked Tsar. Everything she said, made him more curious.

"Another being appeared from the sky. She slayed the Vampire Lord and all his henchmen. The citizens that saw it, described her as an angel. A being of divine."


Tsar was lost in thoughts. The dark wave and the powerful angel... Tsar observed around the large room that once belonged to those kings. This means…

"It's happening again, isn't it?" spoke Rigrit.

"Yes... I believe. Those powerful entities might have found their way to this world again." said Tsar.

When the Six Great Gods appeared, there were no problems. They just saved the humans from extinction and formed a nation. But, the coming of those kings was brutal for all the nations and the races of the new world. His fellow Dragon Lords fell like flies against their might. It was strange that they helped only the humans, and erased the demihumans and the heteromorphic nations. And still, the humans that know about the legend of the Greed Kings, hate them.

"That's what I thought. The adventurers discovered a part of the Great Forest of Tob destroyed. I went and saw it with my own eyes. That part of the forest looked like a battlefield. Like, some god-like entities had fought each other to death." said Rigrit.

"This is bad. We have no information from these monsters. They just come here to destroy or invade. This is like a game for them."

"But this place might have information about them."

"It might have, but there are so many rooms that I can't enter, and I still feel something alive here, like it is sealed. I have used my claws and my wild magic, but I still can't break in."

"That's scary. And you sleep here."

There is a hole in the roof of Eryuentiu. That's how Tsar got inside the guild. There were rooms that he got inside easily and discovered many treasures and even servants trying to protect the guild with their life. Tsar killed them one by one, but he still believes that there are many of them inside the rooms that he cannot enter.

"I'm not afraid." said Tsar.

"Anyway, what are we going to do? You should inform your lazy friends to wake up and help us."

"About the Dragon Councillors, i'm sure they will help us. About the others… I don't think they will help us. The only reason we are still alive, it's because we did not fought against the Eight Greed Kings." said Tsar.

It's not that they did not want to fight. It's because they do not care what happens to the world, and want to stay away from the conflict.

"Hah, whatever. I'm leaving."

"What will you do now?" asked Tsar.

"I will try to find Momon. Evileye told me Tsar… that he is more powerful than you."

Rigrit disappeared leaving Tsar surprised with his jaw open.

Arwintar, Baharuth Empire two years later

Jircniv was staying upon a sofa reading some documents. The nobles were there to and annoyed Jircniv with their presence. It's been three years since the day he meets the Sorcerer King Ainz Ooal Gown and he never forgot those eyes that burned like the flames of hell. The incarnation of death that almost crushed his heart and put him in a horrible pain. Every time he remembers that moment, his heart begins to pump faster and have trouble with his breath. It felt like his heart was chained.

Jircniv observed the faces of the nobles. They were all talking and smiling with each other while drinking tea.


There won't be a problem even if he kills them. But he wants to see their faces in despair when the armies of Nazarick invade their domains and separate them from their families.

It was really sad, after all what he had done all these years to rise the Empire, now he will hand it to the Sorcerer King like a present. Many leaders like himself would not give their territories without a fight, but… fighting against that monster would be foolishness.

Just imagine how large his army must be. It might have hundreds of Death Knights in the ranks of his army. The knights know this now. They know they are the knight of the Sorcerer King and they thanked Jircniv for not sending them to a war that they can not win. That put a smile on Jircniv face because he thought that he will be hated.

"Sent them away."

Suddenly the thoughts of Jircniv were interrupted by the voice of the Shadow Demon.

"You are free to return." gave commande the young emperor.

"Yes, your Majesty."

The nobles rose up and left the room. His imperial knight closed the door. Now inside the room was Jircniv alone. A dark portal appeared in front of Jircniv. He immediately kneeled deeply. From the dark portal, a young girl appeared that wore like a magic caster. She had short blonde hair and crimson eyes.

"You may rise, sir Jircniv. There is no need to kneel before me." spoke the young girl with a sweet voice.

"Yes." said Jircniv as he raised on his feet.

"My name is Arche Eeb Rile Furt. I have brought a message from his Majesty." introduced herself the young vampire.


Jircniv have heard about the Furt family before. That man was one of those incompetent nobles that he stripped from nobbility. To see a child of Furt family working for the Sorcerer King surprised Jircniv. He hoped she was not angered with him because of what he did to her family.

"Would you like to drink something first?" asked Jircniv with a charming smile.

"Sorry, I am an undead."

"Oh, I-I see."

"Stupid." he shouted to himself.

What the hell was he thinking?! All the subordinates of Ainz Ooal Gown must be inhuman and powerful. He should feel lucky that the Sorcerer King did not kill him that day.

Arche handed the document to Jircniv. He opened it and started to read it. It said to send an ultimatum to King Ramposa III to hand over Re Estize to the Sorcerer Kingdom peacefully. I they don't accept…

"So the armies of his Majesty are ready."

"They were always ready. It's his Majesty decision when to invade or when not."

"Yes of course, as expected from his Majesty." praised Jircniv.

"Well, that's all. Have a nice day, sir Jircniv."

Arche used [Greater Teleportation] and vanished. Jircniv was again alone in the room till his Imperial Knights entered inside.

"What did the messenger said, my Lord?" asked Baziwood.

Normally, a lord would respond like "that's none of your business!" but Jircniv was not one of them, and Baziwood was like a big brother that always tried to cheer him up.

"War Baziwood. War is coming."

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