

Ryan: This girl, I remember her ... she was part of Shidou's group, and she was one of the girls I saved on the stairs when we were escaping school! Is the bastard guilty of all this, is Shidou fucking ?!

Ryan said in his mind, and his anger only increased!

[Congratulations! You killed 39 Fanatics (Counting on Riven's Deaths), thus earning 1,950 points!]

Ryan did not mind the system's voice, for his anger was already at a new height, and he was bloodthirsty!

But no matter how angry he gets, it does not change the fact that he's just an Elite Level, and he's only 2 times stronger than before he came into this world.

Then his ability and speed of killing the Fanatics did not compare to Riven, an Asura, who overcomes the strength of a Captain Level!

Ryan looked in the direction of Riven, and saw that it was a killing machine!

Where she passed, there was nothing left!

Ryan: System, I know I'm a King, but is there any way I can get a similar or higher strength than Riven's?

[User, Riven belongs to the Asura race, and is a Transcendent Level lineage! It is normal that Riven is much stronger than those of the same Level! And yes, it is possible for you to reach your level or even overcome it! And it's simple! Buy a God Level lineage or above, which will be several times better than a Transcendent Lineage, as well as buy Transcendent Level skills or better, which will increase your strength and various requirements! And master, you are a ruler, when your blood becomes purer, you will receive an unexpected gift! Another benefit of your Profession!]

Listening to the System, Ryan nodded and asked.

Ryan: How much does a God Level lineage or higher?

[1 to 10 Quintillions! For a Level 10 Lineage! For superiors, exceed 100 Quintillions!]

Ryan: "... how much?"

Ryan was shocked to hear the amount, and the system repeated the same thing, and Ryan still had not understood the real value of it.

Ryan: Damn it! Why is it so expensive ?!

[You want God's lineage or higher! How can something that gives you at least immortality be something simple and cheap? Item prices are very fair!]

Hearing this, Ryan sighed and did not ask, just continued his killing!

And it seemed that because of the capture of Shidou, the people on the roof began to feel very afraid, because Shidou was his pillar, and with him captured, there was not what they could do.

But if they were to look at a general overview, adding the Fanatics that Ryan and Riven killed, as well as the military, would amount to more than 60, while the loss of the military, were over 200!

Such a loss! And not to mention the civilians caught in the crossfire or killed by the zombies who invaded the base!

And in less than half an hour, everyone was killed or captured!

While the zombies ... they were coming more and more in quantity, and the shots only attracted more of them.

Ryan was with his group on top of the roof looking at the area below, and all the streets were packed with zombies!

Seeing this, Ryan knew that the refugee camp at Shintoko Third Elementary School would no longer exist, and it would just be a graveyard!

Luckily, the military evacuated the women and children first, only leaving the elderly and man behind.

They fought as hard as they could, killing the zombies, but unfortunately, they were many!

Ryan sighed watching this, and then looked at the building in the center of Shintoko school, he saw a group of people, military, and they were firing in all directions, killing as many zombies as possible!

Shizuka: "Rika! That's my friend Rika! "

Suddenly Shizuka screamed in surprise, and Ryan looked away and asked how she had seen Rika from so far away, and when she looked, she saw that she had a pair of binoculars in her hands.

As Ryan watched the surroundings and wondered what to do, he looked at the gas tanks in the refugee camp, and then he had an idea.

Ryan: "Kouta, lend me the rifle!"

Ryan said asking for Kouta's rifle, and Kouta did not think much and gave it to him, and then Ryan looked into the gas tank, and fired!


A massive explosion sounded, and thousands of zombies were killed and sent flying!

The ground trembled intensely, but that was not the end, Ryan looked in another gas tank, and fired, and another massive explosion sounded!

In the end, there were 4 gas tanks, and Ryan blew them all!

And it did not take long for the zombies killed by him to reach 10,000!

[Congratulations on acquiring the "Annihilator of the Dead!" Conquest!]

["Deadly Annihilator!"]: When there are Undead near the user, they will be weaker by 20%, just as their senses will be greatly diminished! Undead creatures with high intelligence will be afraid of you!]

Hearing this, Ryan smiled happily, and realized that the zombies had slowed down and his senses were greatly diminished!

And Ryan could see a line about 100 square meters around him, and seeing that, only made Ryan's smile widen, and then he returned the rifle to Kouta and said.

Ryan: "Riven, come with me! And on that, I'll tell you when I save the military! "

After saying this, Ryan and Riven descended among the zombies, and cut with their blades!

And you could feel they were weaker and less active.

Ryan and Riven, who were strong before, looked even stronger!

Saeko and the others looked at the two of them, not knowing what to say!

Because of the blasts, many of the zombies were drawn there, so there were fewer zombies on the streets, and more inside the school area.

Rika and the others on the roof, looked down shocked, to the two figures doing a massacre among the zombies.

Rika: "Are they human?"

Rika asked in shock, but then quickly recovered and screamed.

Rika: "Everyone, do not worry about wasting ammunition, just kill as much as we can! I feel our hope coming soon! "

Listening to Rika, the soldiers around nodded, and then began to shoot down wildly.

And inside the building were people and other soldiers with guns, shooting through the windows and floors, killing all the zombies that went in.

It was really a massacre, and the piles of corpses only accumulated, and this even helped the survivors, as the zombies had to push the corpses in order to move on.

But it slowed them down, and they took shots on their heads, causing them to fall and hinder the passage of those who came after them!

But even with this help, it was not enough, as there were many zombies, and an hour the ammunition would end.

Rika: "Grenades! Throw the grenades where 'they' are more crowded! Do not mind the waste! "

Hearing Rika's command, the soldiers took out their grenades and threw them where the zombies were denser, and successive explosions sounded, and hundreds of zombies died every moment!

But it was not long before the first floor was invaded, and the zombies began a carnage!

And then the survivors went up to the second floor in desperation, and there they created another barrier, and it was even better than the first floor because they only killed the zombies that climbed the stairs, thus making a wall of bodies rise, preventing the rise of zombies !

But of course, how long would that stand?

Next chapter