
The Mistake

On the way to join the legion I noticed many recreational areas, it seemed like an area to go to hang or have a date. This may be important later, but not right now.

    I finished making my way to the citadel. When inside there was an ambush, myself and other People were captured thinking that I am one of the traitors they knocked me unconscious. I woke up days later just outside of a military town known as Snowmist. I am lucky it is this area because it is close enough to Gunriver that I can make it back to help around in the inn once they realise the mistake. They lined us up and named us off. Apparently they know who the traitors are due to an informant.

    When it is finally my turn to be named they looked at me noticing that I'm an imperial-high elf hybrid. I'm actually not my vaillant multi-being bodily constitution makes me a pure blood of every single species in existence. That includes extinct species and new species. I always feel pain when a new species comes into existence, but I got used to it so don't worry about me. Well anyways getting back to what happened earlier he asked me why I am so far away from the capital.

    The general surprisingly didn't recognize who I am, but that makes sense because he hasn't really seen me since I was six. He went off into a long speech about how he feels about the traitors and how much he despises the fact that we would turn on our country and that he is disappointed in us joining sides with Rogen Stormclaw. I didn't really listen all that well because what he says doesn't relate to me at all other than the fact he will be executing me for false treason.

    One of the priests of the divines started to pray for our afterlife to the god she worships. Still didn't listen cause not like I care. I already know I will make it to godhood so why should I care. The rebel Foreignclaw as they call themselves walked up the platform. At the top of the platform is a guillotine, a noose, and an axe. Looking at the spot with the executioner it looks like there is going to be a hanging. The rebel walks to the executioner. The executioner places the noose around the man's neck. Walking to the lever slowly so the man can relax his mind before death, to find his peace of mind. The executioner pulls the lever and the man falls his neck breaking the instant the rope tightens. Cutting the rope and letting the man fall they move on to the next prisoner, me.

    The same process happens when I go up they hang the noose around my neck. They pull the lever and I drop, but my neck doesn't snap. As they are waiting there for me to choke to death a creature showed up. It is a large black dragon, it has terrifying spikes on its back, and deep soul tearing eyes. It landed on the ground next to platform knocking it down and saving me from a boring time hanging around. The leoginiore that asked me why I wasn't in the capital pulled me out of the rubble. Dragging me to the tower in front of use we ran to the top.

    The dragon stopped us at the top. It swung its claws at us. We ducked under its claws just before they hit use then jumped to the roof behind it just next to the tower. The roof is made of thatch and is not the best place to be at the time, once again narrowly missing a bad situation by jumping off the roof before it catches fire. After land on the ground in a superhero landing (whatever that is) to make it look cool. The fiery roof falling behind us making us look even cooler than we already did we stood up and ran to the keep to get away from the dragon.

    Just so you get just how cool I am I did all of this while my hands were tied together. When inside the keep he undbound y hands and we headed deeper to get to the exit. On the way out we ran into some rebels.

    A rebel with an axe swung at me I sidestepped the attack and counter attacked with such speed and precision it scared the rest and they just gave up. Some of the other empires soldiers are escaping out the same way we are. They gathered the captured Foreignclaws and continued to move with us. At the last stretch just before the exit of the fort we see more Foreignclaws. These rebels fought back harder the captured ones just sitting in a corner. These men and woman kept fighting hilling half of them the rest didn't want to give up either, but were forced to. As we captured the rest a brother yelled to his sister "Rose run!" She is the only one that escaped.

    On the way back to Gunriver I learned the names of those around me my new friend Richard (the one who pulled me from the ruble) is one of those people that see the best in things he didn't see the darkness in things. I also learned that all these people worked in unit 16784 under legate Elizabeth. We also didn't have any trouble. Obviously because I already slaughtered the main members of the most powerful bandit group in the area.

    At the citadel of Gunriver Richard and I are standing in front of General Tobias. General Tobias: "Why did you bring him hear with free hands and weapons, we don't know we can trust him, even if he did help you soldiers escape safely and help capture multiple rebels." Just after he finished saying this Liz walked in hearing everything he said. She gave the general a piece of her mind "General sorry for the disrespect, but Conrad here saved my unit and I when we were attacked by bandits. Not only that, but he just arrived in Venture and was on his way to join the legion before you decided to capture him for no reason." being berated by Liz who the general treated as his own daughter looked me straight in the eyes and said "Sorry for the Mistake."

    I let him know to make it up to me. "Allow me to join Liz's unit."

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