
Life In A Flash

    Conrad till he was eight was trained to be weapon for Rex. He was sent on countless mission entailing important figures and innocent people. He harmed many lives but also unknowingly (till later) saved many also. When this boy was eight he escaped from the clutches of Rex. He poisoned Rex and escaped the palace and lived on the streets.

    Till age nine he lived on the streets, but he never escaped his upbringing doing any and all types of jobs. Doing the jobs because he was raised to.

    After he turned nine he was found by the new Emperor of Couth, Talon Fenrir. Talon he adopted this boy that he recognized as the weapon of Rex. Talon never accepted what his brother did so he brought the boy in raised him. Talon managed to fix the boy made the boy just as knowing and compassionate as he is. The only problem is the boy is still a battle maniac and enjoys freedom. Although he never had to do the horrible training he went through when young, the training became second nature.

    In fact the training is harder than it used to be he keeps on training. He got addicted to training, somewhat addicted.

    After he turned 12 Talon's adopted son became the crown prince, Conrad Fenrir. His sister, Talon's biological daughter, decided she didn't want the throne and gave it to her brother.

    Now Conrad is 14, but he is nowhere to be seen in the palace nor the capital city. Conrad isn't even in the capital prefecture anymore.

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