
My New enemy is immortal

George, what do I have to live for anyway my enemy is now a foe and I'm just an useless Queen- Hey, hey, stop! you are going to protect the world and make it a better place but before we could do that, we can get smarter and train under Ruby iver here, even though I don't trust him at all, George said. Just take me away from this place and text Brice that the danger had passed, I said while my eyes slowly closing.

No what! Never mind, I'm out of here! I yelled. I forced my self to get up. Chloe! wait for me! George yelled. I bunch of people and white cloaks appeared out of nowhere surrounding us. Most of them appear to be psychics sense there is a bunch of speares made of ice surrounding us. I can beat them easily but I would be killing everyone here. I saw that one of my feathers from my wings has fallen off the other side of the room.

Shit! I said. What is it, George asked. Of of my feathers fell off and if they use it on me they will be accidentally cutting my hair, I said. So, what do it matter if they cut your hair, George said. My mother told me that an newborn goddess powers are balance through their hair, if even on strain get cut her powers will unstable till that piece of hair has grew back but it will take way more than 4 years to grow the strain of hair back and also she said only a 2 year old goddess can be truly immortal, Ruby said. Who do you know that punk? George said. I just told you, my mother told me plus my mom is a Goddess and my father was an Demigod, Ruby said while getting ready to fight.

I- I STILL WANT TO FIGHT! I yelled randomly.

I felt a bunch of energy rushing in. I went through every one of the white cloaks people minds and killed all the ones that join willing. I brainwashed everyone who was still alive to join me and except me as their leader. I don't give a shit in the world right now, I just want to escape from my emotions but I have to remember that Andrew will be affected from it.

I started to text Zachary that I'm send more people to the castle. The moment after I teleported all those people to the castle, I used up most of my energy.

Hey Mikoto, wanna go check the bodies with me! I said with an innocent smile while feeling like I'm about to fall over.

The moment when Mikoto was about to touch the bodies I felt a vibration of movement that would be literally impossible for me to detect. Every thing went in slowmo but I wasn't. I saw tiny little metal spikes slowly poking out the bodies.

Why isn't she moving, I thought. Am I'm the only one able to see this. I started started running towards Mikoto before the spikes hit her but I wasn't able to run at full speed, it was like I had my handicaps on. In a glance of my eyes, I saw Ruby running towards Mikoto but not very fast. By the time everything stopped being in slow motion I was able to push Mikoto out the way but I wasn't fast enough to get out the way also.

The metal spikes turns out to be spears. Four of them hit both my thighs with a very large thick one in my gut. 2 of them went in my shoulders but I was only able to catch one that was heading to my heart. I turned my head and saw that Ruby caught two of the spears that was ment from behind.

CHLOE! WHY ISNT YOUR BODY PROTECTING IT SELF! George yelled. Its because my body is too damaged, I myself have to create an invisible force field around my self but my body is only able to defend it self at a certain speed and earlier when I was jumped, my body was trying to hold off way more than 30 people and don't forget I am not all power, this girl have her limits- "cough cough". I said while coughing up blood at the end. I could've dealt with this already but if I did everyone one in the room would be dead except for me and I didn't want to do that with my friends here, I said while putting down the spear that was aimed for my heart.

Wait! Chloe! I hear a small heart beat, Its hard to detect but one of them is still alive.

I used my telekinesis and picked everyone up then snap their neck again.

Why you do that, isn't that over kill, Mikoto said. It's not, there's a spell that can protect you from death but you can only use it once a day, George said while about to pull one of the spears out of me. Don't pull them out, they some how slowed down my healing so I been and still clotting my blood around it, I said while grabbing one of my feathers and cutting the spears down to my skin. I attached my feathers back in my wings then started to walk away.


Sine la quatrieme puella leve, comme gray cloak ceciderit. Sine la quatrieme puella leve, comme gray cloak ceciderit.

What did they say, George said. They told me that Ruby wasn't the one who was danger to us they said that he has an doppelganger and he's the one that's in the gray cloak is him, I said. So it was just an coincidence that Ruby was also on a mission to destroy you and whonnearly successful but luckily realized it was an mistake, Nicholas said.

Chloe, you look like your about to pass out and I can see that you haven't been drinking enough blood and eating human food instead for a replacement, Ruby said with his glowing green eyes looking through me. To apologize for what I did, I would help you defeat him while you eat something, Ruby said while walking over to the body wearing a gray cloak. George took me in one of the department stores.

No wonder you always hungry, your not feeding your self correctly, George said while looking at all my unhealed wounds. I slowly started pushing the rest the parts of spears in my body with my mind. I felt an little lightheaded from the loss of blood. It might take a couple minutes for my body to produce more blood- uhmm.

Lady Chloe, hey! wake up! I heard George voice echoing through my head.

George started to lift Chloe's head to his neck trying to force her to drink but she couldn't. Wait, you can barely force your fangs out said with worry. Awe Shit! why does this happens now, George said to me self. If she fight in this state, she will make her own blood bath across the street.

Chloes body starts to glow. Chloe disappeared out of sight and I note appears on George's lap. This is an emergency to tell Chloe, I teleported her to Olympusm from Zeus. George read the note. Ugh What's happening? I said with my eyes closed. Chloe, that person you are fighting is name Cassius Dio he is one of the most powerful ranking god in all realms, Zeus said. I quickly opened my eyes and saw that I'm in the council hall.


The sound of Chloe throwing up blood.

What am I doing here and why is one of the most high ranking powerful god is after me, Chloe said while trying to stand up. Cassius is a god who was expelled from Olympus when you was born, he was sent to you world powerless but I guess he found a loophole, Zeus said. He think that you are an abomination, something that must be killed, Aphrodite said. The only way to kill someone truly immortal like a god or goddess is a weapon forge with the feathers of gods or goddess, Artemis said.

Chloe pulled out my sythe name artemis and said have my weapon be like my Artemis but is it possible for it can change into a different design.

Haha, She named her sythe after you, Aphrodite started laughing.

Its important that we use your feathers to make your weapon, your feathers are your DNA and it contains the will of its master so if you need to change it into something different, you can, Artemis while detaching Chloe knives of the sythe and handing it to her.

I need 30 of your feet and dont worry they will grow back, a person said. May I ask your name, Chloe said while trying to be polite. I'm Hephaestus, I create all the weapons, Hephaestus said.Chloe sat her self up with her wings keeping her balanced on the ground. Please pluck them for me, I need to save the rest of my strength, Chloe said.

You look like your dehydrated plus I can see your spine and ribcage, your not eating well so that's causing your body to heal more slowly even if something slowed it down. Multiple bones and muscles are torn apart barely able to move it even if there were no pain. Your blood is not regenerating. You have a slight concussion. The only way for you to fight is to use your mind, eyes, and your mouth, possibly your wings but they are the only thing that can keep you up, a male voice said while walking towards me.

Who are you? Chloe asked. I'm Asclepius or some people call me Hepius, I'm a god of healing/medicine, the male said. Could you at least heal my legs if you can, Chloe asked. If I was a normal human, I would say your entire body would be in fixable but I create the miracles of impossible but it would take me an hour or two to fix just your legs, that's how badly damaged your perfect body is,

Asclepius/Hepius said stroking Chloe's face.

I have no time, send me back before more I care about dies, Chloe said while trying to move her arms. Only if you you promise me that you won't turn off you emotions, well most of them, Zeus said. Deal, Chloe said while laying down on the floor. Before I send you away let me tell you that I can sense new abilities unlocking but your body is not strong enough to hold them, when you merge with you twin I will have Hades spilt his soul in half making his powers split too, to give it to your ancestors. I highly doubt you would be able to defeat Cassius even with your brother's and ancestors powers can defeat him nearly in 10 normal human life lines, prove me wrong. Zeus said while picking Chloe up. Also do you know that you have been using your highness and your majesty wrong, I can't believe you humans over the years got that easy wording do wrong, Zeus said while teleporting Chloe back to everyone.

I understand stand but I will defeat before I even turn 100, Chloe yelled. Only if you don't die yet before turning truly immortal, note to self Cassius don't have a weapon to kill an immortal bein but he can make one go to sleep for centuries, Zeus said with his voice echoing around Chloe as she lands.

...We...WE NEED TO RETREAT! NOW I yelled the moment my body touch the ground. George was in the middle of battle with Ruby. I could tell that they are about to be finished. Only if I could gather the rest of my energy and powers to push him away and get everyone away. I could use my wings and create a big when then try letting everything out and only leave enough for us to teleport away to safety. Yeah, that sounds good.

George, Ruby, get behind me now! HUSTLE! Chloe screamed. In a split second Ruby was right behind me with George in his grasp.

Ruby can I borrow some of your energy? Chloe asked while starting to fly off the ground. Sure thing, Ruby said while standing up straight.

Chloe flew high enough that only her hand can reach Ruby's head the Ruby secured Lady Chloe's hand on his head. I started flapping my wing as fast and hard as I can but it only slowed his moment. I picked up every single drop of blood that was on the ground and the bodies even mines with my mind then turned them into thousands of spikes. I suppressed Cassius down by pouring wind at him while I drain the rest of the bodies blood to turn into spikes. I used all the plants dirt that was left around the mall and started to grow vines. I used all the liquids that was left around the mall the little water in the air that form clouds, even used body fluids to turn them into waves in the air. Picked up any abject made with wood or any type of rocks and crushed them making them into sand.

Chloe quickly send half the blood spikes towards Cassius. Cassius dodge the spikes leading Chloe shooting out a big fire ball from her mouth with small fire ball shooting from all directions. The moment Cassius touches the ground, vines hold him down. Cassius quickly escaped with out knowing the sand attach to his feet with one of the waves of water freezing it, turning it to ice. The rest of the veins circle Cassius then the rest of the water and liquids with the sand lingering over it. Chloe quickly shoot out the rest of the blood spikes with fire ball going with it the spikes pierced Cassius with the liquids stay in place. When the fire balls hit the sand everything that the sand surrounds turn into glass. Using Chloe's telekinesis made all the dead bodies surrounds the glass with ice slowly covering over it.

Before I could even catch my breath everything that holds Cassius started shaking. Shit! I exhausted to much energy even when I'm borrowing some energy, I can even cast a simple spell right now. Ruby, do you have the ability to teleported, I said while trying to use my telekinesis to keep everything together. I do but I just learned how to do so, I can only teleported myself, Ruby said. I not going to use more of your energy I need to focus on what little I have since I'm at my limit, I said to Ruby. What! no! I can give you mor- *Ruby falls over*

I need to do this! MIKOTO BRING NICHOLAS CLOSER TO ME NOW! QUICKLY! I yelled while the wind coming from my wings getting lighter.

I started to push more air to create a stronger wind with my wings. Mikoto hasn't come closer to me yet with Nicholas and I can feel that the sand is started to crack from the impact Cassius is doing, if he get out of the sandm he'll get out the vines in no time. Come on wings don't get tired on me yet! PUSH HARDER, George yelled while placing my hand on his head. I give you some of my energy, just push harder! GO BEYOND! George shouts.

I can tell that George barely have enough energy to share with me so I would just use it to teleported us all.

Queen Chloe wings started to flap faster the ice that surrounds the windows starts wrapping it self around the imprisonment that can barely hold Cassius. Chloe put extra energy that she dont have her self to make mini cyclones around it just incase Cassius get out sooner. When Lady Chloe thought it was safe to teleported Cassius jumped out the weak imprisonment in middle of teleportation. Chloe is way pass her limits, she could barely keep her eyes open. Nicholas jumped out of Mikoto arms and shoot out a couple flairs of ice weak as snow in Cassius eyes giving him frostbite on his eyelids causing him to flinch back. That little flinch from Cassius help Chloe finish teleporting them even when she about to lose consciousness.

Ms. Chloe had teleported everyone including her self back at the university but in the middle courtyard by the gates.

Chloe! lady Chloe! Keep your eyes open! George said crying out. Zachary? Chloe softly said before fully closing her eyes.

Everyone start surrounding them staring while recording.

WHERE'S MY SISTA! A familiar voice yelled in anger and worry.

The gate came knocking down letting out a loud metallic thump. George looked toward the front gate.

...Brice...Brice!? George yelled in confusion.

Its Crown Prince Brice to you my sister furture servant, Brice barked.

When Brice walked in all you can see is a tall man with the Identical hair of Lady Chloe's ( bright real hair with white strips at both said of the front hair and white hair at the ends of the hairs). Brice hair is not the only change, Brice had over sized teal anglic wings and his eye are blueish greenish color that is also identical to the Queen. The twins was not born identical but it look like they are now.

WHAT HAPPENED TO MY SISTER SIR GEORGE! Brice yelled. GEORGE! Her body stop healing it self, even if her blood replenished it self it's just going to flow right out, Mikoto shouted. What! she closed her wounds earlier why are they open? George said ignoring Brice. TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED! Brice snapped. We got stuck in battle with one of the most powerful Gods who was exile, George said. Prince Brice! She's burning up and her heart rate is unstable, every single bone in her body is broken except for her head, she has a might have a concussion, most of her wounds goes all the way through her body, Zen said examining Chloe's body.

HUUAAAASKAH! Chloe desperately gasps for air.

...Brice? Chloe said quietly.


Chloe start coughing of blood.

Brother, I went passed my limits and even use some of George and Ruby's energy and I didn't even put a scratch on him... Chloe said while passing out again.

Zen, how close is Dr. Christopher, Brice asks. He's up at the castle but we both know that you cannot waste that much energy getting him, start healing your younger sister and I would guide you since I went to a medical school for people with useful psychic powers, Zen said.

It'll be easier if you use your telekinesis and here is some X-ray vision glasses, Zen said while putting them on Brice.

Frist- I know how to do this, you should now that when Dr. Christopher is not around and when we dont want to take her to an hospital, I would have to do this for her, Brice said rudely.

40 minutes later-

Okay I got every bones in the right place with all the unknown properties out of her body now I just need to heal her.

You, boy, do you have any healing abilities that you can do, Brice said while looking at Ruby. I do, Ruby said said while clapping his hand together. Brice look back down at Chloe's body in x-ray vision and saw that all her bones was heal with all her blood replenished.

Who are you, Brice said. I'm Ruby and my mother is a Goddess and my father is a Demigod, Ruby said while bowing. I will take Lady Chloe back to her room, Sir Brice, George said picking her up.


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