
Emily and her mother (3)

I quietly made my way towards the bedroom Margaret was currently in. I would never have guessed before I came here that I would not end up having sex with Emily, but her mother as well.

Naturally seeing it al play out like this wasn't a bad thing for me. Emily is a beautiful woman who I finally conquered after quite some time. And as a bonus I could even get her mother as well, who despite being unwell, is quite the beauty as well.

Once her disease finally gets cured and she regains color and some meat on her bones, I just know that she won't do under for my other women as well.

When I reached the door I heard the system making an announcement.

[Major quest update]

[Conquer the beauties and women in high positions at the magic school]

[Make the important women of this magic school yours and yours only. Every woman conquered will give Host a sub-reward and when all women have been conquered Host will get the Main reward. Women to be conquered:

Principal: Not

Angelica (Fire affinity teacher): Succeeded {reward: 100 SP}

Bianca (Wind affinity teacher): Not

Alison (Student council president): Not

Emily (Number 2 student): Succeeded (reward: 200 SP)

Time to finish the quest: Until you graduate.]

It showed that Emily had successfully been conquered and I had even gotten 200 SP from it. Double than what I got last time. Hopefully it would double every time and not just add a hundred. Only way to find out is to conquer another one.

After reading the mission update I closed it and opened the door. Even though I had sex about half an hour ago, my dick was still at full capacity. Naturally its been well-trained in marathons of sex. So doing it once or twice isn't nearly enough to exhaust me.

These mother and daughter would need to work together to even get me a bit tired, but this would be for another day as I don't really expect them to sleep together after this small amount of time. But in time I would make sure that they will. Being the pervert that I am, I am already looking forward to some hot mother-daughter action.

But first it was treatment time, so I opened the door and walked inside the room.

"Well then Margaret you ready to start the treatment?" I asked with a cheeky smile.

"AH, y-yesss, I am." Margaret said with face which was already red from nervousness.

"Don't be nervous I'll make it worthwhile." I said to her.

"How is Emily?"

"She's sleeping right now, why do you ask?"

"Well it's quite hard not to hear with these thin walls."

And then I realized that Emily really didn't held her voice in at all, so Margaret probably heard the whole thing. That should be quite weird. Hearing your daughter moan it out like crazy after losing her first time, while you are laying there waiting to get fucked as well.

"Haha, I'm sorry I didn't realize at all." I said a bit embarrassed.

"You don't need to be sorry. I know Emily likes you a lot and you seem like a good guy. So as long as you treat her good I won't be in your way. Apart from this of course."

"I'll take good care of her." I said walking in Margarets direction with another smile coming on my face. "Just like I'm gonna take good care of you."

I pulled all the blankets off from her body and took a good view at her. While her busy wasn't that big, quite some sizes smaller than Emily's actually she still looked very sexy to me. Naturally her disease made her appear less sexual than she could be, but once I fixed it she would become a very hot looking woman I was sure of it.

"Before we begin I want to make on thing clear."


"Once we have sex, I consider you my woman. Meaning that from now on you're mine and only mine. I won't treat you bad and I hope that you accept me as well."

"So you are saying that I will become like your wife?"

"You can say it like that yes."

"Even though you already have my daughter?"


"I'm sorry I can't accept that. After my husband left me I swore to not get another one. So I'm sorry I can't accept the condition. I hope you are still willing to help me."

I stayed standing for a while looking her straight in the eyes. I expected her reaction, but what surprised me was the dedication in her eyes. I believe that if I say it's either accept the condition or not get treated she would send me away. Her husband probably did a big number on her seeing as she is so serious about this, he must have hurt her pretty bad by leaving.

I sighed once and spoke to her: "I know that your husband treated you very bad and he is an utter asshole for leaving you but," I moved closer to her "know that I ain't not like him. I may have more women, but I love all of them with all my heart. I"ll never do anything which will hurt you, you have my word on that."

"Haaaah," Margaret let out a big sigh, "For some reason or the other I trust you, but I still won't accept becoming your woman, I'm sorry."

Seeing she probably won't budge I had to give it up. For now.

"Alright how about this, I still will help you, but in return you not date any other man either."

"Sure, wasn't planning on that either, so I accept."

"Great, I'm sure that after I'm done with you, you'll see things differently about me."

"Hmmm we'll see."

Yes, maybe right now she won't accept it, but after tasting the pleasure I can give her, I know she will think differently. I plan on conquering this woman, and her saying no only invigorates me to do so even more.

"Okay then, I'll help you undress."

"Do I need to get fully nude, isn't it just okay you putting it in and letting it out inside me. I don't really need to be nude for don't I."

"Well, for it to work you don't really need to be fully nude, but since I rather see a nude woman when having sex it is better if you are. We need to have sex, so showing each other's body shouldn't be that much a problem right."

"Alright then, but my body isn't what it used to be."

"Haha don't worry about that, I find you sexy either way."

Hearing me say she was sexy Margaret got quiet for a while, probably not used to hearing that she looked sexy. Especially now that she has been sick for a long time.

"What don't believe me?"

"How can a woman like me be sexy?"

"Why can't you be?"

Margaret was flabbergasted yet again. And I didn't talk any further, instead, I started to take off her clothes and mine.

Margaret didn't retort and let me do my job, so I removed her clothing piece by piece. First her pajamas and when I removed her upper part I could already see her breasts in full vision as she wasn't wearing a bra. Even though her breasts were on the small side they looked really good. Not sagging at all.

I continued taking off everything else revealing her whole body to me.

"Please don't stare."

"How can I not stare at such a beautiful woman lying nude in front of me?"

"You don't have to comfort me."

Yes, I was comforting her, but that didn't mean I was lying. She truly looked beautiful, but her sickly body took a bit of that beauty away. Yet I didn't care at all, knowing that she will regain her health soon and when she does her body's condition will improve rapidly.

I removed my clothes as well. After taking everything off and showing her my penis, Margaret gulped. I understood her reaction as it wasn't an averaged size penis at all. No, it was the size which could ravage any women it made its way in.

Understanding that that thing would enter deeply inside her before releasing its spunk Margaret gulped hard.

"You ready to start?"

"Yes, please go easy on me."

Hearing her giving me the final okay I started to move.

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