
Chapter 11: Spiritual Energy Association Meeting

Su Han had already known that his Armament Haki was strong before he obtained it. But he has never had a clear idea of how strong the Armament Haki is.

Based on what he initial thought, his punch can beat a Spiritual Energy Weaver half dead.

Now? Clearly Su Han was underestimating the power of Haki. Looking at the remains of the mountain, Su Han knows that such a result should be something way above the capabilities of a Spiritual Energy Weaver.

Its questionable if a Spirit Energy Master can survive after receiving this kind of punch.

"So, although I can only throw one punch using Armament Haki at Full Power, but the destructive power alone already reached the level of Spiritual Energy Grand Master."

Su Han thinks, his future looks promising.

Once he managed to increase his physical ability to make full use of Haki, why should he be scared of anything then. Even that Grand Master Xiao Ma would be his opponent. Just one punch and that guy would be defeated.

"Good, very good!" Su Han turns around. "Observation Haki is also promising. If I can level it up some more I can have the reaction speed comparing to those of the Grand Master level. What's the use of having unmatched strength it I can't even hit them."

Dreaming for the future is good but first...

Leave the area...

If he was discovered to have destroyed the mountain only trouble would be in his future.

Su Han is worried that if he was caught he would be forced to pay for the damages caused by destroying the mountain. After all in this kind of Cultivation world, mountains getting destroyed is common. Su Han would rather not get such a black mark in his history, he would be a laughing stock.

The thing is though, if Su Han has the actual battle power of a Grand Master then Su Han would be worried, but with his current ability of just one punch, once its exposed only trouble will follow him.

Not to mention his identity as a Spiritual Energy Insulator. How can he explain his current action.

Once his real identity gets exposed he will be dragged with troublesome things.

"I need to hide my identity for now. Not until I can finally go toe to toe with the top."

Resting for an hour, Su Han rushed back to Jianghai City at full speed and Observation Haki at full power.

With the way the Mountain exploded it will surely get the attention of everyone in the City. Not to mention the power houses, reporters of all kinds will swarm the place.

Getting his face on the front page would be embarrassing.

Su Han's Observation Haki may only at the beginner stage, it was still enough to cover 1km around him.

With Su Han's current radar like perception it can only shallowly sense walking objects, he can't perceive what these people look like. Not even mentioning the Voice of All Things, capable of hearing the voice of anything, maybe once he reached the highest level for Observation Haki.

This level is still enough to tell if Su Han will encounter any Reporter or Super Humans on his way and avoid them.

Once Su Han reaches the road near the City Su Han hired a Taxi. After all He rode a Taxi out of the City it would be hard to explain how he got back without riding a taxi back.

His Taxi ride is also a cover for another thing. Why would a Grand Master existence that can break mountains and fly ride a taxi for normal people?

The world's youngest Grandmaster is a man from the Rockefeller Foundation in the USA. But he was 39 years old when he broke through the realm of the Grandmaster.

In fact, the average age of breaking through for a Grandmaster is 60 years old. To be able to become a Grandmaster before the age of 60 will be said to have unlimited Potential.

Jiangnan Province Spiritual Energy General Association.

Among the association office halls.

Inside the office hall sat more than 30 people wearing black suits, very formal middle-aged people. They were in their seats, whispering.

After a while, the door of the office hall opened, and then a person with white hair and beard, but a very smooth face, walked in with no wrinkles, and behind him was a quiet girl in white clothes.

The old man with white hair and whiskers sat at the top of the table.

At this moment, the whole room was silent.

The young girl is standing behind the old man, hanging her head down, calmly, not saying anything.

This old man, it is the president of the Jiangnan Province Spiritual Energy General Association, Xu Maoguo. Is the Jiangnan Province Stronger Spiritual Energy Grandmaster.

With his status, even if he goes to the Capital and requests to meet with the Top he will not be stopped.

This is the power held by the Strongest Grand Master in this country has.

Xu Maoguo looked around the room calmly for a while, and his voice was very calm: "What do you think about the small earthquake that appeared in the Langya Mountain Range not long ago?"

After a long silence, someone finally raised his hand first: " Chairman, there is definite information that the small earthquake was not a natural phenomenon. It should be someone testing a weapon?"

Xu Maoguo was quiet for a long time, his eyes crossed the faces of the people present one by one. Some people's eyes flicker uncertainly, not dare to look directly at Xu Maoguo's gaze. There are also people who are very frank. There are also some doubts, didn't you get the news first, Why are you asking us what happened?

"I don't care if you know it or not! Now we have no time to waste."

Xu Maoguo turned his head to the young girl behind him and nodded, the young girl in white directly reached out and pressed the projection screen button.

Behind the big screen above, instantly projected the Langya Mountain Range that a whole mountain was completely gone.

Xu Maoguo's voice did not change, calmly looking at the people present.

"According to my judgment, as well as the analysis of the association monitoring side... this mountain, should have been broken into pieces by a single punch."

The previous chapter was kind of short. So heres another.

FeatherLitePencreators' thoughts