1 The Suns Darkness

I didn't know I was happy until I lost everything from the accident .

When I was a child around 10 years of age I got bullied a lot at school because I didn't have control over my power at all and because of that I really didn't have any friends but one.

That didn't really matter to me cause my dad taught me don't take things to heart if they mean to do you harm.

So I did exactly that, so when people bullied me I never held grudges I just let it pass and ignored it.

Now thinking on that advice now I thinks its stupid. if someone does harm to you, you should harm them back worse than what they did to you.

Looking back on it now my life would be completely different from what it is now.

I was truly happy back then without even realizing it and the reason for that was I had my family and my best friend at the time.

I only wish I new that at the time, when I realized that they made me feel good about myself is when I lost them in the accident 6 Years ago.

Let me tell you about that day

It was June 6, 150MU

It was the last day of elementary school it was just like any other day I woke up took a shower got dressed for school and went to school.

On that day terrible things happened to me on that day

After school had ended that day I want to hang out with my best friend Kami. Me and Her have known each other since we were born.

I asked her if we could hang out together before it gets dark.

She said to me "Matthew I wanted to say this to you for awhile now but i just couldn't. I'm moving away to the mountains to live with my grandfather who is going to train me to use my power and I'm not coming back till Highschool and I don't even know if we can go to the same high school because I'm trying to go for the School for the Extraordinariness.

I said" Well while your gone I'm going to train as well and get control of my mysterious power and well will go to the same high school together.

We said are goodbyes that day

We were both crying cause we wouldn't be able to see each other for sometime but that both pushed use to train till are hearts content.

On my way home I got the scent of smoke in the air and the scent of smoke and ash got stronger and stronger as I reached the final hill to my house.

When I reached the top of the hill I saw my house on fire and the black smoke was almost touching the white clouds.

When I saw my house I rushed down the hill in a panic.

I was never an athletic kid so I fell down the hill in a panic to get to my burning house.

When I reached the bottom of the hill I was scratched up from head to toe and my legs were bleeding, but the pain didn't affect me cause I was to worried about my family.

I arrived at the front of my house and I didn't see my parents or my sister, So I rushed into the house

Yelling "MOM!!!, DAD!!!, MEGUMI!!!!!

When I entered the living room I saw my Mom and Dad on the ground with a puddle of blood around them.

Then I heard "Matthew, Matthew Help me"

I saw my sister at the end of the hallway. I ran over to her to help her but there was a beam on most of her body so she couldn't move.

I tried to lift the charred beam that was on my sister scorching my hands and burning the flesh of my finger tips but the beam didn't move at all.

Megumi saw that I was getting nowhere trying to lift the board that she was pinned under.

She Said to me" You cant lift the board Matthew you need to get out of here so you can leave I'm a lost cause and you will just die with me if you don't get out of here."

I ran as fast as I can the to the front door of our house and in the corner of my eye I saw a man jump out of the back window.

Out of curiosity I ran to the backyard to see if a saw a person or not and believe it or not I did see a person he was a man he was around 19 at the time.

When he first saw me he smiled and Said "Hey little boy my luck has been very good today and it has just got even better because my target comes to me and I don't even have to look for you know. Well I guess it is time for you to die.

When he said those last words "I guess it is time for you to die" I was terrified and ran for my life into the woods because it would be hard for him to find me in the woods or that is what I thought.

I was running for 30 seconds and I thought I was safe because I didn't see him move when I looked back and then in an instant. He slashed my chest and kicked me to the ground and I landed on my stomach and then he got on my back grabbed my white hair a pulled back and slashed my neck with his sword.

After that happened he left after he killed me or so we both thought that I had died.

Accouple minutes after he slashed my neck I didn't see or feel anything but for some reason I could hear someone's voice

The Voice said " We can take him in with us and save him and he can become on of us because I'm pretty sure that was his family that was in his house he has nothing else here.
