
Two Tests At Once

As the Appraisal and Talent tests concluded, Scion made his way back to where Eve and Luke stood. The anticipation that had once hung in the air now took on a different flavour, a mix of curiosity and camaraderie.

Eve was the first to inquire about Scion's delay. "What took you so long, Scion?" she asked with a hint of impatience.

Scion's smile widened as he couldn't wait to share his newfound connection. "I made a new friend," he announced. "His name's Ace Hawthorne, and he's a fellow student with extraordinary talents in ice manipulation."

Eve and Luke exchanged glances, but they didn't reveal their thoughts. Instead, they directed the conversation toward the essential topic of talent and rankings. Scion, aware of the truth behind his stats, decided to withhold his actual results, choosing instead to fabricate the numbers.

With a nonchalant tone, Scion shared, "My talent is 75%, and I'm currently at Tier 1, Advanced Stage."

Eve offered her stats next, revealing her genuine talent and rank. "My talent is 90%, and I'm at Tier 2, Beginner Stage."

Luke followed, his exceptional abilities and family connections playing a role in his stats. "My talent is 95%, and I'm at Tier 2, Intermediate Stage."

Scion couldn't help but notice the subtle shock that registered on their faces, a reaction that held a story untold. However, they chose to withhold the knowledge of Ace's identity, content to let the truth unfurl in due time.

Scion made a promise, a testament to his determination and his newfound friendships. "I'll catch up to both of you, mark my words."

Eve and Luke exchanged knowing glances, their unwavering support for their friend evident in their smiles and nods. "We're going to work hard, so don't get left behind," Eve assured Scion.

A few minutes passed, and the principal's authoritative voice resonated through the academy grounds. He announced that the personality test would begin, prompting students to make their way to the evaluation rooms once again.

The evaluation rooms were pristine, bathed in natural light that softened the edges of the academy's grandeur. The judges, each a figure of authority and wisdom, waited to assess the students' innermost motivations.

Scion found himself before a panel of judges, their gazes assessing not just his words but the truth that lay in his heart.

The first question came as a window into Scion's aspirations, the words echoing across the hallowed chamber where the judges sat, their regal cloaks and enigmatic expressions contrasting the significance of this moment. "What do you want to gain from your time at the American Mystic Academy?"

Scion's voice was not a mere reply but an invocation, a declaration of purpose. It flowed with a gentle, commanding cadence as he responded, his words an ode to the balance he sought to bring to a fractured world. "I wish to gain the knowledge and skills necessary to protect those who can't protect themselves, to mend the tears in the fabric of existence, and to restore balance to a world teetering on the brink of chaos."

The judges leaned forward, their countenances revealing a complex dance of emotions—curiosity and approval, tinged with a trace of awe. Scion had their attention, and for this fleeting moment, the chamber resonated with the echoes of his unwavering commitment.

The second question probed deeper into the wellspring of Scion's motivation. "What motivates you to seek this path?"

Scion's gaze, a pair of unwavering stars, flickered with a fierce fire, like a beacon piercing the darkest night. His response was an anthem to his inner resolve, an affirmation carved in stone. "The memory of those who couldn't be saved, the cries of innocence lost to the darkness, and the knowledge that I possess the potential to bring about a better world motivates me. I am driven by the promise of a brighter future, free from the shadow of despair."

The judges couldn't resist nodding in solemn acknowledgement. In Scion's eyes, they glimpsed the inexhaustible well of determination, and it resonated with a universal truth—they had before them an unyielding force.

The final question delved into the strategy Scion would employ on his extraordinary journey. "How do you plan to achieve your goals?"

Scion's response was a revelation, a tapestry woven with threads of practicality and optimism, determination and resilience. His words painted a vivid picture of his unwavering commitment to the path ahead. "I will immerse myself in the academy's teachings and train tirelessly, mastering the arts of mystic energy control. I'll seek out mentors, forge bonds, and push the boundaries of my abilities. Through dedication, sacrifice, and unwavering determination, I'll become a beacon of hope in a world plagued by darkness."

The judges conferred in a momentary hush, their gazes not scrutinizing, but reflective. In Scion's resolve, they found a force that could shape the very future itself. After a brief exchange of words, their decision came swiftly, and they marked him as a B rank, a nod to his potent resolve and unwavering determination. Yet, beneath their affirmation lingered an underlying hesitation, a silent recognition that such unyielding determination might prove challenging to control in the future. And the fact that it sounded a bit corny.

After a few hours of evaluations, the personality test concluded. Scion, with newfound determination and a fresh perspective, made his way back to his friends, eager to share their results.

Eve and Luke were the first to ask, their curiosity evident. "So, Scion, what rank did you get?"

"I got a B rank, not sure why, I thought I would do a bit better. What did you guys get?"

Eve, ever the pragmatic one, viewed her rank with indifference. "Honestly, I don't care much about their rankings. The academy seems to be shaping us into obedient tools for the Mystic Alliance. But if you must know, I got a perfect S rank."

Luke, however, had a more complex perspective, considering his family's influential connections. "I got an A rank. I for one didn't give satisfactory answers, yet I still got a high score. Likely because of my connection with the high-ranking Everhart Corp."

The news left Scion somewhat disheartened. He had fallen behind his friends in terms of rank, and the realization weighed on him. With determination in his voice, he assured them, "I'll catch up to you both. You'll see."

As the day drew to a close, the principal's voice once again filled the courtyard, addressing the students one final time. "The final challenge will he held tomorrow, the Combat Test. I wish you all the best of luck."

The students scattered to their respective accommodations, their thoughts a swirling maelstrom of ambition, doubt, and anticipation. As they ventured into the unknown, they knew that the path ahead was fraught with challenges, but it was a path they were willing to tread, together and with unwavering determination.

Bit of a shorter chapter, but didn't want to drag it out for longer than needed.

Vacaarcreators' thoughts
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