

"Zoe dear" Zoe's Mother said putting her hand on her daughter's shoulder "You seem nervous" she continued, Zoe looked back with a blank expression in her face

"I'm not mother I'm just wondering if this arranged marriage will work out" Zoe said

"well... I understand that the other arranged marriages didn't work that well, but this one might work out... but" Zoe's Mother paused, making Zoe wonder what she was gonna say

"it's not technically an arranged marriage" Zoe's Mother said "Pardon?" Zoe said confused

"There are other princesses that's going to go against you..." Zoe's Mother said... Zoe wasn't really surprised about the answer

Zoe's Mother's phone began ringing, she answered it "ahhh-- the car is here let's go"


Zoe's P.O.V

Mother grabbed my hand and lead me to the car, we entered the car and the car began driving to out destination "so who's this new guy?" I asked to my mother who seemed quite excited...

"didn't you say you wanted a boy with high standards?" mother said...

I only said that to make her stop the arrange marriages... but I guess whoever the guy is, is so impressive because of her question to me

I stayed quiet for awhile and mother noticed and decided to ask me a question "Why are you quiet? You should be excited... you don't like someone else right?" she asked....

"I don't have anyone in my mind, it just confused me to realize that you and father already found someone that may suit me" I said, she smiled

"We're very sure about this boy..." she held my hand with a re-assuring smile, but that's not enough to comfort me...


and at last we arrived at our destination, the boy's house is a beautiful mansion, I got out of the car and looked at the outside of the house, just from the outside it looks like heaven---- OH WAIT WAIT WAIT.... Oh god Zoe don't be distracted don't be distracted!!!!!

"Mother by the way can you give me a few information about him... just incase" I said, she knew why I asked, because of a certain situation I used to be in... "His name is Linlian but feel free to call him Lin once you're close, he's a university student and is 2 years older than you... is that enough information?" she asked, I nodded in response... she went back to the car since her job is done, for now she'll just be doing her other jobs til' noon

I rang the doorbell and a worker inside the house saw me and immediately opened the gates "you must be the lady who might marry young master- please go ahead and proceed to the house u-unless you want to explore" the guy seemed like a new worker...

but I took a moment to decide about where I want to go, I mean there's still time to explore before the awkward date happens...





I decided to explore the area and the beautiful surroundings, I looked around and saw a wonderful swimming pool... but the thing that caught my eye the most is the green house that looked like a entire forest inside in it, I wanted to explore but then one of the female workers saw me looking at it "ah- so a wonderful lady like you want to see the green house right?" she sorta had a British accent and looked really beautiful... wait a moment are all workers here charming? I looked around and realized the workers are actually ALL good-looking "Oi" The female worker said making me look back at her

"yes?" I asked "do you want to go and look at the green house?" she asked, I nodded...

she gave me keys "Take it and get the special treasure inside" she said

"treasure.... are you some theif?" I asked, she giggled

"nope I'm just calling that person a treasure since we all do" she said and left to do her job

Next chapter