1 Sun is leaving from Earth ! Will he come back ? Lets have a peep in to it !

Once on a hot summer day , Everyone was troubled with the Sun's heat. It was so hot that everyone started to curse the sun for being so cruel. The sun felt very bad of himself as he decided to leave the earth forever .

Soon there was complete darkness everywhere and the weather became very cold. people were distressed with this also.

So they went to the sun and requested him to return to earth again but he did not agree.

In the end some birds decided to send a cock the sun with their request. the sun was resting and his Royal champer. the cock greeted him and said "Dear Mr.sun, we all are very sorry. Please forgive us and come back to earth. it is so dark and cold on earth without you. People are helpless. Have pity on us."

But this had no effect on the sun. When the cock pleaded again, then the sun became irritated at him and begin to scold him, "Don't you understand what I said I will not go to earth at any cost."

The cock said, "This means that I have to go home alone in the dark. Oh ! That wicked wild bear must be waiting to pounce on me in the dark ."

The cock went and sat on a torrent and begin to cry out loudly "cocka-doodle-doo

cocka-doodle-doo! The sun got irritated at the sound, he chased the cock in the dark but he could not find him anywhere. While he was chasing the Cock the sun entered the earth as soon as the light of the sun spread everywhere on earth. People began to rejoice that it is believed that every morning the sun comes out in search of the cock.
