
Summoned as Hero

I realise I am standing at the center of an unknown hall.

I am being observed by crowds of medieval European-looking people dressed as knights and nobles.

If I wasn't the center of attention right now, I'd slap myself to make sure this isn't a dream. I know I died in the midst of war, so what is this farce?

My gaze examined the people in the court. They were all dressed up as aristocrats from the Middle Ages.

Then, I looked further to the center of the room where men dressed up as knight stood firmly. From behind the knights on a higher ground, there were four individuals dressed up as what I assumed was royal clothing. There were two young ladies standing on the right and a young man on the right to a throne.

My gaze locked onto the piece at the center of it all. An old man with white hair and a voluminous beard sat on a handsomely decorated chair, a throne.

He bears a crown… so should I call him a king? Whether this whole situation is a joke or not, I assume this man sitting at the front is the one in charge.

How come no one is saying anything? Are they waiting for me to speak first? Or perhaps they are expecting me to cause a commotion?

I held my back straight and looked right at the king.


I could hear a few gasps here and there. I paid them no mind. This must be considered rude, however it is against military policies to salute a foreign leader. I will not bow down to the ruler of whatever crazed place this is.

"You must be the cause of my current predicament. Explain or negotiations are off."

Knights and aristocrats alike seemed quite taken aback by surprise. If I had to take a guess, I'd say they're shocked I've had the galls to be speak in such way to a king.

If they chose to put me on trial and sentence me to be executed, then so be it. After all, I thought I was already dead to begin with. Although my death was expeditious, at least I died in the honour of my country.

"Y-YOU…!" one of the knights by the king's side became truly livid. He pulls out his sword, taking a step forward before a hand barred his way. The king motioned him to calm down.

The knight lowered his weapon and went back to his initial position, his face turning red as he was struggling to keep himself under control. The same could be said for many aristocrats in the court. They must have been incensed by my provocation.

The kings sharp eyes fell on me, and the entire hall regained silence.

"I, King Elias Peares Revaly, officially welcome you to the kingdom of Reval, hero from another world. I must apologize for my subordinate's rudeness."

Well well… If my soldiers disobeyed orders or went against instructions, they would've faced severe repercussions. It can sometimes jeopardize everything, but it isn't my place to tell other countries what to do… Especially ones from another world?

I'll just ignore his apology and press on for more information. All of this is just too confusing.

"You will have to expand on this other world business, king. I need to know just what is my role in this whole ordeal."

"Naturally." He immediately replied, regaining his cool. Taking a more confident stance, he went on. "You don't seem to enjoy long explanations, so to put it simply… A few of my vassals have deflected, and I would like to make use of your powers to defeat their armies. You must not worry; you shall be rewarded generously."

My powers? Could it be I gained powers while coming over to this other world? Entirely plausible. If they summoned me, then magic surely exists.

"Powers? I am unaware if I truly possess such thing."

The king smiled at my declaration.

"Indeed, you do! Summoned heroes possess a skill corresponding to the summoners' need."

So, it's a skill… Perhaps it is my military prowess? Or my aiming with firearms? But they seriously consider that a power? I call that knowledge and experience. Not to mention I don't even have an assault rifle on me. I have kept my military uniform, but that is it.

"I see." I paused then asked a question. "But are those powers of mine really a decisive factor in your victory?"

This should be a tough question to answer. If the king were to admit I was of high importance, the costs of my services would be much higher.

"It would help us a lot in reducing casualties through these little skirmishes. I really do care for the wellbeing of my subjects."

They want me to sacrifice myself to these small 'skirmishes'? Are these really that small or is he trying to show they could get rid of it themselves? Reducing casualties may be some made up reason to gain my support.

"I see. Then, what's in it for me?"

The king smiled. Obviously, he had been prepared for that question.

"In exchange for your services, you shall be granted lands and a title."

The initial offer is always lower than what it's actually worth. Interesting… Am I this important to them?

"That seems rather low for my standards. After all, the highest authority of a nation is begging me to risk my life for his sake."

The king seemed very anxious, on the border of panicking, but he did a decent job at hiding it.

"How about riches? I can give you a great territory to replace those traitors… I have no doubts you will do a great lord and you'd hold great influence in the court!"

Isn't that the same offer as the first one?

"I have little interest in ruling over a territory."

Everyone in the throne room was completely silent. Of course, I was the center of all their attention.

To be fair, my statement was partly untrue. Like any man, the chance of acquiring power was enticing, but through intense training in the army, I learned just how disastrous greed and lust could be.

Taking a deep breath in and out, the king broke the silence.

"… Then… How about my second daughter's hand?"

Gasps could be heard.

"Father! What are you-"

The princess complained but was dismissed immediately by her father.

"I will hear none of it! We need his support to ensure peace over the kingdom."

He sighs and turns back to me.

"How about my offer? Receiving my second daughter's hand as well as everything previously offered… How does that sound?"

I examined the woman in question. The second princess… sure was pretty. She has the appearance of a woman in her mid-teens with a slender physique, soft skin and delicate blonde hair. She has vibrant blue eyes and fine facial features. Her face shows some signs of naivety but displays elegance.

She seemed like a respectable person, however, I'm no fool. Sexual desires will not corrupt my sense of duty. The dangers of love has been thoroughly planted in my mind since childhood. Not to mention I've never talked to a woman before…

"King, I was merely assessing my worth. I do not wish to be tangled in political matters. If your cause is truly worth fighting, I shall commit my efforts to it." As I replied, my eyes flashed, and I suppressed the nervousness I felt. On the surface I was calm and unfazed, but in truth I had been panicking all the time since I had arrived in this world. If it wasn't for the rigorous training I've suffered, I would be exhausted by the pure pressure emanating from the room.

The king frowned. Did he not like my reply?

"A service done to the crown cannot go unrewarded. I shall hold onto my earlier proposals… Which reminds me, what is thy name?"

My name? I have never received one. Names give individuals identities. In the army, it is all about conformity. But what should I tell the king? My regiment and ID, perhaps?

"I am 40B5-A3C2, commander of regiment F-22."

Everyone in the court, but especially the king looked as if they've been fed something bitter.

"Um… Excuse me? I asked for your name, not whatever this is."

"That is my identification, king. Randomized sets of letters and numbers are used to differentiate each person. Names are privileges given to individuals of higher status… At least, in my world."

"Huh… That is quite outlandish…" He looked at his closest knight as if seeking help, but the knight in question shrugged helplessly. "Um… Will you permit we call you hero instead?"

"I don't mind it, but I don't think we are on the same page, king. I do remember saying I cannot enter a conflict without any background on what is happening. I must have a reason to pick a fight with your enemies. How else can I be sure you are not trying to use me for a cause that's immoral?"

The king seemed to grit his teeth but released a sigh.

"Fair enough." He conceded. "Lennox is our minister of war. Ask him any question you want later after the ceremony."

I looked at where the king gestured and landed on a balding old man. He had a light moustache and wrinkles. He appeared to have a burly physique contrary to his age. The minister of war must be a veteran.

As my gaze landed back on the king, he sighed and stood up from his throne.

"If you have no more immediate questions, let's end the ceremony here. Sir Fendrel will be assigned as your personal guard for the time being."

The king's gaze shifted onto one of the knights around the throne. Thankfully, it wasn't the one that almost tried to kill me earlier.

"Please show mister huh… Well, show him the way to his chamber."

The knight kneeled on one knee. "It shall be done, your majesty."

Gaining the title of hero seems very convenient. In all fairness, I also have some difficulties remembering the IDs of all my superiors. As for my troops, I don't bother. Even so, it sounds a bit wrong to be called like that all the time. Isn't a hero someone whose past actions are glorified? How can I be called one if they know nothing of my exploits in my native world?

I was brought out of my thoughts as Knight Fendrel walked past me. I could see he held a rather interesting mix of hostility and a front of pretended respect visible in his actions and expression. I followed him and we both exited the throne room.

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