

Wan holstered up a shotgun on his waist before summoning his bike carefully drove towards the roar.

he wasn't too far away from the area when he saw streaks of lightning hitting on that particular place.

"There weren't even clouds. Why is there lightning?"


The tree in front of him exploded as lightning hit it violently. That opened up the view for wan to see what the cause of the noise was.

"Is that a bear? And a snake? Shit, that's big."

A giant bear clad in electricity was fighting for its life against a giant snake with bloody and poisonous looking fangs. A scene only seen in movies back in his world.

"What in the world..?"

Wan almost forgot to stash his bike back at his inventory when another piece of lightning almost hit him.

"oh god, that almost electrocuted me to death!"

Wan then hid himself to an already burning tree near on the bear's side. Contemplating about life.

"its day 1, and I think it would be the last"

As he was thinking, both creatures slammed their bodies to the ground and rolled over 3 times before stopping, from how are things looking, looks like the snake has the upper hand. Wan gulped as he instinctively loaded his shotgun to the brim.

Regretting his decision of coming to this place, wan silently prayed that no acid spit nor, lightning bolts would hit him.

Lucky for him, it seems that both party were too busy and haven't even noticed him yet.

" shit shit shit, I just need to get out of here!!"

"HWRAAAWWR!!" *Crackle* Pop*

Just when he was about to get away, the bear unleashed a torrent of electricity from its body into its surroundings that almost fried the snake. Then the two entities stopped moving.

"oh sh*t, are they both dead?"

The battle has reached its end, the bear barely won. The giant snake was still smoking hot from all the electricity it received from the bear's attack.

*pshhh* sound of snake flesh burning.

*crack*crackle- electricity coursing from the bear.

The bear tried to get up but it can't due to its injury. gradually, the electricity on its body started to die down also.

"Looks like it was poisoned, it's a snake after all. And that obviously looks like a giant cobra."

Just as he said that, the bear flopped down. Seemingly dead.


Wan rushed to the bear's side while carrying a shotgun still next to him. As he arrived, he touched the bears body and got the shock of his life.


"Holy Sheee***!!"

All hairs on his body stood up from the shock.

He immediately equipped some rubber gloves from his inventory and re inspected the bear's body.

"Hah, white bear, dead, 12:33am, oh, I think my watch is fried too."

Wan tried to look like a doctor declaring dead people/bear by declaring its time of death. To his antics, his watch was broken from the static he received, until a noise woke him up from this stupor.

A bear around 3 feet tall came up to the big bear's now dead body.

"Poor creature. Must be your mom."

Wan considered looting the bear's corpse to see if he can salvage anything but seeing the cub, he just can't bear to do it.

"I'll just make do with the snake then"

He produced a shovel out of nowhere and started to dig a hole for the big bear's corpse.

back from the dead.. ill try to at least finish the first arc

marsofearthcreators' thoughts