
A Prophecy For You

I snap back to the present as I see others begin to stand and make their way around the room. They gather in small groups discussing how to move forward.

I let a few seconds pass before deciding to finally leave.

Before I can walk out of the room Zerophiel stops in front of me and smiles. His smile is rough and brute-ish as is all the rest of him. His prominent hooked aquiline nose framing the rest of him as a savage fiend, but the soft scarlet tresses swept back in a short tail tells the story of a past life of nobility. I always played with the idea of Zero having a noble life before he was turned into a vampire. Alas, we never discussed the matters of our early lives.

He grins down at me from his impressive post a good foot or two above me. "Hello, lovely Reyna."

"Hello pesky fiend." I grin back.

Zerophiel sweeps me off the floor in one quick motion in an embrace. I wrap my arms around him in response and I let myself take in his delightful scent of lemons and basil. A comforting smell I welcome. I forget embarrassing myself and instead let myself be. "I missed you too." He half mutters half chuckles.

"It's been too long, of course I've missed you." I squeeze him one last time before he sets me down one again.

I remember something and pinch him under his well-toned arm. He hisses batting away my hand. "Thank you for embarrassing me earlier."

His grin widens and I see his sharp blood draining canines. "I like seeing you all riled up." I laugh and wrap my arm around his turning to look at the others gathered around us.

Silas is speaking to the three Seraphim who all seem too stoic for comfort. Before I can glean any sense of what they are speaking of the three Seraphim turn away from Silas and leave.

Eros gives me a last glare before heading onto the roof, spreading his white feathered wings and taking flight. Within seconds they are out of sight.

"I was never quite fond of their kind." Zero huffs.

"They have quite a nasty attitude." I agree.

"No one's nastier than you, sugar." I laugh again but stop short as I spot Silas and Roza heading towards us.

"Speaking of unsavory things." I mutter knowing full well that they can hear me clearly.

Silas stops a few paces in front of us. Roza stands beside him but spares me a curt nod. "I'm glad you were able to make it. I admit I was doubtful whether or not you would show up but in the end you did."

"I was also debating not showing up but seeing as you went as far as to show up in my home, I thought it would be uncourtly not to show. I almost regretted my decision but I as soon as I saw Zero, I knew it was worth it." I threw a big grin up to him and I almost chocked on the amused glint I saw in his eye.

Zero knew I didn't like Silas one bit and it always amused him to no end. Zero was close to Silas, had been since before I had met him and had no clue as to why I might dislike him. To me, it was just instinct to dislike.

Roza isn't unsavory like Silas, Roza is quiet and polite and is often by Silas' side. She's also known Cleo longer than I as do Silas and Zerophiel.

"Yes, well it was less than pleasurable to see you again, too. Now I must take my leave for now." Silas and Roza turned without another word heading in the direction of the two human men.

I turned to Zero. "What exactly is the plan?"

"Well if you were paying any heed during the discussion you might have heard us discussing the different methods we could take to seek what is killing us off." He continued. "The Seraphim will be working with their own methods but that isn't really surprising is it?"

"No, it isn't. What will you do?"

"Whatever it is Silas wants me to do of course, I don't care as long as I get to kill someone."

"Brute," I smile and reach to touch his cheek. He leans into my touch, his skin warm. His eyes search mine, trying to find something.

I pull back and turn to the rest of the room, afraid to take too much from him. To give too little.

I sigh. The only ones left in the room were the witch, Silas and Roza and the humans.

I turned back to Zero, "Excuse me for a minute." And stalked after the witch who was still seated at the table staring at the still water at the center.

I grasp her chin and turn it over to look up at me. Others would be frightened but I've always had a death wish.

"What the hell was that?" I say in a low voice making sure no one else in the room can hear me.

"It was nothing but a prophecy my lady."

"Nothing but a prophecy? What exactly was the prophecy stating?"

"It showed those that needed the past and the future."

"You mean it showed everyone my past and future."

"Only those that fate deemed worthy. It was no whim, succubus, it was meant to show us what awaits us in the future."

"I don't believe in fate or prophesies, witch, best let it be."

"You would accept the fate of your and others death?"

"I don't see anything wrong with that. Nor do I see why it should be a problem for you."

"Witches keep the earth stable; we are slaves and harbingers of balance to this world. If this world dies as do we. That darkness is precisely what we must keep out of this world. This darkness is what is killing off your sisters and brothers as well as my own. They will not stop until we are all dead."

"Don't forget, witch, we are darkness. We were born from it. It runs through our blood. We are the darkness that brought this land to what it is today."

"You speak only half-truths, my dear."

The mystical lilac of her eyes seemed to swirl as though they were scrying pools themselves. "What do you know." I say gripping her chin.

"I know everything and nothing. The past is clear, but the future is uncertain until it passes."

"Don't give me riddles witch, tell me." Impatient, I start sliding my fingers down her throat before I hear the crack of the bones in my hand splitting and then feel the surge of pain that follows but I don't move my hand from her throat, talons scraping the thin skin around her throat a mere swipe away from spilling her entrails.

Zerophiel pulls me away causing me to release my hold on her throat. "Your need to cause a scene hasn't changed one bit, Reyna."

I growl, straightening my hand and quickly healing it. I sense the attention of the others in the room but I don't retreat from the witch. "What is it you know?"

"Interested, now, are we?"

"I would not like to have flown thousands of miles for a silly meeting like this."

She made a satisfied noise, then stood. "I seem inclined to agree, but all knowledge comes with time."

My blood is sent boiling. I fling my full force at her throwing both of us against the far wall. The glass behind her back gave out shattering and splintering into thousands of pieces and sent us over the roof of the building.

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