
The Subway || A wattpad Novel

The story where Verity and Nathan come together through a Subway,morning chats and social anxiety. Anna Liese Mickle © copyright reserved. I do not allow unauthorized publishing of my work.

AnnaLieseMickle · Teen
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12 Chs


Train doors open and close shortly after an influx of passengers enter. They wiggle and push past eachother, making way to their seats.

One of them,  wearing a white tee, ripped Blue Jeans and doc martens with headphones on her ears, hands glued to her phone, pushes past a dozen old men, only so she could sit beside the doors in the corner.

A little fight was always worth it for this seat.

                 The scenery changes as the train changes stations and doors open and close every now and then due to different stations.

It is still a long way to Gay Street. The girl sighs. She puts down her phone and looks around at the boring old men and women who are doing nothing but staring into space, deep in their own thoughts. Living in 1st Avenue and going to Gay Street consumed almost 1 hour of her productive day. It's far.

The doors open at the station of Koreatown and a guy walks in. His eyes are glued to the book in his hand and he's wearing a white shirt, denim jeans and high red converse.

He closes his book and scans the train for a seat and smiles to himself at having found one. He seats himself beside the girl in the white tee . He notices her fingers slide against the screen as she taps on the keyboard, writing a message apparently.

The girl looks up at the guy and finds him looking at her phone curiously.  His eyes are fixated at the screen,  trying to read what she was writing. He looks up at her as he notices her fingers not typing anymore and sees her disgusted face. "You're violating someone's privacy! " she snaps and the boy apologies and she goes back to typing.

No one ever sat beside her so she's a bit uncomfortable and considers this as an invasion of personal space. Being alone was always good as people really are weird.

The girl looks at him again and caches him staring at her headphones. He passes her a sweet smile and reaches his hand out to shake hers. She looks at his hand and turns away,  ignoring him completely.


                           He taps her shoulder to which she takes her headphones off to tell him to shut Tf up but he interrupts saying, "Hey, I'm Nathan! You? " he smiles again,  this time his smile is much wider. He just interrupted a music session. A very private and serene music session.

"I'm trying to listen to music and I'm minding my own business,  why don't you Nathan? " she says.  Damn, the girl spits fire with every word of her sentence. To that rude response,  Nathan nods and says, "I will, if you tell me your name. "

She frowns and says, "Verity. Now shut up! "

He nods and smiles, "Nice name,  Verity... " but the girl doesn't listen as she's busy blasting music in her ears and pushing away the world.

The boy goes back to his book which apparently starts becoming boring and it's making him feel sleepy. He falls asleep while reading and he rests on Verity's shoulder.

Verity flinches as his head drops to her shoulder and tries to push him away but he seems to fall back on Verity making her cringe.

This literally invaded the shit out of her 'personal space' .

"be my friend... " the guy mumbles under his breath and Verity sighs deeply and turns her head away in confusion.
