

Adrian woke up next to naked stunning body it was a beautiful blonde girl her hair ruffled against her face and only her legs were covered with the duvet, he got up from bed wearing just shorts and walked to kitchen to make coffee, he pressed the buttons on coffee maker looking outside to a beautiful view from the kitchen window, he grinned as he remembered just how wild last night was…uh uh he tried to remember the girls name, the one currently in his bed, the girl he made quiver and surrender everything last night, he couldn't seem to remember her name and he thought oh well

'She knows how to use her throat though' he thought to himself and takes a sip from his coffee mug

Mia got up only a few minutes later to an empty bed, she got up and grabbed a shirt and put it on, she looked beautiful like a model, her ruffled hair making her look even hot, her skin pale with a glow from sun. She walked out of the room wondering where Adrian had been and soon she spots him by the kitchen counter obviously lost in thought, she rested herself by the door to take in the beautiful man standing in front of her, last night was the best night of her life, she couldn't believe that a stranger she'd met in the middle of work would rock her world, she couldn't get over how he handled her, he made her cum so much but also made her insides turn into jelly. She watched his rigid figure, his light brown skin and messy black hair and that beautiful ass

'Oooh I could have him for hours' she thought biting her down lip, she runs to hug in from behind

"Good morning stranger" Mia said smiling as she sniffs in his delicious scent, just touching his hard body and solid pecs made her moist in between her legs

Adrian puts down his mug and untangles her hands from his body

"What are you still doing here" Adrian said turning to face her, his face cold and distant

"Well I just got up and I thought maybe you and I could go grab breakfast and come back to do even more naughty stuff" she responded walking over to the coffee maker to pour herself some coffee as she throws a sexy glance over to Adrian to see his face

"And why would you think that I would want that?" He looks at her irritably folding his hand across his chest

"Cause last night we had something great" she responded not liking his tone and finally starting to get the message

"That I cannot deny, he says walking towards her without breaking eye contact, I hadn't had that much fun in weeks" he puts down her coffee and lifts her on top of the table

Mia was already so weak, it was morning but she'd suddenly lost her strength, she lets out a moan as Adrian makes his way down her thighs causing her to shiver. Adrian looked at her, her legs already made way for him, her face flushed and her lips red like cherry begging to be kissed and put to work, he smiled and then let's go of her

"I have work to go to, pick up your stuff and leave" he walks away from her back towards the bedroom

"Whaaat?, why did you stop she managed to say to his back as he walks out, I want you to bend me, I want you" she cries out feeling disappointed aching from her privates, every part of her wanted Adrian to kiss her, to punish her

Adrian turned back to look at her, his face dead serious

"Leave now, we've had our fun and now I don't want you anymore"

Mia felt small, she'd been craving a complete asshole , a jerk like every other man out there only that this man really knew his way around a woman's body, she could help but feel pained, she knew this meant one night stand but she wanted so much more.

* * *

It was 8 o'clock, Adrian was in his suit and making his way to his parking lot, he was meeting with investors that had come in from Singapore and was excited for the day, he pressed his key and a black Ferrari beamed lights and he got in and drove off


A playboy who cannot be with a woman twice land’s in a predicament…. Did anyone see that coming ?

Rebekah_4creators' thoughts