

As you all know , A school is the place getting education, knowledge and awareness. It fulfills the important needs of mankind that is education. Schools are very important in our lives. They have been the essential part of mankind since long times. In fact, the education provided by the school, is the reason of progress and development of mankind.

At the beginning of school, i felt so upset and nervous. I refused to go school but my parents forced me. Then I started my study life. I sure you all have the same story too XD. Okay so when i was in nursery , i was a weak students. Teachers always scolded on me and then i become an average student. I remember, one day i was crying because i wanted to off my school but my mother fooled me. She said , "hey sit here i will be coming with 7 up drink for you". I sit quietly and waited but she didn't come. It sounds funny i know. Rough and tough condition it was.

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