
Chapter 7 - Frustration and Anger

Waking up slowly I felt the soft covers over me keeping me warm with the breeze coming from the window which had been opened at some point whilst I was asleep and by the light which I could feel on my eyelids I must have slept through the night though I still felt quite tired though I know I needed to get up and do something today to make me feel better.

Opening my eyes, I saw that it looked like nice weather outside today, so I decided to get up and walking into the bathroom only to back out again after noticing Jake stood there with a towel around his waist the room all steamed up.

"sorry" I yelped and burst back out of the bathroom with bright red cheeks.

I kept backing up until I met the bed and then fell down onto it laying back down to wait for the bathroom. I laid there for a while just thinking about everything, I don't know why I'm so calm here I shouldn't be, I mean I was kidnapped from outside my home. Soon with all those thoughts running through my head I noticed the headache coming back from yesterday. I need to ask Jake where those painkillers are so I can keep track of my doses.

"you didn't have to leave; I was just finishing up you know" Jake said walking out of the bathroom.

"I couldn't take a shower with you in there could I" I snapped a bit.

"also, where are you keeping my pain killers? My headache is coming back I need to keep on top of them." I asked Jake.

"I'll go and get them for you, and some breakfast whilst you are in the shower" He replied looking at me with a little worry in his eyes.

With that I walked into the bathroom and first searched around for a spare toothbrush not finding any I had to use my finger to brush my teeth, not ideal. Then after that I got into the shower soon warming up from the heat of the water running down my body, I found some shampoo which I assumed was his but no conditioner. I sighed thinking my hair is going to be a nightmare without conditioner. There was some vanilla body wash however which soon got me feeling nice and fresh again with all this gunge washed off of me. I was soon finished in the shower and stepped out wrapping a towel around me just to notice I had forgotten to ask about some clothes before Jake went.

I peeked my head out of the bathroom "Jake" I shouted hoping he was somewhere in here. Only to get no answer he must still be getting the breakfast ready in the kitchen.

I walked out into the bedroom only wrapped in the towel to search around for some clean clothes. Still only finding men's clothes in here of course, I picked up a t-shirt from one of the drawers and a pair of shorts from another to wear for the day. No choice it seems. I turned back to the bathroom from the closet only to see Jake standing in the doorway with a tray in his hands and his eyes had gone dark almost black, they weren't normally that colour I'm sure.

"sorry I need to borrow some clothes there isn't anything else here, what's wrong with your eyes?" I burst out quickly just staring into his eyes mesmerized by the look in them almost as if it's the first time looking into them. I heard a short growl escape from somewhere, I looked around the room searching for where it had come from to find nothing except for one where it could have come from.

I quickly turned around and headed to the bathroom to get dressed as I still only had the towel wrapped around me from the shower. I quickly got changed in the bathroom afraid he would just burst in with there being no lock on the door.

Walking back into the bedroom I searched around the room for Jake only to find the tray with food on the sofa with a note and a small pot of pills for me.

Please eat the pancakes and fruit and take the two pills for your headache and make sure to drink plenty of water.

I will be back in a bit to check on you, if you need something knock on the door and someone will get it for you.

Jake xx

What's with the kisses I thought whilst eating the pancakes on the plate I was rather hungry and also knew it was better to take the pills on a full stomach. The pancakes were rather tasty though when I got around to the fruit I was rather full as there were about five pancakes on that plate so instead I went to the pills swallowing them down with gulps of water which I had poured out of the jug which was on the tray.

After finishing with the breakfast, I thought I need to find something to do so I went to the door and gave a knock, let's see if this works.

Soon the door opened to a tall well-built man a bit scary looking with a scar in his eyebrow from who knows what.

"can I go out for a walk?" I asked trying my luck to see what I am allowed to do.

"I'm sorry but I have been told you are not allowed out of this room without the alpha" the person said back to me looking down.

"is there something I can do then? Can I get a book to read or something?" I pleaded with him.

"I'm sorry the alpha has said we are not to get anything for you to do as you should be resting" He said looking down at me again with some pity in his eyes it seems.

"FINE" I snapped, shutting the door hard again and soon heard the click of a lock being turned.

I turned around to sit on the sofa, turning to the side so that I could look out the window again staring out to the tops of the trees. Soon angry tears started running down my cheeks, I was so frustrated and bored I needed something to do to keep my mind off of everything that was going on otherwise I was going to end up wallowing in self-pity and crying all the time.

I soon started pacing the room trying anything to keep my mind busy, searching for something tears were still running down my face. I made sure to get a drink every now and again. Searching everywhere I found nothing to do, soon I was getting really frustrated and annoyed longingly looking out of the window every now and again it had been a couple of hours with nothing. I was contemplating smashing the window for some air, I had tried it earlier to find it locked but the longer I had been in here trapped the more I felt like I desperately needed some fresh air and the only way that was happening was to smash that window.

I'd never felt this way before but then again, I'd always known I could get out of somewhere if I needed too and now, I didn't know when I was next going to feel the air running through my hair.

I started looking around for something which would be heavy enough to smash the window, all I could find was the lamp which was beside the bed, I went over and unplugged the lamp going over to the window with it in my hands then went to swing the bottom of the lamp onto the window for a resounding smash to be heard around the room, but it wasn't the window. Looking down I saw shards of pot from the bottom of the lamp at my feet with the top of the lamp still in my hands.

I stepped back from the mess, only to feel something dig into the bottom of my foot numbly. I kept going back until I was sat on the sofa to look down at my hands which also had some cuts on them probably from shards rebounding back onto them though they didn't look too bad.

Then I heard a knock at the door, and someone shout through "are you alright?" I recognised the voice from earlier when I asked to go out.

"yes, nothing I can't sort" I croaked back out to him.

Then I went to examine the bottom of my foot only to find a small shard of the lamp stuck in there. I hobbled myself to the bathroom to clean up a bit and clean the cuts out, so they don't get infected. Lastly going to look at my foot I pulled out the piece of lamp first with some tissue ready to stop the bleeding, I kept pressure on it for a little while before looking at the cut which seemed to mostly have stopped bleeding I had searched the cupboards for some bandages before I had started and had already wrapped some around my hands and was ready with some cotton to the bottom of my foot to wrap the bandage around it to keep pressure.

After I had managed to clean myself up I just laid myself on the bed to keep my foot up and try and keep it from opening up and bleeding again.


I must have fallen asleep at some point because the next thing I heard was the door opening and then a gasp come from it.

"what happened?" I heard Jake whisper probably thinking I was asleep.

I opened my eyes slowly taking in that the room had now gone dark, so it must be the evening now.

"what happened here?" I heard from behind me probably realising that I was awake when I sat up.

"I may have got a bit claustrophobic whilst you were gone and tried to smash the window" I whispered out quietly hoping he didn't hear me.

"of course, who wouldn't do that" he laughed out awkwardly at me.

I got up and limped over to the sofa to pour myself a glass of water as he'd brought a new jug of water in with him it seems.

"why are you limping? And why are your hands wrapped in bandages?" he asked me with hints of worry in his eyes.

"I may have got some glass in my foot and scratches on my hands from it too, but I sorted it, it's fine now" I told him looking away from him.

Next thing I knew he was sat next to me taking my hands into his and he started unwrapping the bandages.

"what are you doing? I've cleaned them they're fine really" I snapped at him a bit.

"I'm checking to make sure you're alright and they don't need any stitches." He told me concentrating on unwrapping my hands gently.

"see I told you they're alright only little cuts on my hand" I said when he finished unwrapping and looking at my hands, going to the bathroom to get some new bandages probably. He returned and wrapped my hands up again only to ask to then see my foot which I know he wouldn't be happy with knowing that it is quite deep really.

���It's fine not that deep and I managed to get all the glass out" I told him. Though he still bent down to bring my foot up himself when I didn't offer it to him myself.

After he had finished examining my foot, prodding and pulling a bit making me flinch away in pain a few times.

"careful it'll start bleeding again" I told him, pulling my foot away a bit so he'd stop pulling it about. After sighing he went to wrap it up again after finding some gauze to press to it underneath the bandage in case it bled.

"I think it's best I clean this up before we end up getting more glass anywhere" Jake said looking at me.

"fine, sorry I can help" I said to him apologising.

"it's alright, I don't want you on that foot it needs to heal. After I can get us something to eat for tea?" he told me concentrating on getting bits together.

After me sitting on the sofa watching him cleaning up the glass, I decided I should at least try and help so I hopped up and went to kneel down next to him to pick up some glass and place it in the newspaper he'd found to wrap it in.

"what are you doing?" he snapped worriedly.

"I only want to help you tidy it up, I did it." I told him quietly.

"I said I'd do it why don't you go and put that foot up, don't want you to cut yourself again." He snapped at me.

So, I hopped myself back to the sofa bringing my legs up onto it so that I was facing away from him. I silently felt the tears running down my cheeks, feeling useless, I can't do anything right.

I heard Jake sigh and then walk out of the room with the glass and newspaper.


Jake soon appeared in the room again, I'd managed to get myself under control and the tears had dried up a bit. He brought with him a tray full of something which smelt delicious and my stomach rumbled really loud.

Placing the tray in front of me and keeping the other for himself he went to sit on the floor leaning on the sofa that I was on. I looked down at the tray to see what looked like lasagne on a plate. My mouth was watering I was so hungry, I hadn't eaten since breakfast.

I'd soon scarfed all the food down and was feeling rather full and sated, with my full belly and the feeling of tingles coming from somewhere on my side my eyes started getting droopy tired once again. I wondered why I was so up and down recently I mean smashing a window or trying to one minute and then crying or asleep another.

Soon my thoughts sent me to sleep on the sofa wondering what the next day would bring, whether I would be allowed out of this room.

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