
The rescuse misson amidst the massacre part1

Ana tried her best to hold her panting. Her father always taught when in a dangerous situation she had to quickly calm down and control her breathing, every time he said that, her mother laughed and told him he was an idiot. They were in one of the safest cities, her father was no longer an adventurer, so such things were unnecessary. Though she has always been fascinated by her father's stories about the time when he was still an adventurer.

Even in her worst nightmare, Ana couldn't imagine the scenery that happened today. While she was hanging out with friends, the sky darkened and everyone was notified to evacuate to the special area. She and her family were caught in a tumultuous crowd, with people trying to carry loads and belongings. Just a moment later, creepy things started falling from the sky. Most of them did not escape the massacre that took place in her district. Her family hid temporarily in the store hoping that everything gonna end soon. However, her father spotted something outside and told them to run.

Her family ran away from the house, she ran, but she understood that they were not running fast enough, her father often had to stop for her mother and her to catch up. Soon she saw a silhouette of what was chasing her family. It was in the book of dangerous monsters written by an adventurer. She had never seen such a scary thing in her life. Her father stopped running and drew his sword. She immediately understood what he was going to do, and through his stories, he also experienced a similar situation at times. However, her mother becomes confused and she did not want to leave her father behind. Just seconds later, her father was killed, right in front of her. Her mother stood dumbfounded and stared at him being bitten by the monster. She could not stay calm anymore. She removed her mother's hand and used all of her energy to run. However, she understood, that she was running too slow and the other would catch up. She hid in a stall, cowering. A mother's crying still resounded in Ana's ear.

" Hic hic ... noooo ..."

She abandoned her own mother, to run away. Even though she blocked her ears, the crying won't stop, on the contrary, it was getting louder and louder then suddenly everything becomes silent. Without any sound, except the sound of her heart beating, her heart was beating so fast, she wanted to tell it to stop. She wanted to pull it out and throw it elsewhere. The rustling sound of something crawling on the ground. Not only her heart, but she couldn't control her breathing anymore. The crashing sound is getting closer and closer. Tears and snot ran down her face.

" I-Is someone ... please …"

[ Creaking!]

A shadow entered where she hid and she screamed but her mouth was immediately covered. It took a while for her to regain consciousness as a human. She could not see his face clearly due to the lack of light but she could still recognize this man. A familiar customer of her family. He used to come to chat with her father about his adventure trips.

" T-Torei san."

" Shhh. be quiet, follow me."

She stood up but her legs were numb, she couldn't lift them anymore. Torei san lifted her up. His hand was firmly grasping her "should not be held" part but she had no mind to pay attention to it.

After finishing its meal. The earth dragon continued towards its next prey. Actually, it didn't come here to eat, it was tasked with killing as much as possible. But even a monster like it could not work with an empty stomach. It was already quite full with 2 prey, now it was approaching the 3rd prey that seems to be hiding nearby. Although it was busy eating, didn't mean it didn't pay attention to the prey. Luckily, the prey was quite slow, so it didn't need to be in a hurry, but just leisurely enjoyed the meal. The dragon followed the scent towards a stall. It licked its mouth, it seemed like it could still put something in its stomach. It slipped through the stall and looked down, but all that was left was a piece of fabric. The earth dragon noticed the scent of its target moving somewhere else and immediately chased after but… After a while, it couldn't smell anything.

The surrounding was pitch black. This was an underground sewer, one of the places Torei would never want to set hit foot down. The stench was stuck in his nose. There were no lights here, usually, nobody came down here except for the maintenance workers. He wasn't sure if there were any monsters here. The Thief class was not capable to see in the dark, he once again cursed his job. Had it been Explorer and Rogue he didn't need to struggle like this.


A skill can help to scan objects around him in a certain range. After a year he was able to increase its radius by up to 200 m. However, this skill was extremely inconvenient. Unlike Explorer's skill of the same name can scan special structured objects that could be traps or treasure, his skill scanned everything. Every piece of trash, every brick, everything was recorded, although the recorded image was not clear, he could roughly guess what he scanned. A human brain would not have enough time to identify everything during the duration of the skill. He had to use the scanner a lot of times and have to filter them, this process can take an hour just to sweep through 50 meters around you, not to mention there were many things he could have missed.

Torei glanced beside him. Ana was still panting and trembling intensely in the corner.

" Damn it. If only there was some light. "

Since he had used her clothes to distract the earth dragon earlier, she was currently in a state that every guy wanted them to see once in a lifetime, He was also tempted by that urge. But now was not the time for that. Torei ponders about what to do with Ana. He couldn't bring her with him to find Miro. The earth dragon had remembered her smell. It would be dangerous to get back to the ground now. One option was to give up looking for Miro. It had been a long time since the assault the kid must have died. To be honest, Torei thinks there was very little chance that Miro would be alive. He remembered the massacre at the market, maybe the boy was one of the corpses scattered everywhere.

" ... "

" Torei san. W-Will we be safe?"

" Ana san. Sorry, but we might have to split up."

" N-No! don't leave me!"

Ana hugged Torei. Even though she was in a sensitive state, Torei tried to not notice it.

" Listen, Ana, I gotta go, there's someone I need to save. For the time being, you stay down here, I searched the place, and it looks like monsters aren't around. When I find the boy I'll come back to pick you up."

" N-No, please! Don't leave me here!"

It seems that Ana was no longer in her right mind. It would take time to convince her. So Torei tore off his shirt, he took out a jar from his pocket and poured a bit on the shirt piece.

" Uhm! Uh!"

" Sorry, please take a nap."

Torei confirmed once again that there were no monsters around. Just to be sure he hid Ana in a slit on the wall and quickly left. The anesthetic (Don't ask me why he has it :D) should last for about an hour. He hoped to find Miro in the meantime, otherwise, he would just give up and return to the take Ana with him.

Torei chose a place far away from the earth dragon, he bathed his body with dirty stuff in the sewer to override the scent of Ana. He hopes that thing wasn't that sensitive to smells. As he peeked his head out of the sewer pipe, he saw light rays coming from the south. There was something like a giant veil of light surrounding those areas, the flying monsters in the sky couldn't pass through the veil. Those were safe locations that have been notified. Armies had been dispatched into the city to fight the monsters.

Torei could hear the fights in the distance, which was a good thing. Currently, the place he wanted to go was the clock tower, the center of the market. There was a special magic device there. It was often used to find lost children or pickpockets around here. it was quite big so he didn't think anyone could take it away when evacuating. He approached the tower and used [Scanner]. After confirming that it was safe, he ran straight to the tower's door.

The navigation device was a large round table on which was a map of the entire market, one had to infuse mana to activate it. Torei's mana wasn't much so he couldn't use it for long. After trying to pour mana into it for a while, spots of light were showing. Red spots, seemingly from monsters. A green spot remained motionless in the place he hid Ana, around which there were no other red spots. Finally, he saw a few light-green spots concentrated in an area. Most likely they were survivors, only… there were also a lot of red spots around that area. Torei hesitated, in situations like this, he should call for help. But when they got there it might be too late, Torei realized that fact as a green light in the area disappeared.

Torei quickly left the clock tower, he chose the safest route and avoided all the monsters. After a while, he reached his destination. The post office of the city.

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