

Alex: hey guys can you go tell Helffin to meet me in my home?

Elf guard: yes sir Alex! *walks away*

'what other worlds can i link to this one?'


'maybe when i will deal with that bullshit alien thing'


'nah this is one of those world where i would like to leave as it is'

<Dragon ball>


Helffin: i heard that you wanted to see me sir!

Alex: ah yes so i have good news! i will link this world to another world where you can get a job and earn money so you dont need to hunt for food! in that world there are places called Guild and basically you go there register do your job and get the reward! the only thing is that you need some type of magic but since elfs are naturally gifted in magic!

Helffin: to be honest its a relief... the animals in the forest are... well theres a few left...

Alex: dont worry about it also i will let some guilds and their members to come here! and also create links to another world making this place a passage to multiple dimensions but that's for later

'i want for the guilds from Fairy tail worlds to be able to take jobs from another worlds it will get interesting'

Alex: but since there is a few of you here who can fight i would like you to go and explore the world and decide for yourself what kind of guild you want to join because you know i dont want to favorite one guild and place you all in one guild i mean theres 200 of you

Helffin: i understand so when are we going?

Alex: now! *teleport*

Alex and Helffin were now standing in the fairy tail guild and just like the last time Alex did that everyone was ready for a fight but when they got a good look at him they thought 'its that guy!'

Alex: hey guys how's it going? can i speak to the guild master?

Natsu: *loading...*

Natsu: *inhales from shock*

Natsu: its you!!!!!

Alex: its me!!??!!!?!!?! *confused smile*

Natsu: what do you meant igneel is inside me!!?

Alex: you eat him when you were sleeping

Natsu: *horrified face* f-f-for real???

Alex: no idiot he sealed himself in your body to prevent your dragonification and some other things that i didnt know because i didnt watch the entire show

Natsu: ???

Alex: never mind wait a couple of years and when he comes out make him have a taste of hell for abandoning you

Natsu: YES !

Alex: anyway where is the guild master i need to talk to him about something important

Makarov: im the guild master may i know how can i help you?

Alex: can we go to your office ?

Makarov looked at Alex a little interested he finished his beer in one large GULP and said

Makarov: fallow me!

Alex and Helffin fallowed Makarov upstairs to his office and Alex said

Alex: how much did you see in your life old man?

Makarov: hmm? i have seen quite a few things

Alex: do you think that something can still surprise you?

Makarov: it would be hard

Alex: well in that case let me surprise you!

Alex then started to explain how he was an another world traveler and for proof he teleported him to Naruto universe when Makarov recovered himself from the shock they walked to get some ramen to a certain ramen restaurant.

when they entered they saw Naruto eating Ramen and when naruto saw them he looked at Alex with wide eyes and was almost ready to say something but Alex signaled to him to be quiet and his lips moved like they were saying "i will explain later"

fortunate for him naruto understood what he meant and stayed silent but was still looking at them from time to time.

'maybe i should make a link to naruto world a mix of mages and shinobi sound interesting'

Alex: give us the best ramen in this restaurant old man!

Ramen guy: yes! please wait a sec!

Alex: so where was i? ah yes i am planing to link a lot of worlds making a mix of mages warriors and other things my plan is to make guilds the place where everyone would be going to take jobs like a guild should be but it will be jobs from multiple worlds and im sure that with the combination of everyone magic and other magic-like powers we will strengthen our worlds

Makarov: hmmm... well i must say you succeeded in surprising me...i will summon the other guild masters from other guilds and discuss this but you must be there too i dont want to look like a lunatic while explain it so you need to be there to show them proof

Alex: no problemo! so tomorrow some other elfs will join your guild ok?

Makarov: i dont see any problem in that!

Ramen guy: here is your ramen!

Alex: thanks *pays the ramen guy*

Alex signaled to naruto to come to them and he stood up and sit beside him while carrying his bawl of ramen

Alex: what's up? long time no see!

Naruto: sup! my name is Naruto Uzumaki!

Alex: mines Alex *looks at naruto arm or rather the place where it supposed to be* is this the work of that emo guy?

Naruto: haha...yea..But i got him good too!! he has an missing arm too ya'know!

Alex: good he deserve it..anyway let me fix that

Naruto: huh?

Alex: {supreme light magic: regeneration}

Naruto arm started growing back surprising everyone in the ramen shop who saw this Naruto looked at his new arm and then at Alex and then again at the arm and again at Alex

Naruto: h-how?!?

Alex: i will tell you when you become the hokage *grin*

Naruto: you better remember this! i want to know what you did and what type of jutsu was that!

Alex laughed and so did Helffin and Makarov they all talked about some things and eat the ramen when they were done Alex and his group said good bye to Naruto telling him that they will visit again

Alex was told that the guild master meeting will be in four days and in what place it would be they then walked to the lobby again and Alex got registered as a fairy tail member with Helffin

Helffin wanted his mark to be green and it was placed on the back of his hand while Alex asked a for a black mark on the front left side of his neck

Natsu: fight me!!!

Alex: wow literally a second after my registration...*smirk* bring it on!!! *battle stance*

Natsu dashed at Alex at full speed and when he was close to him Alex decided to hit him with his ultimate attack!

Alex: *takes out a frozen fish from his inventory* *slaps natsu with the frozen fish in the face with the might of a titan*

Natsu: *goes flying into a wall*

Alex: all hail the frozen fish!!!! *teleports away*

everyone in the guild were stupefied but soon started to laugh. as for Helffin he decided to stay a little longer in the guild before he teleports himself to Alex world

Next chapter