

alex was studying the elemental magic from aleth book but he noticed something and asked

Alex: hey aleth why dont you have any spells from the dark and light element?

Aleth: light and dark? what do you mean i never heard of such magic?

<host the dark and light magic are not yet discovered in this world>


Alex: nevermind

Aleth: oh no Mister! start talking i want to know more about this magic!

alex: 'im not going to be able to change her mind right?' well it's an elemental magic but i know only one spell that involves it that it was created by me

aleth was surprised 'to create a magic attack in such a young age how talented is he?'

Aleth: show me!

Alex: uhhh i dont know it's pretty destructive i can show you the projectile but not the effect

Aleth: well alright i guess i can wait to see the power of your magic later

alex did't say anything and created the [ light release: rasengan] in one hand and the [dark release: rasengan] in the other 'they are less powerful without the sage mode power but still real dangerous

aleth saw alex holding one "ball" made of light rotating in multiple different direction surrounded by multiple light rings and a dark version of the ball in the other hand ' i never saw something like this magic but no mater how weird the light and dark magic is im more shocked on how the attack is created both orbs magic is very dense and for making it rotate in so many direction at once must require a lot of concentration im not sure if i could create this attack myself' aleth was admiring the skill in magic that alex possessed

Alex deactivated his rasengan's and said

Alex: that's all i can do with these element's

Aleth...alex can i ask you a favor and teach me how to use these element's

'hey system can she use these element's? i mean i needed to buy a skill to gain them'

<well if the person that want to use the element he/she doesn't posses than he/she need's to study about the element and know how is it made and then slowly try to infuse this element to they'r magic power>

'system can you buy a book that explains how they work?'

<the [how to use the light element] and [how to use the dark element] book's have been bought the book's are now in you'r inventory>

alex took these book from his inventory and give them to aleth

Aleth: here these book's will explain it to you

Aleth thank alex and started to read the book's she completely stopped to be aware of her surroundings as she tripped a couple of times and crashed into a three while she was reading

today was another boring day nothing happened again the sun has already diapered and the moon showed up

Damian: we will continue marching a little more an hour from here there is a small city we will rest for today and tomorrow

Alex: why tomorrow too?

Jack: tomorrow there will be a blood moon the monster go berserk and are 2 times stronger while the blood moon is in the sky

Ron: even the monster's that have a high intelligence and dont attack human's that often are completely out of control

Alex: there are monster's like that?

Damian: yes for examples werebeast's they are intelligent and dont attack humans because they know that they will be hunted if they do

Ron: they even build they own villages and trade some skin and meat that they got from they hunt in return for potion's or other things that they need

Jack: when the blood moon is out they lock themselves in a bunker deep in the ground to not attack any humans or another intelligent race when they go berserk

Alex: seem's like the werebeast are good people. what kind of werebeast exist are they only carnivals?

Damian: yes only carnivals like werewolf, werefox or werebear they are humanoid creatures they can stand on 2 "feet" but they are more agile on four the strongest are the werewolf and werebear the werewolf because they are extremely fast and the werebear for their brute force not long ago they were permitted to live in the cities with other species and work there

Jack: the one that live in a city are locked in a prison cell where they are chained up to the wall behind thick metal bars when the blood moon is out and are released in the morning when they gain they senses again

Ron: they often hired in the military because their combat capabilities i even seen some that works as mercenaries when i was traveling with my brother

Damian: they are also the one that created the magic that the magic swordsman class uses so if not for them i would not be able to be as powerful like i am today

alex nodded and note to himself to visit one of the werebeast villages

they reached the city and entered the guards as always didn't bother to check they ID

the party entered one inn and tried to register but there were no rooms left so they got to the second inn

Receptionist: we have only 3 room's left but only with one bed so one of you will need to sleep on the floor

Damian: alright me and alex will take one room the twins the second and the third will be for aleth

the team agreed to the idea and payed for the night in the inn

Aleth: hey alex can you came to my room before you go to sleep i want you to help me with something

Alex: pervert

Aleth: *blush* i swear to god i will kill you some day!!

Alex: hahaha ok ok i will visit you but what do you need me for?

Aleth: you will see

the party got to their rooms left the equipment they were caring (armor sword's and other things) and after that they go to the bath to wash themselves.

when this was was done they headed to their room's again except alex who was going to aleth room

*knock knock* (A/N who's there? bat!! bat who? this is a really bat joke!....i'm sorry)

Aleth: come in!

Alex: hey pervert i came like you wanted!

Aleth: you...ehh nevermind

Alex: so what did you want me to do *acting embarrassed* i'm still inexperienced you know

Aleth: 'if you werent so pretty i would kill you long ago...no wait! what am i thinking!' i wanted to ask you if that attack that you showed me can be fused with other elements and if you could teach me how to do it

Alex: yes it can be fused with other element's actually the attack can be fused with every element and the normal version of it can be fused with other spells or modified. alex remembered how many types of rasengan naruto made in the anime (A/N the coolest was the rasenshuriken + amaterasu combo proof me wrong i dare you!)

Aleth: the normal version?

Alex: yea the one that is made of pure magical power. he said and made a [rasengan] in his left hand

while aleth was looking at the rasengan alex asked the system 'can she learn the rasengan without chakra?'

<yes she can use her magic power instead but it will be a little different>

'what do you mean different'

<well the magic power will be less dense than the chakra so the rasengan will be 10% weaker>

Aleth: amazing!! quick teach me! teach me!

Alex: ok you i will explain the progress of how to learn the rasengan and after that you can experiment however you want with this magic

Aleth: *happiness noises*

Alex:Rotation - the user learns to spin their chakra in multiple directions at once. To help in this regard, users may be given a water balloon so that they can mark their progress by the churning water; this step is complete once the users is able to burst the balloon with their chakra.It is important for the user to know which direction their body naturally spins its chakra for this step.

Power - the user must increase the volume and density of chakra they output. To help in this regard, users may be given a rubber ball: there is no water inside to help them burst the exterior and the rubber shell is thicker than a balloon's.

Containment - the user must combine the first two steps into a contained sphere. To help in this regard, users may be given a balloon to help them visualise the intended shape; if the balloon is popped or otherwise moves, mastery is not yet achieved

'system buy a couple of balloons and rubber balls'


alex took out the items filed the balloons with water thanks to his water magic he was able to generate water

Alex: here try to do it

aleth toke the balloon with water and started to concentrate after a few minutes the balloon started to move

'as expected for an expert she probably will pass the first step in a few minutes'

5 min later...

aleth popped the balloon and said exited

Aleth: i did it!!

Alex: yep good work now try the rubber ball

this time aleth had some problem it took an entire hour before she succeeded and after that the third step..two hours passed by but ultimately she did it

Alex: you know everyone that i saw was learning this technique a couple of days (in the anime) how did you learned so fast?

Aleth: oh what can i say i'm just talented *smirk* *proud face*

Alex: alright grab my shoulder i will teleport us somewhere were you can try it

aleth did that and alex used his kamui to teleport them to the kamui dimension

Aleth: what was that it was different than the last time

Alex: one of my bloodlines ability involving the ocular power from my clan it's called kamui i can teleport anything to my pocked dimension even parts of my body before an attack is able reached me

aleth was amazed by Alex power but after she realized something she made a weird face and said

Aleth: that's a pretty arrogant name you know

Alex: oh you can understand it? 'does she understand the meaning of the word "kamui"?'

Aleth: when translated it literaly means "the authority of the gods"

Alex: yup how did you know? '10 points for gryffindor'

aleth made a weird face again

Aleth:it's the ancient language i thought that you know it?

Alex: hahaha*awkward laugh* well i was just testing you *weird smile*

aleth just shrugged it off and test her new magic she created a perfect rasengan on the top of her magic staff but noticed something and asked

Aleth: why cant i shoot it?

Alex: well the normal version cant be shoot at the enemy there are three ways to repair this that i know of

Alex: first is to make a rasenshuriken witch is to infuse the alredy done rasengan with elemental power but it is really difficult to control it 'hell naruto had a f*cked up arm after he first use it' for example someone that i know 'from the anime ' infused the rasengan with wind element and the result was so powerful that it attacked the target cells but he damaged his arm too because he wasnt able to control it completely

aleth eye's widen she would never imagine that this magic was so powerful

Alex: so i advise you to infuse the element with the rasengan when you have the complete mastery over the element...the second method is to use teleport to suddenly appear beside your enemy and strike him with the rasengan 'thats what minato did' and the third is to applie lightning magic to it (wind in the novel)

Aleth: wait dont i create rasenshuriken when i will fuse it with elemental magic?

Alex: there is more way's to fuse it with the element's the guy that created this technique (boruto) fused lightning while creating the rasengan not after and the effect is that it can be trow and it disappears in mid air letting your enemy to put his guard down but the rasengan still exist and it will damage the target...as said this technique is perfect for experiments

Aleth:i understand

aleth deactivated her rasengan made a couple of target made of earth and started to made the rasengan while fusing it with lighting magic at the same time when she was done she looked at the rasengan it looked like the normal one only a little more pale than the original.

she trowed it at one of the target's and just like alex said the rasengan diapered mid way but it his the target making a hole in it

Alex: nice...hey i can try one version of the rasengan myself? i remembered one created by some powerful sage (Jiraiya)

Aleth: yea sure

Alex: alright let's see if this work's...

alex created a rasengan and when it was done he created a small {fire ball} in the other and fussed it with the rasengan creating [Fire Release: Great Flame Spiralling Sphere] and hit the earth dummy with it

the dummy was launched a couple of meters away and then the rasengan exploded and made a fire tornado (you can see it in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=id1Kw303HCI )

Aleth: *wide open eye's* amazing... 'to think that this boy can use the technique of a powerful sage and not collapse right after...'

Alex: hehe a success!


ok so my girlfriend didn't like the idea of the milf as the MC love interest and said that she will make me a lasagna if his love interest is going to be around his age so....sorry guys....but worry not will make sure that he will f*ck a milf before he encounter his love interest!!!!

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