

Alex and Mei Li were standing in the forest nearby the city. Alex explained how to use the kaio-ken and was about to

show his student how it is done. Alex took a stance and concentrate activating the technique and a red aura could be seen around him

Alex: this is the kaio-ken and as i explained earlier you can multiply your strength with it but if you do this more then

your body can handle then it can end badly so know your limitation

>that's why i dont boost more than my host can take<

<well the kaio-ken is exactly like Draig ability but without any limitations>

'but draig is more safe and looks cooler i doubt i will use this technique'

Mei Li: what would happened if i cross my limits?

Alex: well i knew a warrior who did that he was called goku and at first it seemed that nothing happened to him but

a couple of month's later he got a heart sickness out of nowhere and i figured out that it was because of overuse

Mei Li: so if you go overboard the backlash is that your body weakens making it easier to fell sick?

Alex: yup! smart girl *pats Mei Li*

this was not the first time Mei Li was treated this way by Alex the first time was when she finally mastered the rasengan when he did that she was a little weirden out but didnt complain as it felt nice

Mei Li: hehe

Alex: now try to do it yourself

Mei Li nodded her head and took a stance concentrating it took her half an hour but she was able to master it and she made a face of a happy puppy when she succeeded

Alex: mhm you mastered the kaio-ken

Mei Li: shifu can i ask a question?

Alex: ask away

Mei Li: did you use this technique when we fought in the forest? you said you could multiply your strength more so it was similar right?

Alex: well yes i multiplied my strength but i didnt use the kaio-ken i used another power

Mei Li: what was it?

Alex just summoned his boosted gear and his left arm was covered in a red gantlet with some green pearls

Alex: this is the boosted gear! it has the same effect as the kaio-ken letting me boost my strength but if i reach my limit then it wont let me use the boost more

Mei Li: isnt the kaio-ken better? you can be in a tight situation and need to go beyond your limits to survive some battles

Alex: sure but its not all it can do it can also transfer my boost to a single attack drastically raising its power and not

only that in this gantlet is the soul of a divine dragon who was so powerful that was even above gods them self's

'well the one from the DxD world at least'

Alex: sometimes we speak and he can completely dragonificate your body to make it stronger

Mei Li: what??!?! shifu what do you mean that a dragon soul is inside and being able to dragonificate the body?

Alex: well long story short some time ago there was a war between good, angels, fallen angels and devils but it was interrupted by two great divine dragons battling each other and they slay the dragons and made weapons out of their soul as for the dragonofication thing it basically means that my bones meat blood and other things change from human to dragon ones and somehow that does not change me into a dragon even if my body is made from dragon flesh

<well you are a human created from dragon flesh and bones if you want to be a dragon then you need to have scales, be giant, be a lizard and breathe fire>

'if you say so'

Mei Li: that's amazing shifu! to think you posses such a powerful weapon!

Alex: well i was just lucky...anyway since you mastered the two techniques i showed you how about i help you with your cultivation a little you said you were done with the heaven earth technique and started to cultivate some dragon technique right?

Alex had a talk with the system and discovered that in this world when you were done with one cultivation method you can start a new one to gets different perks but you always had to reach the peak of the cultivation technique that you started because if you dont do that and start a new one the previous one will be canceled forcing you to start again. the dragon path technique that Mei Li was now cultivating is a technique that creates and strengthen the Fire QI in your body

Mei Li: yes!

Alex: well if it will not gross you out you can drink a little of my blood to help you i have a blood of a dragoon after all and not a normal dragon but a DIVINE DRAGON!

Mei Li: NO!! i could not possibly use my shifu blood to cultivate it would be disrespectful!

Alex: dont worry about it i allow it so you will not disrespect me in any way

Mei Li: do you promise you will not get mad at me?

Alex: of course!

Mei Li then i w-would like some of your blood shifu...

Alex took out an bottle for elixir's and CHOPPED HIS HAND OFF. when Mei Li saw that she panicked and had almost a heart attack

but when she saw her shifu hand regrowing she was relived and shocked at the same time. she looked at her shifu hand regrowing which made the bleeding stop

Alex: sorry about that but if i would make a small cut the wound would immediately heal and it would take ages to fill the bottle

Mei Li: s-shifu how did you do that?!?

Alex: i'm immortal no mater what happens to me i will always live even if my body is completely disintegrated then

a new body would come out of nowhere

Mei Li: shifu is truly amazing...

Alex and Mei li got to the Inn they were staying last night and Mei Li spend the whole night cultivating not wanting to waste the blood of her shifu constantly cultivating until the blood effect would stop as for Alex he was in his room talking with his system and Draig about the "special" training he will give her tomorrow (no +18 joke Intended)

when Mei Li was done cultivating which took her 15 hour's she was break trough 6 levels and was now in the Adult stage (same as earlier i will explain those stages on the end of the chapter) and walked to Alex room to tell the good news but what she saw surprised her

in the middle of the room there was an weird circle that showed a image of a dark and gloomy forest she was looking at the "thing" when suddenly Alex came trough it

Alex: ah! Mei Li! good! this is called a portal and its a passage to another realm come with me we will have your training there

Mei Li hesitated for a while but trusted her shifu so she entered after him and was now standing in the forest and when she turned

around she saw a weird building from where some people with weird armor and weird metal pipes come out

Soldier: HALT! this is a private area how did you get here?

Alex: i teleported but i guess that is not a shock to you as you probably saw those amazing "specimens" in there right? a statue that moves when you not looking at her and a plague doctor speaking old English and french who can kill by touching you and who would forget about the shy guy who attack and kills everyone who saw his face!

Soldier: how did you get those information?!?

Alex: wiki...


Alex: look i want to make a deal with the o5 or someone else who is important in this whole SCP facility so can you take me there? i dont have any bad intentions and i can even let you use handcuffs on me

Soldier: *to the radio* we found a man and a woman he is demanding to speak with the authorities and is probably the one who caused the anomaly earlier he seems friendly

there was a silence for a second but the response came

Radio: bring him into the questioning room with the girl

Soldier: you will be escorted to a room where you will be questioned

Alex: good show the way *turns to Mei Li* dont attack without my permission

Mei Li nodded and the soldier who hear this relaxed a little as the suspect seems friendly but was still on their guards as he can be pretending

<message from the biblical god was send>

'open it'

<dont trust my copy of that world he turned to be...wrong>

'ok i will keep that in mind'

after they were escorted to the room Alex and Mei Li took a seat on a chair on the end of the room was a thick bullet proof glass you could see that there were people behind the glass but you could only see the shape soon a voice could be heard

Scientist: can you hear me?

Alex: loud and clear

Scientist: okay. first can you identifie yourself and the girl

Alex: well thats a complicated way to ask for a name but sure! i'm Alex and this is Mei Li my student

Scientist: age?

Alex: 17

Mei Li make a shocked face when she heard her shifu age but answered

Mei Li: 104

Scientist: can you repeat?

Alex: she is 104 i will explain later for now next question

Scientist: was it you who created the anomaly earlier? if yes what were you intentions?

Alex: simple i wanted to attract you attention and yes it was me

Scientist: why?

Alex: i want to make a deal and before you ask! i want to destroy every single SCP who is a threat to humans

Scientist: why would you do that and why do you think we will let you?

Alex: because if you will not let me do that i will do that without your permission and i know you prefer when you have control over the situation as to why i want to do that well...i just want this world to survive it may also be an interesting experience

there was a long silence so they were probably choosing their options so i just waited patiently and saw that Mei Li did the same

Scientist: are you human?

Alex: technically yes but my flesh skin and bones are not that of a human and again i will answer that later

Scientist: is she human?

Alex: yup completely normal human...but with inhuman strength

Scientist: you are permitted to stay in the facility but we will need to question you more

Alex: oh god this takes more than i imagined ok Mei Li sorry about that go home and dont worry i will call you when i'm done *teleports Mei Li away*

Scientist: what did you do?!

Alex: teleport her dont worry she is from a different dimension so your secret is safe! now...next question


to create fire QI you need to complete this stage

Hatching Stage- you created fire QI!

from now on the stages help the fire QI grow in power you need there are these stages

Child Stage- the fire QI has the power of a little dragon

Teenage Stage- the fire QI has the power of a teenage dragon

Adult Stage- the fire QI has the power of a adult dragon

Alpha Stage- the fire QI has the power of the a Alpha dragon

Legendary stage- the fire QI is comparable to that of a legendary class dragon

Mythical Stage- the fire QI is comparable to the powers of a dragon who are mentioned in old myths

God Stage- the fire QI is that of a Dragon God

the first stage has 10 levels but the rest has 20

Next chapter