

After some time alex teleported aleth and himself to the real world and got to his room where he saw Damian sleeping on the floor

'he left the bed for me huh'

'system how much SP do i have?'

<9.420.000 SP>

'mkay how does the bloodline's work?'

<host can posses only one bloodline that is not a human bloodline at the same time so for and example host cant have the "demon bloodline" and "vampir bloodline" you must dequip one to equip the other>

< you also will need to level up you bloodline>

'what do you mean?'

<when you equip the "vamipir bloodline" than you will need to turn off you human bloodline and start to level up and also evolve your vampir bloodline (ghoul>zombie>dhampyr>low vampire {black eyes}>noble vampire{silver eyes}>royal vampire{golden eye's}>ancient vampire{blood red eye's} when you will change into the bloodline you will need to level up from the level1 to the Max level of the bloodline that you chose>

'can i use the abilities of the non-human bloodlines in my human form?'

<host can fuse his body with the current form of the bloodline that he has at that moment creating a mixture of both>

'really? than if i wanted to fuse with my normal human form and one of the 4 vampire form's isn't this going to change me into a dhampyr again?'

<yes some bloodline are not really compatible with each other>

' well ok show me the bloodlines from the shop that i can buy with my SP>

<yes host>

alex saw many MANY LIKE REALY REALY MANY OPTIONS. and after an hour of searching he found 3 bloodlines that he liked

{supreme angel bloodline}-this race mastery over the holly element is almost as powerful as the one that god's posses - bloodline skills: [holly element]-the user can ad a holly element to every magic and make it 50% more powerful and 200% more powerful when used against demons/devil creatures, [flight]-the can create wings made of his magic power that will let him fly. (1.000.000 SP)

{light devil bloodline}-the exact opposite of the fallen angels they are demons who abandoned the devil and started doing good helping humans and gain the god blessing- bloodline skills: [holy/demonic element's]-as demons they posses the demonic element's from birth that only their race posses but when they started to serving god they also gained the holly element but it's power is only at the level of the normal angel and will never improve to the level of and archangel or supreme angel the demonic and holly element can be ad to the magic attack's. (1.000.000 SP)

{Leshy bloodline}-Although not the meanest monster, you would still be well advised not to cross paths with a Leshy. It's a giant woodland spirit who can shapeshift into anything. Oftentimes, Leshy leave people alone, although they are known to lead travelers astray and sometimes abduct children. Some people believe they are evil, while others just think they are moody. I wouldn't take the chance to find out- bloodline skills: [nature control]-the skill allows to take control over everything that is connected to nature, [king of nature]-the animal even the demonic and monster one will treat you like royalty [shape shift]- allows to shape shift into everything that is close to nature animals,threes or even rock's. (5.000.000 SP)

'hmmm... i really dont know what to chose'

<i suggest leshy host as he is one of the most powerful existence that you can choose right now>

'alright buy the leshy bloodline' (A/N: i will explain what a leshy is at the end of the chapter)

<{leshy bloodline} has been bought and equipped>

<to evolve into a "leshy" you need to reach the lv100 leshy have 3 evolution>

{wood golem (small 150cm)}>{wood golem (big 250cm)}>{leshy}

<the bloodline skill's are acquired when you unlock the last evolution>

alex looked at damian and to check if he's still asleep and give system the command

'teleport me to a world where the max level is 50 but put me in a area where the max is 10'

alex teleported and saw a ruined city a BIG ruined city it looked like new york...no wait! it was new york! but the buildings are destroyed and burned. but it all started making sense when alex turned around...

'oh now i understand this is an zombie apocalypse world'

alex saw dozens of zombies in front of him that were walking up to him...slowly

'i guess this is not a "fast zombie" kind of world like 28 days or a "zombies with turbo mode on crack" kind of zombies like in the movie waz Z'

'system turn off my human bloodline and activate the "leshy" bloodline'

<{leshy bloodline} activated>

<host has changed into a {wood golem (small 150 cm)}

when alex changed into a golem the zombies stopped and started to walk away

'wait what?'

<since host dont posses a body made out of flesh that they can eat they are not interested in you anymore>

'a f*cking zombie rejected me ouch...'

'so wait does that mean that i can kill them and they will not mind it?'



'that's...*creepy smile* GOOD'

alex started to punch, smash and rip apart millions of zombies he teleported to an area where the level is 50 he didn't care the zombies will not attack him anyway he slaughtered every zombie that he saw until he reached level 50 himself.

<host has meet the requirements to evolve does host want to evolve?>

'hell yes'

alex started growing and he could feel that he was getting stronger

'wow i'm like super tall it's nice up here!'


ok so leshy

The Leshy (also Leshi; Russian: леший, IPA: [ˈlʲeʂɨj]; literally, "[he] from the forest", Polish: boruta, leszy) is a tutelary deity of the forests in Slavic mythology. The plural form in Russian is лешие, leshiye (retaining the stress on the first syllable). As the spirit rules over the forest and hunting, he may be related to the Slavic god Porewit.

There is also a deity, named Svyatibor (Svyatobor, Svyatibog), who is mentioned in the beliefs of the Eastern and Western Slavs as the god of forests and the lord of the leshies. His functions were identical to Veles.[3]

The Leshy is masculine and humanoid in shape, is able to assume any likeness can change in size and height. He is sometimes portrayed with horns and surrounded by packs of wolves and bears. In some accounts, Leshy is described as having a wife (Leshachikha, Leszachka, Lesovikha) and children (leshonki, leszonky). He is known by some to have a propensity to lead travelers astray and abduct children, (which he shares with Chort, the "Black One") which would lead some to believe he is an evil entity. He is however also known to have a more neutral disposition towards humans, dependent on the attitudes and behaviours of an individual person, or local population, towards the forest. Some would therefore describe him as more of a temperamental being like a fairy.

the wood gollems look's like groot but without a face and a round head

the leshy evolution look's like the one from the witcher 3

the lasagna was good :3

blabladorcreators' thoughts
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